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<br /> Minutes of the Regular Councl1 Meeting, October 26, 1987 <br /> Page 5 <br /> TREAS RPT (Cont'd) Sather moved, seconded by Peck, that Council. ratlfy the <br /> Treasurer's report. Motlon carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> OTHER BUSINESS <br /> . MPC "SUPER FUNDS" Moved by Wlnieckl, seconded by Peck, that Council <br /> authorize the Clerk Administrator to wrlte a letter to <br /> the proper State officlals requestlng that the "super funds" monles in the <br /> amount of $24,046.99, owed to the City of Arden Hllls, be paid promptly, with <br /> interest, and that the matter be placed on their priorlty 11st. Motion carr led <br /> unanlmously. (4-0) <br /> PROGRAM LEADERS Councilmember Wlnieckl explained that her vote ln <br /> opposition of the .Fall Program Leaders related to the <br /> fact that she would prefer to have the Karate claes fee lncreased to cover the <br /> instructor feee, <br /> MEETING DATES Acting Mayor Hansen reported on the following meeting <br /> dates: <br /> The 10-29-87 meeting wlth Shoreview has been postponed. <br /> The Rendering Plant Subcommlttee meetlng wll1 be held 11-18-87, from 7:00-9:00 <br /> p.m.; she encouraged Councllmembers to attend. <br /> The Ramsey County Llbrary meeting will be held 10-29-87, at 7:30 p,m" at the <br /> . New Brlghton Clty Hall, <br /> The Ramsey County League of Local Government meetlng will be held on 11-18-87; <br /> Hansen will not be able to attend. <br /> MISCELLANEOUS Actlng Mayor Hansen reported that former Mayor Bob <br /> Nethercut has recelved the Donald C, Carroll Public <br /> Service Award for outstanding contributlons to the Twln Cities Metropolltan <br /> Area; Councl1 offered their congratulations to Nethercut, <br /> APPTMT TO RCW DIST. Acting Mayor Hansen recommended that Councl1 nominate <br /> Gerald A. Sande to serve as Rice Creek Waterahed <br /> District Manager; Council concurred wlth the recommendatlon. <br /> REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISTRATOR <br /> AUDIT REPORT The Clerk Administrator advised Councllmembers that <br /> upon appointment of a new Treasurer, Mlnnesota Statutes <br /> require an audlt be made. A copy of the audlt report was enclosed with the <br /> Agenda packet for Councl1 revlew. <br /> Councilmember Peck suggested the Flnance Committee recelve a copy of the audit <br /> . report. Peck also expressed concern relative to the abundance of CD's ln one <br /> lnstitutionj questloned City policy regardlng.inve~tments. <br /> Morrison advised that Council authorizes a certain number of depositoriea at <br /> the beginning of each calendar year; the Treasurer contacts each deposltory and <br /> makes investments at the best interest rates, after determlning the deairable <br /> maturity date. <br /> After discussion, Councl1 concurred that the Treasurer should consider taklng a <br /> sllghtly lessor interest rate upon investment ln order to spread the amount of <br /> monies to other institutlons. Councl1 favored 11mltlng lnvestments ln anyone <br /> instltution to one mlllion dollars or leas. <br /> Morrison advlsed that lnvestments are collaterallzed at 140% when dealing with <br /> an investment organizatlonthat has mortgages, and the CD's are collaterallzed <br /> at 110%, so all monles ln each organizatlon are properly covered. <br /> SPEED LIMIT; The Clerk Administrator advlsed Councl1 that the DNR <br /> LAKE JOHANNA had approved the proposed Ordinance for limlting the <br /> speed limlt on Lake Johanna to 40 mph. Morrison noted <br /> that the Ordlnance amendment would become effectlve upon publlcation. <br /> . <br />