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<br /> &ubd, II. Huudi A"y thin, or tcondltlOl'l Of\ th~ prop~rt:r ",hlth In tho!' <br /> . oplnlo" of th~ .nro~mftlt o!flcf'r m.y ronttlbulr to InJur,. ot any Subd,~, Ahlltltr 'tth.. ,.m~dilll8l't1on 11"01 1.lun m>ran III>l,ul fll"cJ <br /> . Pf'r~rm p~~~nl 0" th~ P,oP""1)", " 15 whlth Ihlllllnd\ldrb\Jt <br /> .- :~~,~~~mtl~ ~ ~:b..h:~~~J 'oundAIi"n~. op~n "",..Il.. Wlthl~lo!'.pecl".d.~dl'1NI7.lnot.tll"nub'ru-.. <br /> -'r1Inllion. r;>r tr.ppln, 45.11. Sublla"Ual II . I pnx:ed\lr., <br /> Mvkn. '- When Ow enlo~t ottleotor .....nnl,.. u..t.. INI.._ nlllt on.. J;lTOput,. <br /> Subd. U. 'I~hu.,dl_ AnYlhln'llrt'1:lndltlononth"'prnp""ywhlchlnth~ .nd the~ost 01 abatement of tM nul.aoe-t Is ftUmaletl to.~ t..o Ihou..nd <br /> opinion of t~ tnr(Jn:emtnl ofticertrt.tela II"" hu.rd Dr ....hlth II dollar-. or tbe _batement In'llolv... dtrrlblilon 01 . bulldl", r;>Ihtr than a <br /> . vlol.tlon of tht FI~ Codt. .tructu.... It<<n.aQ' to -I rnldtnUal bulJdln. or th.. IIb.i'mtnt lubllantlall, <br /> Subd..... Hultn nUllnls. Any thlnl orcondlllon on tht' plOP'"rt,. wl'dch In dlmtnllhu Int' va\ut 01 Iht' proptrty and .xn-plln th.. tan of an emPlIt'N''' U <br /> thfc opinion ot the tTIfon:emtn! ofll~r cT'lalt's II hullh hn,ud Dr pro'llldtd tor In Section n.l2. III.. tlly .hllll ablllf lhe nul"~f b,. th.. <br /> . which b _ vlollllion ot .ny h..ltb IOr..nUIIUon law. p~ure dncrlb(,d b~llOw. A ,ood hJlh uUmatt of lh~ aba'tment costs. nlOt <br /> Bubel. 111. St.tutf.OO COIlUllOJl Law Nul.._. Any thin, or <<mdltton Of! tb, llttual COllt calculatt'd aUt'r the abatemen' I. ecmplet..d. .hllll bl' thl' ba.l. <br /> GroPfcrty which 1. kn(JWII to, tllt tommon Ilw ot th.. lalld, tlM- wMeb d.tfcrmlnn wh.ther thi. abat..mtnt proetdurt .MIl be'und. <br /> tatutes ar IClnn...ob.. or the hint P.ul Lt,lllaUn COO.. as a Ilabd.l. Orden. Th.. ..nlon:ennnt afflcer .IuIU .erv.. . wrlllltn order upon <br /> DulllllC'll!. Ult' owner, IUlnternt..d pllrtkl, .lId any rnpon.lbll Jl4lrty known <br /> fS,0:3.VioIIUant. to tbe alflctl'. <br /> 8ubd.l. Na "nou lball, dlndlJ' or lndlm::lI,. or b,. omlnlon, c,.h' a , 11Ie ard.., shall conl.ln lhe follawln,: <br /> Dull.~. fa) a d_rlptlon Gf the real ..tat.. whlcb I. 'ar <br /> Bubel.l. No OWMr lOr fftpomlbl.. ptrt, Ihlll .Uow a nul"ntt to ftrftIIltI ItkntltklUon and whleh lhalllncludt Ib.. l..,al dt!KrIpUon; <br /> '(bt ttM1ofttkmott"bu"'nwtlltbtL~': <br /> upon lOr In Ul.J' P"'Pft1J' or atNetu~ UDder hll or ber coutrol. F (do. "'r:r:ion 01 the nullanee MIl La UJIOIJ which It b <br /> aubel.l. No DWMrot UI.,. truck. tnll..r. raUroad car ar nit, IOrotber "thlel.. , kll to be a nul.aflet: <br /> ahallluve lh.. vtbldl! alandlnl 0[1 or alon, In)' .t~t. hllhwa" ,d) the ~medlal anion l"flIulred to abllt UM' nul..l!.ff; and <br /> ',",way. Dr J'I\]tqad tra<:k. Dr (Jther p!'Operty ....lthln the Cll,. of ,.) the ablt..lDt'fI\ d..adlin., to be .t..nnl"..d by tbI! ..nfo~mml <br /> SlIlnt Paul CU'Tyln, or eontalnlDl allY refu.t, noxious IU'bstllrn:e. attlc:tr aUawlna a ....._ble 11m.. lar lbI ,"""pleUon 01 Iny <br /> lOr haurdous wut~ tJteept u alhtrwlll! pamJtttd b)' lbe SaInt <br /> Paull...ot,I.laUveC ~. ad Nq\llttd; <br /> ,. - .talemenl that II lht remedial K"llon II not tabn btfo~ th.. <br /> 45.001. DllCloturl! 