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<br /> . . <br /> . <br /> Counc II MeetIng MInutes - October 31. 1966 - contln~Bd <br /> County Road E2 Assessment AbaTement <br /> C I sri, Lorraine Stromquist I n formed ';'116 Coyne II )'113-;- 0ne ,:~,{ ';-ho cons I d.era- <br /> tlons of the County acquiring Rad Fox Road Is the :~ ; f ~n J fi;- .:' : ~<l 0 f 8 q <br /> apportionment of assessment levied against It. <br /> Trustee Crepeau moved tnat procedure be InItiated to abate the assessment <br /> levIed against County Road E2 to Ramsey County by the Village of Arden <br /> Hili s; seconded by Trustee Olmen; motIon carried. Matter roferred 70 <br /> . CI erk Lorra I ne Stromqu I s'l". <br /> REPORT OF TRUSTEE HOFFMANN <br /> Proposed County Road E Service Road <br /> I rus-~ee Hof'1mann reported that he had discussed i-he proposed service <br /> road on the south side of County Road E with Mr. Lambert and Mr. Glonnon; <br /> Mr. Lambert Informed Trustee Hoffmann that he Is wll ling to cooperate <br /> ~llth an Improvement of the area. <br /> LIRhtlnq at County Road E and Freewav <br /> Trus";'ee Hoffmann Informed the Council that Mr. lamb0rt \'.Ias vary concerned <br /> about the traffic hazard on County Road E at the access ramps. Clerk <br /> Lorraine Stromquist stated thet unoflclally the County and State are al- <br /> ready working on lights at these points. <br /> REPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> ACQuisition of Police Do~ <br /> Trustee Crepeau reported that a replacement po! lee doa hC1~ been acql! 1 red <br /> by the Village; he has been well trained by professional trainers for <br /> 14 weeks before being trained with Officer Sexton. Trus1'ee Crepeau In- <br /> formed the Council that "Nick" Is strictly a one man dog and must live <br /> with a family and be part of the family when off duty or h0 \-1111 become <br /> very vicious. Later during the meeting, Officer Se~ton ~preared with <br /> Nick and demonstrated the dog's training to some hand and -foot commDnds 0 <br /> Letter from Attorney Courtney, dated October II, 1966, confirmed the <br /> Village's right to accept a gift of personal properi-y (In this case - Nick>. <br /> by a two thirds vote of the governing body. and "j"h 15 had bsen done. <br /> REPORT OF TRUSTEE BJORNDAHL <br /> Mounds Vle\'J School District Representative <br /> Trustee BJorndahl recommended and moved the appointment of Roy Ander3on. <br /> 1910 Stowe Avenue. to continue representing the Village on the Mounds View <br /> School District Recreational Advisory Committee; seconded by Trustee <br /> Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> Pedestrian Trail <br /> Trustee SJorndahl Informed the Council that complaints are being made <br /> regarding Hondas on the N.S.P. portion of the pedestrian trail and also <br /> calls from N.S.P. asking from whom we received permission for "~he use of <br /> 4Itthls property. Attorney Courtney recommended that we get written pe.mlsslon. <br /> He also Informed the Council that N.S.P. has the right to post the property <br /> and If they request the Village to patrol same, then we would have Jurls- <br /> d I c1'1 on. Trustee BJorndahl offered to sork on this matter with N.S.P <br /> and Bethel College and then suggested proceeding getting written permission <br /> from the other property owners. <br /> Counc II referred to Clerk Lorraine Stromquist the matter of obtaining <br /> written permission from other property owners Involved. Trustee BJorn- <br /> dahl stated that this had not been done due to a mlsunds.standlng. <br /> Library MattGr <br /> In response to Trustee BJorndahl's Inquiry, r4ayor Nei"hercu-j- Informed the <br /> Counc il that the location of the Ramsey County L1brery Is 5-;-111 being <br /> worked on and faels that the Library Board Is agreeable to the site ofysred. <br /> Trustee Olmen stated that the Library Board would like complete plans by <br /> next August. <br /> -3- <br /> ~ <br />