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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JANUARY 8, 2024 21 <br />Councilmember Monson requested the applicant speak to what the hours of operation would be <br />and if all four lanes would be open at all times. <br />Sally Grant, Crew Carwash representative, explained she was a third generation employee of <br />Crew Carwash. She reported she was excited to be a part of the Arden Hills community. She <br />indicated the hours of operation would be 7AM to 9PM during the spring and summer and 7AM <br />to 8PM in the fall and winter. She stated all of the lanes would remain open during business <br />hours. <br />Councilmember Holden requested staff speak to the differences between a CUP and PUD. She <br />reported there appears to be a significant amount of flexibility being requested within this <br />Planning Case. She indicated she did not see anything within this project that was so appealing <br />that she should vote for every single flexibility that was being requested. She understood the <br />applicant may be willing to be flexible on the plans, but she also understood the applicant was <br />aware of the City's standards when they submitted their plans. <br />Community Development Director Jagoe explained the CUP was required for the land use, car <br />wash component. She indicated the PUD was an overlay district that is required in this zoning <br />district for redevelopment and where the applicant could seek flexibility from the City's <br />standards. Through the PUD process, there might be some offsetting enhancements to the project <br />that without those variations, this project might not be as good as it is. She reported the applicant <br />was seeking a PUD with flexibilities in order to achieve an overall better design. She reported <br />staff had reviewed the City's ordinance criteria, district standards, building materials and CUP <br />requirements for the code with the applicant prior to their submittal. <br />Councilmember Holden asked if the proposed building materials were an enhancement for the <br />City. <br />Community Development Director Jagoe indicated she believed this was a decision for the City <br />Council. She stated the Council would have to determine if the applicant had made enhancements <br />through the PUD in other areas. She reported as far as the building materials, there were no other <br />materials that were introduced that are an enhancement. <br />Councilmember Holden commented on the transparency and look of the project from Lexington <br />Avenue. She asked if the only change that was made to the plans was the addition of a tower. <br />Community Development Director Jagoe reported this was the case. She indicated the applicant <br />did add some additional glazing. <br />Councilmember Monson requested comment from the applicant regarding the contamination on <br />this property. <br />Jake Steen, Larkin Hoffman, explained he had a Phase 1 on this site. He noted he was fully <br />committed to cleaning up this site. <br />Travis Smith, Crew Carwash representative, discussed how the Wayzata Crew Carwash property <br />was contaminated and properly cleaned. He noted he worked with the State on this project. He <br />indicated he would be working with a local engineer who was familiar with the site. He <br />