01 leSpan.lblt put,.. .batltment deadllnt. tb.. matter will ~ ~'t'l1N to tht City <br /> Upan tht J'lequtst ot thl! enforc-ern'!!nt ofllcer or Ih~ tlty clerk, I rt$ponslble Cou""U ..-ho, Ilter a public hearln,. may (Jrder tilt' ~Ity to <br /> party or owner Ihan di5Clos~ thl! name at Iny other responslbl~-par1y or abat.. the nulsanc.. and cha"'l! .lIc-oslllf)('\llTed lI,ahl.lllht <br /> ownu knO)Wn to him. Thll .baUlnclud.. but not b~ Ilmlted to th@PI!nol\!for ~al estate as a .peclal asse-nm..nt to be eall..ded In th.. slime <br /> wbOm h.. b !&elln" trom whom he II leullll the property. 10 ....hom h.. It mannn as tht!. <br /> leallnl th.. property, with whom he .hllres joint own..rtMp, or with wbott:!- h@ Bubd.2. NOtlc..tOpubllc. <br /> hu an,. eDn'lltYllncln, eonttlct. Whl!n IIn ordt'r requl,,", txcluslvtl,. or as.n IOptlon, th.. d@molltion <br /> 4.5.05. Inspection of unoecupled buildings. r;>l a building, the public shall be put on MIllet III fOlllows' <br /> An owner or responsible par1y shall, I.lpon thl' requesl or thl' l'nrol('emenl (I) A l'o1>Y of the order Ihlll1 b~ pl.ted on fiI~ In Ih.. Office ot th.. <br /> orncer. provid~ th.. ollie., with aClt:l!!I to aU Intuior portions of IIn CltyClerk. <br /> unoccupied bulldln, 1n orHr to permit lb. officu to make' a C<lmpl!'t!' (2) Th.. ..nforcem..nt oHlctr shllll noUfy tl>f City Council of each <br /> lnIpeetion, proputy lubject to a d..molltlon ord~r a5 tollow.. Elich month <br /> 4S.lJtI,.Ordvtol'''Ut. th.. tnforument oHietr .halllt'nd to th~ City Council II IIs1 of <br /> In the ItVtIIt that an ~(Offtml'nt offlcl!r r;>burvn a pt'TSon creallnl!: a theprOPt'rtlt'Slhlllhllvt'become,ubjeclloademOlltlononln. <br /> The 11.1 shall be In th~ lonn of a T'lsolutlon dl:<"lartn, Ihat IIn <br /> nul"n~. tlw officer ",--y, .ltAtr p~nthl' p~r k1entUlcaUon, order that ..nfClrctment acUon has be..n l'ommenn-d Ind Ihal.1S . T'lsult <br /> the pe~ n-IIH eftaUnl a nul...n~. or tht nuiun~ .hlus of I bulldlnlJ on the proPfr!y an ordtr <br /> 4S.01.l:ntore.met>t oUlcer .uthorlr.ed toentn. hIlS been luu~d delallln, tht '11lollltlon, and T'lqulrin" <br /> Thl entan:eml!nt olUc-er sh.U bo! authorized toe"t~r IIny property oratl\lCluft or as In option. that the building be d..mollshed <br /> In Ita elt,. tor th~ putpO!l" of lufore1n, aIld aUl.lrln,l tompllanCt! wUh the Ind Ihat II copy of Ihls ordtr Is on 1l1~ In Ih~ Olllce of tht City <br /> provtIIOl1lr;>flhl'Cbllpter. ' CI~rk. This rt:solui!on ,hlllllnclude Iht legll.l dt'Scrlptlon 01 <br /> 45.08. Autborn,..toabat... ..achpropertyand.hanauthorlreand dir"l'l theclt)'c:Itrk to <br /> me a tOlpy 01 th.. tnolutlon wllh Ihe RamS('y County <br /> Subd.l. The city II lulhorlzed to ebat~ nubanctli In llceordanc-e with Ihe Rf'Corder, <br /> proc..dures set torth In Sections .