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<br /> , ~';j!':l <br /> ~".:,,~rf . . <br /> 1" " '.... <br /> OFI'IClAL PROCEEDINOS OF mE COUNCIL SuW. 10. "1hl10Wl ~bIIl_. )loxliNt nbttt.1leM Ihe.U .-n 'lIba(.~, <br /> _Ilit Of :fluid. whid! .... offMlt...lhtl"bMnu,! to Mallb, hurtful, <br /> , . ....l'OIII. N03tlOUll ~ IkaU lIx!lloMk but Nt be limit'"' <br /> 10 an, _d .nlmat. Dr JHtrllou Uterwlf. putrid eareu., d_,ed <br /> .aDINANnl aIllm.! maUer, Jrftn hides. or In7 putrid, IpOUed. roul, or <br /> IItlnkirlC ~t, pork, fl,h, ollal, bid.., .klns. 'It, Jre.... .I1quOrt, <br /> . CoIml:II rill No. "'ISI2 - OrdlnAnet Mo.'nfl'r _ B, Janke Rribllln and human or ,nlmal l:ttftJl1fllt. or man\ll't!. <br /> William L.. Willoo- 8ub4. U. OwDer. Owner thall Dloeaft UlOIt!'~ to bt cnmft' or OWlMn on <br /> All OrtUnIInN amealnl a..prlts 4~ .,.d IllS aDd de1etlD, 42, III .t~ ~~, . tb.,...,n!JoftbellamM7count,dtpU1ml:atolproperVwaUOft. -,' <br /> 'If, and m 01 the s.b11 Plyl" Code,.~ tD JlUl.slMe\l, . . :.'8ubd.'... "nonal HrvJee. PenONlI ..~ _II mean IUV!c-e 11,1- <br /> 1bt CowdI of the C1tT of Saint hul Don 0n1t.b\: :,~. ptnoMlll1' bandlD...~, to the illte1lUd rtelr.lent orb, l"vln,.. <br /> eop, at thctnMnded nclplent',rnhl,neeorp elIIo'butlD.. "iUl- <br /> SECTION J .. ptnon of,, ... and dltereUon. <br /> 'l'b8t ChaplH U of lbe 8alllt hul t..,ulltlYtl Code! b ~led In Itt U111re\7. &ubi!. U. PrlVJ. PrlVJ thall be anJ lne of Don-nub. fixture for Ute noelpt <br /> . UlCIltol"aP of hwnu ...ute lDelvd1na lUted \mitt ...ltb ..aultt .. <br /> BttTJON , well u portable un1l1. <br /> 1'tI.t ctiapttlt 111 of the P.ul LeJblatlve Code Is ~pealed In III 8ubd.14. PropertJ, ~,..h.UmeMllnT,.reelollandwbeU1ervacant <br /> mUm,-. or not, ..bether .n,. .t~tuno thereon II occupied Or not, Or <br /> ....hether lubmn,l!'d or not, <br /> SECTION 3 Subd. 1!5. Rufuse. ~fun .ball nteln pulmclble and non.putmclble Ind <br /> Thlt SectlOl1llIU.OI t.hrou,h 21".03 ot thto.Slml Paull:..erJllaUve Code I~ c:ombu.llble .nd non-combut-Uble Witte, Inchldla,. paper, <br /> NJlllale4in thelrentu-.l,. _ pupane, mllterfal retU1tlnl Irom tbe bandlln" pror:essinl, <br /> .tonge, p~pantlon, uTVlnlal10d e')nsumptlon (If food, ve,ebble <br /> ].',.: SECTlON " or Inlmal matter. offal, rubbish, plant wutes sueh u tttlt <br /> Thll s.cUon 314.04 Ilr Iht Sllnt Paul L.,lalallv. Code hi amended by trimmings Ilr ,rau cuttings. ashes, Inclneralor residue, .trellt <br /> ....ebant:ln'It..I<<t10nllllDlbert02J!5.fJ5I!5. deanlngs. CDnstJucth:m debris, detached nblcle parts. and .olld <br /> indu.trlll and market "..tes, <br /> SEenON' 8ubd. HI. Rnpon.lble part7, A responlible part,. .11.111 be an,- on. or more <br /> That ~tlons 214.OS thl'Oll,b 2U.01 of tbe Saint Plul Lelltlatlve Cotk a.-e 01 tbe tollowlnl: <br /> :n:p'al.d in their enll.