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<br /> Minutes of the Regular Councl1 Meeting, October 26, 1987 <br /> Page 6 <br /> DATA TRANSFER; The Clerk Admlnistrator advised Council that Control <br /> COMPo WORTH Data Business Advisors had been dlsbanded and a company <br /> known as PDI was formed to carryon the services <br /> previously proposed to be instituted by Control Data. In order to continue <br /> partlclpatlon in the maintenance of the Jolnt Comparable Worth Study of the <br /> Metropolitan Area Management Assoclatlon each partlcipant has been requested to . <br /> pay a base fee plus $1.50 per employee. Morrison recommended that Arden Hl1ls <br /> remaln lnvolved ln the process, as the process is on-golng, and authorlze the <br /> expenditure of $272.50 for the subscriptlon service. <br /> Winiecki questioned the benefit of the servlce, <br /> Sather advised that in his opinion it is a worthwhile investment; the <br /> information available for labor negotlations, data relative to job <br /> descriptions, and wage information would be extremely useful. <br /> Peck moved, seconded by Sather, that Councl1 authorize <br /> the expenditure of $272.50 for the City of Arden Hills partlcipatlon ln the <br /> P.D.I. maintenance, of the Joint Comparable Worth Study of the Metropolitan rea <br /> Management Associatlon. Motlon carrled unanlmously. (4-0) <br /> CLAIMS & PAYROLL Peck moved, seconded by Sather that Council approve <br /> Claims and Payroll as submitted. Motion carried <br /> unanimously. (4-0) <br /> REPORT OF PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR <br /> SALITROS PROPERTY Publlc Works Supervlsor Raddatz advised that he and . <br /> SEH were planning to run a smoke test on the sewer line <br /> at the Salltros property on North Hamllne on 10-17-87; the test is to try to <br /> determlne the reason for the odor emission problem at the residence. Raddatz <br /> advised that the sewer line has been televised twlce and no problems were noted <br /> in the line. He wll1 report the results of the test at a futuremeetlng. <br /> TREE REMOVAL Council was advised that Don Zehm had been working wlth <br /> DONALD ZEHM staff to make suggestions relatlve to OSHA compllance; <br /> in 11eu of payment for hla services Zehm had requested <br /> the City remove a tree from the boulevard on his property. Raddatz asked for <br /> Councll dlrection relative to the requeat. <br /> After discusslon, Council concurred that many other cltizens have donated thelr <br /> tlme to the Village and they preferred not to set a precedent; co~ented that <br /> thls was not an easy decialon and extended thanks to Zehm for hia aervlce to <br /> the Village. <br /> ADJOURNMENT Moved by Peck, seconded by Wlnieckl, that the meeting <br /> be adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Motlon carrled unanlmously. <br /> (4-0) . <br /> r <br /> c\ I <br /> Patricla J., orrison <br /> Clerk Administrator <br /> NOTICE OF MEETINGS <br /> The next Regular Council Meeting wl11 be hald on Monday, November 9, 1987, at <br /> 7:30 p.m., at the Village Hall. <br /> . <br />