~.lO, 45.11, and 45.12. All Subd.3. Settlns helrlng dat~.l1the nm~dlllladiOln Is not laken wllhln th.. <br /> abllttmtnl eost.lncurred shall bt charII'd .galru:1 th.. property as II t1m~ specifird in the written ordfr, Ih... enlol('rmtnt offic..r mAy <br /> 'peeiel IIssessmt:rll to be coll..<:t..d In the manner provided for In tht notify the Clly Council thai lubsl..nlial abal"m~nl Is necessary <br /> Clly Charter. Chllptl'r 14, Itll:~pt wht'n . ~Utst b lIIed for a and IIpproprtllh. Upon btln, Millied by the departmenl. thl' Cily <br /> ~yl...... 01 IIn ernugency abatement the asSt'nment hurln, snail ~ Council shllll. within two wel'ks, fix a dntl' lor an abatl'ml'nt <br /> ....placed by tht hurinl prCl'lllded tor in 8E'<:llon 45.12. hearing. <br /> Subd.2. Abatement may Include but shall not bt Hmlt~d 10 T'lmo'lllll, Subd.4. Noll<:fc. WrlUtn notice ollht tim... daLe, plll<"t' and subjtd of thl' <br /> dunin,. Ixll!nnlnaUon. l"Uttlnl, mowln,. -Iradln,. sewtr repaln, hearing.hall be given IIStt 10l1h In this lu\ldl'lllsion. <br /> dralclnl, .eeurlnlJ. boardlnl UPlllC('1,lpl..d strncluTt!:S, barrlcadJn. or ,., Th!' city elerk shall Imrn~lately nour,. lht entore-tm..nt <br /> I..aclnl, temovln, dan,uous portions ot .truetures. and <br /> . demOlition ot danenous ,lNctures or abandoned buildings. olllcu. <br /> C.. At 1t'ast lhlrly dll)'1 prior to tht' hurln,. lh.. fnfor<<Inl"nt <br /> . 8ubd.l, Abatem..nt cotls IhaUlnclude thtcOlt of the Ibat..tMnt; tMl'OtI or officer Ihall nollfy by mall I cllllen partklpaUon district <br /> :(,1. lnvKtlllltlon, such as Utlf searc:hita. Inlpectlon, and t"tlne; the council lor th.. district whne th~ nuisance II located <br /> l'0!I1 of notlflutlDn: mJnl COlt,: and .dmlnlltratlv.. cost.. ~qU"lInl that U notlly the lurroundlnl!: property own~n Ind <br /> 45.09. Suvk... tll'l'upanh. <br /> Wh"n Itrvll'l' 101 an or-du or t1otlc-e h requlnd. anyone or mor.. ot tht ,., ^tltllSltendaY$prlorlothfch~arlDI,lhl'..nfolTl't'llentolfker <br /> 101l01l'1D1m..LbodJ of I~rvlct 'baU bt! ad..qUlote: "'all noUfy Iht own~r Ind all Interested parties by personal <br /> Sub4.I. by ptl"llonal .trvICl!: or "rvi~ 01 the notlct upon lh.. owner or hll duly _..Ihorlztd <br /> Bubd; I. . by ma.1I, unleq It b a written order which ,1'IIn three da,.. or I"s It!prt.tnt.t1n a/lod 1Jpon Hl'h lnterntl'd part,. or his duly <br /> authorl~ed represtntatlvle. When the recipient I. out 01 town <br /> .~., tor tb. eompltUon of IIny IIct it ftqultt:t; or or aU", renonable I'llor! penonll' St'rvice c:annr;>l be mad.., <br /> Subd.3. If the Intendt'd recipient or I'IIs addrnl <:lInnot be detennlnN artl!r oI!lthtr of the followlnl melhods .hall bt' conslder..d IIdequate. <br /> ..Uor1, by pattlnl a copy ot thle ordl!r In a con.splcuous U) by conflnned man s~rvlc:l! which is ..lther certified mall <br /> plllce on Ih.. pr(Jp.er1y. wllh sllned receipt T'lturned Ot nrst dus ma.1I tonlinned <br /> tf a maned ordt'r or nollce Is "turned by tl1~ United Statu Po!lal Service. A ",oJ". by wrlllrn responn or by phon... convenlltlon. <br /> ,ood faith ..Uert shill be mlldl! to d..te-rmlnfc th.. co~t addras. unltsl II (2) bl mallin, thl noUtl! to th.. lut known add,"1 and <br /> .