-ety, . _ (., .,ent, <br /> (bJ .ssl,n~ortolletlororrel'lb, <br /> SECTION (I (0' holder of I contnlet for deed. <br /> That Seello", 21UO lhrouah 215.15 or the Saint Pllul Lelillatlve Code an (d) . mortla,ee or vendee In pOllenloa., <br /> "pealed III tbelr enUm,.. . (el reeelverlQ'oeeutor ortf'Ultee, <br /> (. Inlet!', <br /> SECTION l' <Il thOH Hsled as ownert on I .,.eant bulldlnl ~list...t1I:m form <br /> naat Seelion 215.111 ot the Sllnl P.ul LellslaUve Code Is amended by lubrnlU", to the buHdlnl code otflt'fl' under cluipter t3 of the <br /> chln.lnl Us 1ec:t1011l1umber to 21!5.091. Saint Paul LellllaUve Code, or <br /> (b) other penon. firm. orc:orponthm Uercllmlapparent _trot. <br /> SECTION' OVer * property, ' <br /> Thlt Seclions 1I!5.11 tbrou,h 215.211 of the Saint P.ul Le,lslatlve Cod~ an SlIM. 1'1: Un~led. An UIIOl'CUpled buUdla, tl I bulldinl whleb b IIol <br /> repealed ill thelrentlret1. . . beln, used tor ltllntended oc:eupll1l:J Ilr I build In, wbleb bas been <br /> or-dIned "CIted by the etty. <br /> SEC110N , Subd. 18. Weed$., Wteds 'hall mun weigl and troublesome plants <br /> That Stocllon 21!5.19 cf the Saini "'ul 1:..e,IslaUve Code 15 amended by eotnmotlly knoWtl as weeds including noxious weeds su~h II <br /> eoeklebuTT, burdock, tumble mustard, wUd mustllrd. wild oats, <br /> chan,ln. IUI<<UQII nl,lfDber to 215.092. CaQadilln thistle. oxeye daisy, quuk ,ratS, French Weed, and <br /> SECTION 10 RLUlianthlltle. . <br /> That Sections 215.30 thrvu,h 215.32 or Ule Saint Paul Lechla.Uve Code are "5.02.Nul~. <br /> ~pnled in Ihelr e"llret,.. A nuisance .haU met.n 'ny substance. matter, emission, or thin, which <br /> e~ates I dancerous or unheaUhy tonditlon or whleh thrutens the public <br /> SECDON II, health, lallely, or unitary cDnditlon of thle ~lty or which Is oUenslve or <br /> That Section Il!5.:s:I of the Saint PIIII Le.I,lln" Code Is amended by bala blichtlnalnDutrlu Iln the commWllly and whlcb Is fDund upon or In an:y <br /> . ~ I~ teetloAllumberto2J5.09J., alle,. hi,hw.,.. raUl'O;Id ri&ht of .a" vtbtele, railroad ear, water, <br /> mtaV.t10111, bulldiD&. _lion. lilt, lroUlldl. or otherpropert)' lotated ..ltbln <br /> SECIlON 12 . the City at SatJlt Paul. "u1Janca _n lnelud~ wt DOt be limited to those let <br /> .. '!bat Sedlon 115.34 or 'be S.lnt "'ul LqldlUve Code Is .mended b7 forthinth1lMeUIID. <br /> 8ubd.1. Ruluse, nOJl;lous subllances, haUlrdous .....utts. Refuse. noxious <br /> d\ serllOD number to 215.0lH. . . lubltartt'l!l, or tuuardolU ...t" layln,. poolled, attUlnulated, <br /> SEC110N 13 . piled, ~t, deposited, burled, or dhchl~ upon, In. or flowh11 <br /> nIl Chapter n Of the Saint Paul Le,lslaUve Code Is Imended hy deletln,lt . lrom .ny property, struetUrt, or vdlkle; .Keept ror; <br /> (I) refuse dl!poslted It plllces dleslgnatl!'d and provided for thaI <br /> lD Its Intirety Il~ U._lI D LI ~ l"lIu_ ..... purpose by the Saint Paul LeCislaUve Code, <br /> , CHAPI'ER 