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Page 5 of 6 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Findings of Fact <br /> <br />The Planning Commission must make a finding as to whether or not the proposed application <br />would adversely affect the surrounding neighborhood or the community as a whole based on the <br />aforementioned factors. Staff offers the following findings of fact for consideration: <br />1. Subject Property A located at 1230 Red Fox Road is zoned I-Flex District and is <br />designated for Utility use in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. <br />2. Subject Property B located at 1221 Cummings Park Drive is zoned I-1 District and is <br />designated for Utility use in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. <br />3. The Applicant is proposing a security perimeter fence that extends beyond the front <br />building line of the principal structure in the required front yard on Subject Property A <br />and Subject Property B. <br />4. An 8 foot tall fence is allowed in Business and Industrial districts, but a Site Plan Review <br />is required for the location. <br />5. The proposed changes for the installation of security perimeter fencing would be in <br />compliance with all provisions of the Zoning Code. <br />6. The proposed plan does not conflict with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning <br />Code or the Comprehensive Plan for the City. <br /> <br />Options and Motion Language <br /> <br />Staff has provided the following options and motion language for this case. The Planning <br />Commission should consider providing additional findings of fact as part of the motion to <br />support their recommendation for approval or denial. <br /> <br />1. Recommend Approval: Motion to recommend approval of Planning Case 24-003 for a Site <br />Plan Review to allow security perimeter fencing in front of the principal structure at 1230 Red <br />Fox Road and 1221 Cummings Park Drive, based on the findings of fact and submitted plans <br />in the March 6, 2024, Report to the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />2. Recommend Approval with Amendments: Motion to recommend approval of Planning Case <br />24-003 for a Site Plan Review to allow security perimeter fencing in front of the principal <br />structure at 1230 Red Fox Road and 1221 Cummings Park Drive, based on the findings of fact <br />and submitted plans in the March 6, 2024, Report to the Planning Commission with <br />amendments: a specific reason should be included with all amendments. <br /> <br />3. Recommend Denial: Motion to recommend denial of Planning Case 24-003 for a Site Plan <br />Review to allow security perimeter fencing in front of the principal structure at 1230 Red Fox <br />Road and 1221 Cummings Park Drive, based on the following findings of fact: the Planning <br />Commission should identify findings to deny should specifically reference the reasons for <br />denial and why those reasons cannot be mitigated. <br /> <br />4. Table: Motion to table Planning Case 24-003 for a Site Plan Review to allow security perimeter <br />fencing in front of the principal structure at 1230 Red Fox Road and 1221 Cummings Park <br />Drive for the following reasons: the Planning Commission should identify a specific reason <br />and/or information request should be included with a motion to table. <br /> <br />