-t' orden abltenient and thai abatl'llll!lll baa betn complet..d. " publlshlnr tht noUn onct I wftk lor 1....0 w....ks In I <br /> 4U&. Abal~matt p~\lre. ft,wsp-Iper or pn~rll circulation In th~ City 01 Saint Paul <br /> , Unl"s tilt' DubaDl'e II a. deserlbtd In SecllOM 45.11 or 45.12. tb.. dt, ml,. and postinl tht nolk.. In II conspicuous plaet on tht <br /> abat.. the nulunct by the proc.d.ure described bt!low. bulJdlngorprop.erty. <br /> Subd.l. Ordt'r. 'Jbe enlon:etM'nt IOftll:1!r .ban ..rve . writlltn ordu upon ,d, At least ten dllys prior 10 tht heulns, tht I!nfort..m..n! Oflll"tr <br /> , \hi ""'.... n. wrllttln order Ihall allO be "rv" upcm any $1'1111 notify by mall .ny I?!iponstbl.. psriy known to Ih~ ton. <br /> A I'Hpmuilble put,. known to the oftletot and may be HrvK UpoD. tore..rnfcnloffJeer. <br /> ii.' an,. party kn01Po'n to bay. tauaed the n\llnne... . $ubd.S. H"lIrln,. At the Ume of the public Marlnl:. the City COul'itllshall <br /> Th.. written order .hall contalll tIl, 'oIlO1Po'ln,: I Mar from the enforcemt'nl olfktr and any other pll.rtit'S who wi~h <br /> (a) a dt'tCrlpUDn ot tho!! real "ta.te I\IftlCl.nt lor Idtrltltbtlon; to bt' heard. After th~ hearing, tM Clly Council .hall lidOI'I a <br /> fbl a dttcriptlon Ind th. locallon of the nulunt.. and th.. rt$olutlon. dt'scrlblnc what IIbetement actlon. if IIny. 1\ deems ap. <br /> fftrItdialactlcm nqulred to lba~ tbe . proprlatl!. If th... l't'Solutlon eall$for ab.t..ment .dion It may fclthf!r <br /> ", the abatem..nt \lelldlln... to bto dl't..rmlned by the entomment order th~ elty to tht abalf'ment adlon or 11:1: . t1mt within ' <br /> ~ ';.."/, offlC'tr allowlnJ. ftUODIbllt t1mI!.or the ptrf01'ml1lCl! ot.DIY whleh lbe nul&ll'lC't mu.1 bto .bated and provld~ thllt H corTttllve ' <br /> ,...._. ',I'ttrequittd;' .. _' -Idlr;>n b not tak..n w\thln Ih.. specified Ume. th~ clly .hllll "bail' <br /> '1;-: -:'" (d, a alaWmen' thIIt the IOrder ma,. be arn:1td and a bearinl the nulsanl''', Tht' dty ~Ierk ,halllJlv.. a copy lOr this R'Solutlon to <br /> ';"*.~r,:oI:1.'" betore tM.CJty CoutIen IOblalced bJ' I Inla ,wrIlten 1't'q1HS1 the departml!nt who shall mllll copies to the samt' plrtles required <br /> . ", tMclt,.~lerk bl!foretbeapptal d..adUnof' whlchahall bI! to be notlUt'd In Subd. 4. <br /> tho .b'''~1 ...d"!II :n1~~~~' ~ Mlii'.: 4S.12. Emel'll!ncy Ibatll!1nent proc:tdur~. <br /> ., ,. .taolend.r dlyl artt:r tPSI~ s 1o..t ' Wht'n the t'nfon:emE'nl Oflll"tr drt..rmlnl!' that I nulu.nef' t'xbh on II property <br /> . J flnl; and h 1 and tb.. nulsanet f!onsUlult'S an Immedlalt' dan,er or harard which If not 1m. <br /> fltl - .tat..motnt tbat Utt'l, ~mtd~"A'*'t~n la a~faken nor a medlatl!ly abated will endans:er lht htalth r;>r ..