45. NUISANCE ABATEMENT S . (b) refuse .tored in .eeordaoee with provisions or tbe SainI Plul <br /> 45.01. DeflnUlOI\I. I:..ealslatlve Code or onhlde parts II0red In an enclosl!'d <br /> Subd,1. Ahandontd bulldinr. Abanlloned bulldlnC shall meln any structure. <br /> buUdln,or portion of bulldin, whkhhasltood with an Inrompll!te C~ t(lmpost pllts utabllshed and malntalnl!d ....lth writtlen <br /> exlutor .heH ror lonluthan thrft :Yfan or In, build In. or portion- permission from the division of public health., <br /> thertilf which hasltoed WlOOl:\lpied for lon.Ier tRan one :year and Cd) dull anlmab buried ....Ith written permission from tbe <br /> which meets 0I11e or mo~ of rollowln, criteria: division or public heBlth. or . <br /> (e) 'rftn hides llI'eelved, .tored, dres.ed, packed, or .old ..Uh <br /> 'oj utIIte'IIm, or written ptnnlaslon from tbe divblon of public bealth. <br /> (bl bou1hcI. or <br /> ~I llavtnc JIhIItlple aluior HOUIlna Cod. or Bulldlnr Code Subd.2. FI~...~. PUet ot flrrwood in neea or J() eubk: feet .iored <br /> --- doser Ulan. 10 leel to bulldlnp used tor- human blbltatlOl:l, plies of <br /> u.......O<>cIb~lban ,ilr:kotltromptUltII..~..atJ_fTW/II~, <br /> ,.~ , (d) ~ as "Unlit lor Hmnan HabltaUon" punuant 't) fir plln of rJtl!1t'~ IIMfd Iftt IMn II 'tf(h~ olllhf! ,tl7lAtId <br /> 14 of the Paut Lqillatlv. Code. Subd.!. We-eds. Gnu or weeds whktl hl"e ,rOWD upon an, property to I <br /> , 8u.bct.J. Abe.'-l ....dU..... AbatameD.t &tadUne ,"'11 MINln the date bel&bt 01 elaht or more lneb6 01' whim have ,one to IHd. <br /> Mlonwlaldatbenw.-muatbe.baled uapedfled In.. written Subll.4I. SUlP1ant wlter. SlaJIIllDt WltU llandin, on an)' p:r;:rty. An)' <br /> order. properly, container, or material kept In aueh a mn Itloa lhAt <br /> .... . ~stnIIeturt~-Struct1Jre.aball_n.-n,. water ("an lIttWIIul.le .nd llamate, <br /> IS-t1In1II?IIItiim"1r~WtJr~~~~~ ...... . Votndr ~ .!:m:uIltlllmwbi::bb.tir.,un_~~ <br /> IIxludin, but DOt limited to: em'o-ttement affir:et" _ ftll'ldUdve tn thI! n.rtio",p or bl"ll!l!ltltll of <br /> 'oj . structur. which la 1ft danpr 01 partial or eomplete mllapla: vermin 1ncludln, materilll stored leu than 12 lnI:hH oU the , <br /> "' ,round. <br /> (b) a Ilrudu", .hleb hu any Utftiou:..rta '-uch .. ch\'., Subd,(I, Vennln. InlestatloM. Infestations of vermin luch a' ratl, mIce. <br /> - .Ivn, pordaes, 111I1n.. nlJlnp:. or ...hkb aN loose Of lD skunks. In.akH, batl, Inlekles. alarUn,., plleons, ben, wups, <br /> tSanrer ot tallln,: or eoekrlUochH, or mes; eKcept for be8 0' pl'f'Ons kept with wrlUtn <br /> (e) a structure whichbasa.o7 JMlrts sueh upon:het,ltalrt, nmp., permission from the di\'lslon 01 publle health. <br /> nib, blk:onles, or roofs whlth aft aeeeulble and wbleb a~ Subd.7. Sanitary llruetures. Structures for sanitation IlKh IS prlvl"'5, <br /> eltbe,eollapJed, in dll1,et 01 eoUapsln" or \UUlble to .upport vlulh, lewers. private dnllins. .eptlc tanka, cesspools. drain t1dds <br /> apertc:on. which bl'lle raUI!'d or do not function properly or whkh are <br /> 8uM.4I. Znfortftl'lmt oUlcer. Enlo~t oWen....n rn",n the director ovuflowlnl, leakinl, or emana.tlng odon. SepUc lank$. Cl:!