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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION — DECEMBER 18, 2023 9 <br />Councilmember Rousseau asked if they reappoint Mr. Scott to the Cable Commission this year, <br />could they have an application process the next year so it would be open to other people from the <br />public to have the opportunity to apply. <br />Mayor Grant explained that the position is somewhat technical. They had an individual that <br />served for about 15 years and who was highly technical in the field of communications. Mr. Scott <br />is in the IT field and is a technical person. They should ask him if he wants to continue and if he <br />does they should let him. <br />Councilmember Rousseau said she was OK with that this year, but her concern was to have <br />someone in place for 15 years without opening it up to the community. Maybe they could do a <br />two-year term and then he could resubmit. <br />Councilmember Holden said they just talked about the importance of having people continue on <br />the committees, and this is the same thing. One of the reasons the person was on the committee <br />for 15 years was because it's complicated with contracts, franchises, lawsuits, and service area. <br />Sometimes they need a continuum like she's hearing from the other Councilmembers saying they <br />want to stay on the same committees and not allowing her to serve on a committee of choice. She <br />wouldn't want to open the Cable Commission up unless they had to. <br />Councilmember Monson said she'd like Mr. Scott to present an update to them, or by email. <br />She'd like the same with Beyond the Yellow Ribbon. <br />Mayor Grant said they can certainly get updates. He explained some of the issues that had <br />happened with the Cable Commission over the last year. <br />Councilmember Fabel asked if the negotiation of the cable contract with the City would be part <br />of that liaison's responsibility. <br />Mayor Grant said it was. <br />Councilmember Rousseau stated she would like an email letting them know when the contract <br />was up and an update on what was happening this year. She wondered if they could have an <br />update on Beyond the Yellow Ribbon for the newsletter. <br />Councilmember Holden asked if a tax from the Karth Lake Improvement District would have to <br />come through Council. <br />Mayor Grant said yes, if they make a recommendation to levy a tax it goes to Council for <br />approval. <br />City Administrator Perrault stated that as of last year Council said if Karth Lake felt they <br />needed a liaison they could request one, but generally they feel comfortable not having a Council <br />liaison. Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen attends the meetings. <br />Councilmember Holden asked when they start working on things they want the City to pay for <br />versus the District, does the City Council get involved then? <br />