(@Iy of the pubJlc and thtT'l <br /> ~Utllt for a public ""fl,rinjf III t ~1\e lfI' Il'rk wllhln dotS not "JdltllUflldl'nt tlmf to ,In wrltt..n noUCt' ta the owner of the d. <br /> lht lime IpeeUit'd. Uudt)' will ltiall!'the'IlUIs.8_rIii and char'ie feet" property. the city "nIly abat.. thl' nulsllnteo by the ptol'tdu~ dncribed <br /> ;. . ,Ul'Vlits lno:urred theT'lm "lIlnst thl! ~1I1 tstat~ as a .peelal belo..-. <br /> uat:unnnt to bo! tollf!cled. In thl' Iam.e. manner III property 8uhd.l. Ordu by mayor. Tht' e1t,. ,hln order tml'rponey abalem..nt by .n <br /> tUn. _dmlnistrallv~ order to bit sl,ned by the m.yor. A Coo6 lalth t'llort <br /> Subd.!. Sl!Ulng htarln, dste. In th.. t'llenl that an appeal I. fIIN with th.. ,hall be made to Intorm the owner that th.. ~Uon Is beln, IlIken. <br /> ~Ity dtrk, the City CouncH :thaI] ....lthln two wteks fix a date- tor a Bubd.l. Notl("tj of thl' abat..mll!nl. Follo"ln, an lmar'leI'IC1ablllement ., <br /> publk hearing... ~ SOOfta.. thtcostll~urrtd .rekno..-n totht' ollleer, hot <br /> Subd.'!. NoUl"t. Th.. dtl dl'rk sha.lllf'nd notll't of th.. dele, t1m~. plaC'l!, and .halllttve wrllt..n notlc:t upon the owner. Th.. MUCt .haUconlaln: <br /> .ubJecl of the ho!!lIrln, by mllll to thE' OWMr and known responslbl.. fa) a dfl('rlpllon of th.. nulsanCt, <br /> plttl..,. Th.. city elerk sball also notify by mall a - tUb", lb) theacllon tak..nby'thl!c1ty. <br /> Plrtl~a.tiondlstrlctcounelllorth"dl'trlclwhnethenulsal'itela lc) tht nasons tor Immediate action, <br /> locat rl!'quuUn, that It notlty thfc .urroundin, proJH!'rt, OWllen Id, tbI! cOllis l~urred In abaHn, th.. nulUn<:I!, and <br /> . and DCCUpantl. 'I'bt!! ~It, clerk .hall ..110 noUty Ih.. d..parttTJoent Ie) a .tatem..nt ,that th.owner may req~I, by wrllln, to lbtell, <br /> Subd.f. Hearins. At lb. time 01 thl' publ~ htatfn,. the City CeuneU,hall .tlerk within tt'n wr;>rklni: dey. of the dllle 101 the nollc-e, I <br /> " he., trom tht enfo~m"nt ortlcer, Ind .ny ather partl" wbo....lsh t hearln, al ....hlth tho!! Clly Counell .han ,!vlll!w tht' arllan. <br /> ,..~~ to be heard, Alte-r tbe hfcarln., the CIty Council may cannnn lOr ..kiln by U. ""'rtmenl. <br /> ,~;, ~. ';, -..Ilty tbe .".., of Ute _trnwment ottku. It 1M order I. SUbd.J. -..tlat blllrln, dal... 1ft 1M ItWnt Utat 1M -.r ftlt!l-l tequnt lor <br /> ".,~., Malirmatl, the C117 CouncIl abal1, in tile ...olutlon. fix _ Ume . ,........ oj 1M -'Ion, wltb tIN: clt, 'Ierk. the en, Council .hall <br /> . ,. )~' .-Ithlnwblch thellulJanc:tllllWtbtlbllted andshaUprovldethat It wllll.In two __Ill tbl a fttl for. public bftttnc. <br /> .'t '}' eWnctl..... arlfr:ll1 II no\: taken wltblD the -I1IrI.. specified. the I0I'l1,. Subd.4. Not~. 1bedt,. clelk aU DOUty lhltdtpar1mellt arid the_ntr 0' <br /> :::~ :. -y Iblle the mdllDcl!. ". ell,. eluk "II mall a copy at tnll <br /> .~:. ,==:on.'!KIDIl)lUtl,.nqulndlllbeDOtllltdinSubd.30tW. tM "t.. lime. ptae.. arI' NbJeet of lbe hetorlnj. <br />