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<br /> "- '- <br /> .. <br /> .' i-..J <br /> . ... ' \- <br /> . <br /> CQum'll FII(' NGD OI,.llnnl\(.... No. 17~~.3 - Ily Vld'"rJ. T.,(",~!'o-- . <br /> All Ordhulnec U:I:nrdlnll vftcnnl buildings amending Chnplcr 43 of the Saint <br /> Pnu! LegisllllUve Code, <br /> The Council of the City of Saint Paull!oc.!l Ordain: <br /> SECTION 1 Sllbd. 4. The oWII('r ~holl noury the bulldln.lJ oUldnl of RIl)' Chll"lC!I In <br /> Chnptet tJ of the SaInt Paul Lt't:I~lrlHve Code Is amended by deletIng It In lis Illronnlltloll supplied M pnrt of the Vll.Cflnt building tt'llstratlon withIn 3D ay! of <br /> entirety and by substltuUng lhe followIng: . . the chnnr,e or upon p~yrn('nl 01 thl'! tied rt'J;lstratlon fee, whlchcvu Is sooner. If <br /> Chaptet' 43. Vncnnt Buildings the plan (It tlmctnble for the Vflcnnt building chnnges In IIn)' wny. the revision! <br /> must he llpprovcd by the building olllclnl. <br /> 43.01. DdlnlUolls, Suhd. 5. Within 30 dtlys of 9ny Irander or nn owneNhlp It\t('tc~t hi a v~cant <br /> Bornded, ^ building secured by menns olher (han those used III the design of the building, Ihf' IIl'W own",r must ref!:lster or re.reglster the vacnnt bulldln!!: with the <br /> buihlill~, bui1dln~ offici.,!. The new owner mud ('omply with the npPloved plan and <br /> Uulidinr. oWelnl, The hc"d of the bulldlnR ImlJ!"(:t1ol1 rind d('_~ir.11 dlvlsiOI1 or tlu! timetnble suhmltted by the previous owner untll any proposed c~ange!l are <br /> (\e!lndm('lIt of cotnnmnily ~['rvk('s of Ih(' city of Srllnt rnu1. subrnlll('() :\ml npprol/cd, - <br /> DnllJ~t:toUS slruclllr('. ^ 5trlldlJTC which h l'ot(,l1tlnlly h:\1111,I"\10; to pf'r50ns or 43.0:L Vn('l1nt bulldlnR {e('s, <br /> property Indlldllll1: but lIot IlIllH('t1 tu: Subd, 1. Th(' o\\"n('r of n vnennt bulhllng :;hnll PAY A fr(' lor lhe twtlod the buildlnll: <br /> (a) 0 slrudllre which Is In dnnlter nf pnrllal orconlplrtl' colbp_~('; or r""H11n~ n VOW.Hlt building. 'I'he first ll'l' (lrlYlllcnt shllll be mnde no Intl!r Ihon 30 <br /> (b):l stnll~tur(! with :my ('](terlor potts which nre loos~or lit drllll!:~r or Inlllng; d(lY~ nUN thp II1l1ldlllg becomes 11 vncont building, Dnd thcfl':1ltcr shall he pllld <br /> ." onrl:' I'V"'Y 1hn'l' lwmtht;. <br /> ['" rt 5tl-Ul'tlltl' with :my pnlt~ 5\ll'h 11'1 n"I"'1, llOldl(''1, Inllllll~", '11:d,'1, l;1tn,,~, .<luhd. ?. -I II" \';I!':mt blllllllnr, f..(' h t:lrm,lIn pl't thre... mouth 1l"Ii(1{llo be plltd In <br /> h;,)nlllk~, Ilr nmr'l which Ult' n"rt,,,o;lhl.. oml whkll tlt.. rlO,,'!' ('''Il''''~f'II, III n.I"'''IIt.,. If H,.' r.,p I~ nnl pnhl Itl rt 1I"1<'ly IIlnllrU'r, the OWIlf'r ~holl pay nn <br /> dallJ:t"r of ('011r1J1511lr.. or \lIHlblt" to ~uflport the 01 UII., or nmre l1('rSI,"5, 1IfIdltl"tI:tl ".111.00 ,,:t,'h lI10uth rur tll... period or time the rf'e h ddlrHIUl'nt. <br /> Own('r Tllo~" ~howlI to be thl' nWll{>r nr owtlf'r~ fill the I'{'('IH/I>; nf Ihe Rnm1>l!Y Suhd.:1. All dpllnqllcnl v:\c:Jnt bulldlnr, f('f's 5holl be pold prior to nny tmnderol <br /> ('mll1ty d"l'l'Illm"nl (If