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<br />. . <br />. . <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Go:"ocl1 Hs",'j'lng \Hnutes - Oc'j'ober 31, 1966 - c:o",';'ln'c,c <br /> <br />Lambros. Or,,1 nage M",'j'ter <br />Trusi"co C!f-~r:.ecu ;-iBpo~-'i'erJ tha'j~ i-o .3,-,'\"' r'~r L;..'.1iTlr.:~0~:; h';'~; ':~':.~, '-~",-''':_ ->1 <br />\:J Ith "( I'; 0 CCd.l i)"; '/ il.oa rd and l)u d r'C~(1 U2 S -j-f.: d 'S':i (:I Cti.,'" U ~-l -i' V ;-(.1 ; j," u 'j- i ~i'J "h;1 -d; is <br />matter. Engineer Deane Anklan had no ,HiSI,-)er ai' i'h~'j' 'i"l"":,,, bu';' \,Ii 1/ re- <br />port to the Board hext Monday. Mayor Nethercut reqCGste1 Trustee (~BpBau <br />to attend this meeting. <br /> <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist read that portion of a Mrltten raport dafoG <br />October 31, 1966, from Engineer Don Lund, which stated verification that <br />a 72"cmp arch (85" span x 53" rise) should adequately carry the p~Bk <br />run-off from the drainage area. <br /> <br />e Ramsey County Board ~jf nutes <br />Clerk Lorralna Stromquist Intormsd the Council that a copy of the rough <br />draft of the Rams~y County Board Meeting had been sent to the Councl I <br />with a cover latter stating their Intention to send coplas of these <br />mInutes to munlclpa'ltl~s In the future. Council requested that copies <br />of these minutes be sent to each council membero <br /> <br />Polfcvon Insurance Claims <br />A mattar of facts concerning an accident Involving the vi I lage squ~d enr <br />was discussed. Clerk Lorraine Stromquist stated that she did not have <br />any Information here on the matter. Attorney Courtney rocommended thzt <br />Information on all claims should be In the Clerk's office ~nd suggested <br />getting the recommendation from the auditor. Matter referred to Clerk <br />Lorraine Stromquist to request this Information from al I committees und <br />al! concerned. <br /> <br />Fern\1ood Avenue <br />Clerk Lorraine StromquIst presented two title opinions, dated October 28, <br />1966, from Attorney Salland concerning Fernwood Avenue; onD title opinion <br />for the ~est 40 feet ot the road~ay - the second opinion for the east 33 ft. <br /> <br />Trustee BJorndahl moved, seconded by Trustee Crepeau, that the Attorney <br />be authorized to obtain the best deed possible on the 33 feet strip ~r.d <br />road easement on the 40 foot strIp; motion carried. <br /> <br />Zonlnq Ordinance <br />Attorney Courtney believes the proposed Zoning Ordinance Is now ready <br />for p~lnting with exceptions which have beeo corrected through conversa- <br />tions with Carl Dale and the Planning Commlsslo~; he requested the Clerk <br />to proof read the complete proposed ordinance" <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney Informed the Council that no fee has been establ1~had <br />for relocating structures In the Vlllageo He recommendad checking ~Ith <br />adjacent villages and the Building Inspector. Matter referred to th~ <br />Clerko <br /> <br />There was some discussion concerning the method of handling the mailed <br />notices. Attorney Courtney suggested that post card notices be sent to <br />all names eppearlng on the County Treasurers listing seems to be most <br />feasible; he will draft the notice for the post cards. The Attorney <br />also recommended that a certification of mailing be executed. <br /> <br />eTrustee Crepeau moved thet the hearing for the proposed Zoning Ordinance <br />be set fo~ December 13, 8:00 p.m. et the Lake Johanna Elementary School, <br />that notices be published as required by law and post cards be mailed <br />as feasibly determined by the Clerk; seconded by Trustee BJorndahl; <br />motion carried. <br /> <br />Clerk requested to have 100 copies of proposed Zoning Ordinance and map <br />printed. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br />(Written report submitted and given by Clerk) <br />Telemeterlng Service and Cummings Lane matters already covered. <br /> <br />Rod Fox Road . J ~ "I 19-' "'h <br />Engineer Lund outlined In his written report, daTed ~croue: J . ~ uO'.' e <br />stipulations requested by the Ramsey County Board be,ore a~qulsl,lcn of <br />Red Fox Road. <br /> <br />Clerk was requested to ~rlte to Engineer Lun~ regarding t~e 80 ,oo'm ' <br />right-of-way requesting a cost estimate of STorm sewer, O)C. and a!~o 10 <br />ask the County what they would consider our shareo <br /> <br />~ ~.,- <br />