$.pools, <br /> of the department of eommWllI, servltu. tbe dll'el:'lor 01 the ordstun$ ..hlcb a~ abando..ed or no lon,er In use unless thlt)' art <br /> department 01 Ore IIDd ..tet, ~kes. the director of the emptied and ruled ..Uh cll9.n nil. Any vault. cesspool. or septle <br /> deparl.merlt of pollee. or their- dul7 authorUed representllUve. tank ",blch does not meet Ihe tollowln, tt1lerla: \ <br /> &ubd.1. Extermination. ErlennlnaUon Ihall mean the endlc:atiOll or (a) the bottorn and tides Ire: cemented to make Impervlou. to <br /> I'Olknta and other onnnin by any OJ' IU .pproved methoda lueb IS water, <br /> polsotsln,. fwnl..Uon, or trappln.. (bl the bottom is at leallt six teel below It"Dde. <br /> Bubd.'. Hlurdout Wible. HauordOVl w.lte lull mean liD7 .....te (c) ft~r vl!'D.tIlBtlnl pip" and CClven are provided, ~. <br /> mlterlallO defined b, MIIUI. St.t. IlI.OlI, SuM. 13 or described or (d) t I.!'d at least 20 feet from any house. residence, <br /> U'11!'d IS hauordoUl w..te In Minn. RulH Chapter 11)45, known IS buildinl. or public: Iu-t, <br /> Minnesota Pollution COl'ltrol and Hau.roou. WI.te OlvlslOl'l C.) ilia c1eaned.t least ontt' I ,.ear. and <br /> HaQlrdous Waste Rules. en tbe property lerved Is located.suc:b that connection 10 the <br /> Sub!!. f, Interested part)'. Interested pliny .hllI' mean any OWller of public sewer Is Imprattlc.l. <br /> record, OCle\Ipyinl tenant. or lien holder of record. Bubd.'. Manure nulla. ManUM vlullll which bave become oUenslve. <br /> . SuM.'. Lut known address, Lut known .ddresllull mesa Ihe Iddress Manure v.uUs for atabl... wheft more than two horns are ktp( <br /> &bown .. the recorda of the ItarIloIt')' count)' department of wbltb are not ~lellled twice- in elc" week. , <br /> propertJ' \aXatlon or I mOn! retent addrel' known to tbe . Bubod.'. UftletUred vnCMX1lpled buUdln',I. VIIllU'Upled buUdiql OJ' .~ <br /> ~ "'lear, In tbI _ Df Cn1el not Ulted In thl!le . ... - . I . Gll00c:up1d portlOtll of bulldlDp ...bleb a'" UDMeUrwd, <br /> ~ tbe.... knowft add.- _u thsil aIIdms obtlmed by ~'''~itD1f .......... -- ......., "' ... ~ <br /> GIrl IIffbf an. a ~bM-.n:b. 'e;;;:.... a 01 tM IklIIt Plul Lqtslatlve <br /> SuM. .. llan. By l1li0 shall...... bJ'.......lhIt tba 1'- ....lth the United ,. .1I~1~<<i"'':lI''"'''.iJ-d . <br /> "'t.. PoItallkrvke dd....-d &e tM ndplMlt at'hb or her laJt lubd. n, . mc.... oned '-!14bIp whether or Ilot <br /> koown ~ ',dlb Ilnt e.... poatap pz.paid thereon. ....~..""'''*Dt.,. 0IapilIr a .. ... "blt hul LqlslaUve .~ <br /> Cude. :,- . .'" ; t' <br /> " <br /> 5 <br /> ~' <br />