JlI'op..tty tn~r,ti'_'I1, or tho~(' Idt'IlIHkrJ :''1 tht' oWII('r or l1n oWI1H~hi" Ifllt'lcst In a vncnnt b\llldhl~_ If the fees ore nnl prlld prior to the <br /> oWIl('r~ nil 11 vneolll hulldln~ r'-'r,i~lnlHf)n form or onwl' ll'li"hk ~o\trCl! of lron~f('l", tlw 11('1\-' Ol'll1er l1S well AS th", pl'l:!vlous oWn('r sh~lI be ,espallSlble lor <br /> IlIforrtlnllon, ^I1Y such PNS(J11 ~hr\lI II:Jllc n joint (Iud $('I/('lnl ohllgatlon 10, IlnY1I1('1l1 nf Lh[' dl'linqllPnl fc-('s wlthln:1(1 tln)'s of the h:1l1~fl:!r. <br /> . eOIllJlllrlllCe wHh lhe Jll'OvislollS of thl~ dHlpter, ~lllt,l. 4. 'It", bull.llnr; orriclrllmny w:tI\'lllhevf\ellllt b\llldln~ frr. H tin' owner hns <br /> Tr(\I1_~r('r of:111 ownf'r~hlp Interest. TI;1l1~rl:'t of nn ownershIp 1l1l('lf'~t In:'l v:'l('nl1t flbtl1hll:,d hllil,!in!J fll:'ttlllts Ilnd hn!! m.,dc subslllnUtll pro~rt!s!l relurnlng the <br /> bul1dil1~ O{'{'lIUI whcll n ((('('d or oLhf'r Instrumcnl or CflIlV('}".'lIH'(' of (l, leg:tl or bulltllnr. to npplnprlntfl occuPl1ncy or \l~{', <br /> t'qul\nblt> title In,.1I or pnrt of the bulll1il1r,ls lendered by :t r,ltlnh'j or vt:'ndor ilnd Suh". rl. No \'~,r\llt 11tI1ltllllr, Ire ,,1t:1I1 hI' Itllpo~f!d or colle{'l{'d for A "nellnt <br /> Attcpted by '" r;rnllle.. or v{'ndc(' for eOllslderrltlon ('vld(,llcin~ n snle or exch:Jllge blllhllll~ IlWtlN! by allY ~ov"lml1('1ltnl unit. <br /> of IlIt('rl'sllllsald prollt'l-ty_ . 4:'1.01. lWl'rr.tinl1~. TIlt' blllldlll~ orrtdrll shnll caUse IIl~p('c11011'1 t.., be m:lde of <br /> UI1Qcr;upl('d. A hulhllllr; whlrh Is n.)l brlnJ1ll~r.-d for its Inkmkd lKTlIIHmcy or n rlllY prop",l)' I1t ~lr\ldurt:' In th(' dt)' for 11,.. ,)u'1)O~(" of ('n'urdllA" find flssllrlll/J <br /> bulldinlJ whkh IIrl~ lW('!l mdf'rl'd vlle:lt..d h)' tht' city. cOlllpllnrwe with tht' t'rrlvi'lJol1!: III thl~ dmptf'r, Upon rl!Q\l1'5t IIn nwner ~h:llt <br /> Umr.-l~ured_ ^ bulldiur, or "ortlon of 11 buildlnr. which Is l'I"'11 to entry by pr(ldd" tll" hl1lldlllp' offld!11 with ;H"c('~'ll(l rll1lntl'rlor Ilortlol1~ "r on \lnOtt\lpl'ed <br /> unnlllhor!zcd person~ wi-thout the u~!' of lools or tndders, bult.II'lr, III nld"r In lH'rmlt tht:' bulldjllr, officlnl to make n cOl11plde inspection. <br /> vn.uI Idlllfl A building or portion of 0 building which n.lIrl. NlllHk:1UOII <br /> lInoccuplfld ;md Is Sull'l, I. OWl' I'\'rry thrl'(, n1<lllth~ Ihl' bulhllng oUldr.1 ~hnl1 sp.Ild to the f:,lty <br /> IJ ull";l'l'ur..d. or C'J1l1\ril n Ihl 'Jr 1111 v;:!('llnt bulhling'l whlrh h(lve b('(;n81" kl10wn to the bulldlllg <br /> 12) bOflldcd, or oUidnl dlllinr. 111[' "rN'(,lllng thrcc 1I1')I1lh~, l'l~ well n~ 8 Iisl of nil previously <br /> (:1) n d:lnp,:erotlS structur(': or ' Il..d"-l,,'1 \,:\(':lI1[ bulldlllp'S whkh nre no 10111!:cr sllbJ('('t to the Ilrovlslons o( this <br /> (b) has stood ul1oeeupl(!d tor long{'r thall one yerlt :Illd dl!11'1 l'f. <br /> (I) hos multiple eXI('r1or housillr. or building eode vlol:lUoos; or Suh.1 2. Thl' Ii~t sll:-.II b(' In the (orll1 "':1 r('solutlon flnd dlrll1 include: <br /> (2) hilS been ordered vacated by the- city. . (:I) Lllf' kr~:tl t1('scrlpHon of ench property; <br /> .43,02. Vacant building reglstrnUon. (hi n <J..'