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<br /> Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting. October 26. 1987 ~ <br /> Page 4 <br /> ARMY TRAING.(Cont'd) After discussion. Council concurred to direct the Clerk <br /> Administrator to draft a letter with a definitive <br /> statement to the architects for this project relatlng the Council concurrence <br /> wlth the Attorney's opinlon. <br /> Councilmember Sather asked that the Clerk eliminate any reference to the City . <br /> provlding utilities for the arsenal property when drafting the letter to the <br /> architects. <br /> REPORT OF PARKS DIRECTOR <br /> FALL PROGRAM Council waa referred to Buckley's memorandum (10-9-87) <br /> LEADERS recommending lndlviduals to be hlred as Fall Program <br /> Leaders. <br /> Winiecki questioned the higher rate paid to the Karate instructori also asked <br /> .for_comparison to 1986 rate. <br /> Buckley advised that some instructors prefer to be paid by student, while other <br /> request an hourly ratei he pointed out that the class is one hour. twice a <br /> week. and lt ls difflcult to find qualified lnstructors for less money. <br /> Peck questioned what the fee was for the class. <br /> Buckley advlsed the current fee ls $16.00 per hour, per student, <br /> Peck moved. seconded by Sather, that Council approve . <br /> the Fall Program Leaders. as outlined in the Parks Director's memorandum of <br /> 10-9-87, Motion carried, (Peck. Sather and Hansen voting in favor; Winiecki <br /> opposed) (3-1 ) <br /> RECYCLING PROPOSAL Council waa referred to the report of Paul Malone. <br /> dated October, 1987, on a Solid Waate Management Plan. <br /> Malone reviewed the objectives, methodology, funding, economic incentives to <br /> reduce waste and encourage participation ln recycling. and removal of a <br /> significant portion of yard waste from che refuse stream. <br /> After revlewlng the report. Malone summarized the Council actions necessary to <br /> initlate the plan: <br /> 1. Authorize the staff to solicit bids for curbside recyclable plckup. <br /> 2. Auchorlze the staff to apply for recyclable pickup relmbursement grants, <br /> 3. Authorize the amendment of hauler 11censes to requlre the provision of <br /> 15% discounts to residents 11~iting waste to 60 gallons beginning 7-1-88. <br /> Acting Mayor Hansen supported the proposal, however. commented that the July <br /> 1988 effective date may not be enough cime; suggested che issuance of 11censes . <br /> in January of 1989 may glva Che haulera a llttle more lead time <br /> The Clerk Administrator advised that staff anticipated sending nocice of the <br /> provision when mailing che 1988 license renewal forms; ahe suggested Council <br /> may condition approval of the 1988 Rubbish Haulers License on their ability to <br /> comply with item #3 above. Morrison advised that the discount would be offered <br /> and initiated only by customer request. <br /> Peck moved, seconded by Winiecki. chat Councl1 <br /> authorize staff to aolicit bids for curbside recyclable pickup. authorlze staff <br /> to apply for recyclable pickup reimbursement grants. and. furthermore. <br /> authorize the amendment of the Rubbish Hauler License to require the provislon <br /> of 15% discounts to residents 11miting waste to 60 gallons, beglnning July 1. <br /> 1988. Motlon carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> Acting Mayor Hansen thanked Malone for his presentation and advised that she <br /> and Malone were willing Co participate ln writing the grant applications for <br /> fund reimbursemenc. <br /> REPORT OF TREASURER <br /> INVESTMENTS Clerk Administrator Morrison reported the following . <br /> Investment: <br /> 10/15/87 - $100.000.00. at Oak Park Heights, @ 9%, to mature 10/15/87. <br />