.t:OI....UolI th;:!! Ih[' buihlillr. llX'rltr.-d th('r('on t!l :1 \'i'lC:1ut hulldlng <br /> SlIbd, l. No Inter Ihn" 30 dnys n{lrr ;lny building In thl! city hr:-comr:-s 0 vllcnnt !'lIhj"f"lln (h.. tnrn:'l nnd COl!dItIIJll~ fll Ihl~ chrlllt..r, or Ih"llhc bulldln!!: Is no <br /> blllldll}~. the owner shnl! register thf' building with the bulldjn~ oUldrll nnd shall Innr,rr.... \'f1r-llnt b"l1dln~ ns dl"fltl('d In this dlnpler; <br /> pny the Ice M set forth In Sl:'eUon 43_03. . (e) all 01 oJ.'r tn the city c1l"rk to fI1(' ~ tOpy or the re-soluUon with thl! Homsey <br /> Subd. :2. The reglstntlol1l<hnll bl! submitted on (orms ptovh'ed b)' the building COlllll}' Hr-cOl'lll'r. <br /> .oI~lellll nnd sholl Include the following lnfotmatlon supplied by the owner: 4::1,00. I'<,nall il'~. Any fJ('r~(Jn vlolollnr! ntlY provl~ion of Ihls dlnl'l~'r or I)rovldlng <br /> (0) A dl:"scrlptlon or thr:-,preml~es;' .; . f:llsl' lnhll m.,li'll1 10 (hc bul"Hll~ offil'1rllsholl be punl1>hcd as provIded by section <br /> (b) the mimes lmd addresses or lhe OWller or owneT!l" I.Or, of th<:- S:11nt Prlull~~lslt\tlve Cod 1:", <br /> (e) lhe nomes flnd lIddressc5 at all known lIenholde;": and all other parties 4:1.117. ^1L"rn;l1iv<:' I'H>c('<!ur('5." No1hil1~ In this chnptl'r s.hnll pn>hlblt use of <br /> with on own(!rs~lp Interest In Ihe building; , pnl<:'"dlllt,~ nIlLh'ni7('d undl'r {:hnpt..r i5 of the Stlint Pl'Iul L"r.i~ltlt1ve Code or <br /> (dl lhe pl1'rlod 01 lime thl" building Is (,xfleded to rl"maln vllcant: nnd 8 plDn Mlll11r:~nln ';,I:lLlIl..~ ~{'ctiOllS 46:1,15 Ihrollr.h 463.26. ' <br /> nnd Umctflbll! for rf'furnlflg (he buildIng (0 approprhlte occupancy or use !;!-:("l'IflN? <br /> end/or lor dt:'mollUon or the blllldjl1~. ... <br /> ~llh", 3. AllY Jllon n.ud tlmf'tnbl~ !luhnllHl'l1 by thl' ow~er nnd "I'prnvl'd by the Tlli~, I JI di":lIH"" b d"I'IIl".1 a 1'",1 of I h.. s:llllt l'l"lll ,t'j:i~1:t1 i\',' (-"lII., :11101 ~hall <br /> bullcllnr, offklrll 5111111 r(''111Ir(' till' I)WII('r Ime! nny ~llb~"'111,,"1 OWIlN'I to t:onllltlll bc Im'ut p<tl "ll'cI tl1l'lt'ln :It till' thlll' of Ih.. "..xt r('vi~iolll1f s:ll,I l,"r:hllltlve emlt'_ <br /> to nil npl,llcnbl!;' lows nnl! r..r.ulntloll'l ond shllll tr:-qulr.. corllpl"UOll within n <br /> r{'a~.mnlJlt' pcrlod of time, 111t' oWt]~r Olnd :IIlY sub.~~qnel1t oWIlt'r~ .~hnH k('f'p the !'ir:CTION3 <br /> buildll1g st'Cured tlnd s:lfe nud (he bulldlnr, tlnd !!:roundg properly malnhlned "111;" Ill,li",,,,,... !>h:tll l"'f.f' 1'1[,'("\ alld be 111 rtll('(':10 drl}'s flfl~'r Ih IIns~:tl'!('. <br /> until lhl' rt'h<l.blllt:\Uon or dl'n1ollton hrls bt:'cn completed. . :1PIII."\-,,l "11'1 pHIlIil-:.II"ll. <br /> i\,I"ph-rI h)' thf' t:,,"nd! ~I;,~' 21, pm1. <br /> Y{.:\'I ('''llI1rilm('mhcr~ Dlt'\\", n"tLlI1AIl, Scheibel. SOIlI1<'1I, Ted('Sl:"O, WII1'lol1 <br /> - fl tl;>\,~.. n <br /> AI'I>ln\"('dMn}'21i.ltlR7. <br /> GEUll(,F. "^TIMf:.Il, r.1rlyor <br /> (tll,,~' :lO, l!laH <br /> _. ._n_n <br /> . <br />