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<br /> " . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> Counc II MeetIng MInutes, October 10, 1966 - continued <br /> Clerk Stromquist was requested to contact Carl Dale to secure the <br /> planner's views on the nature and use of the proposed road, possIbility <br /> of qualifying as County Road etc, <br /> Tha Coune! I also requested that the Public Works Commltts3 study the <br /> proposal and make Its recommendation to the.Council. <br /> REPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> Replacement oj' PolIce DO!1 <br /> . John Rysgaard, PublIc Safety Committee member, stated that buslnessmen- <br /> In the area wIshed to donate a professionally traIned police dog to <br /> the VIllage as a replacement for Cooper. The ~og and an officer-handler <br /> arato be trained at a traInIng academy I nrc\o 1.1 ne, Kanses, Attorney <br /> Courtney 101111 veri ty legalIty of accepting thl. gift by October II, 1966, <br /> , <br /> Tentative plans are for OffIcer Sexton to leave October 14, for approxl.., <br /> .mately 10 days of traIning with the dog. Trustee Crepeau moved that the <br /> VIllage pay for trans.portatlon, subslstanceand salary of Officer <br /> Sexton, and that the VIllage gratefully accept the gltt 0.( the dog from <br /> the donors, pend I ng Ai-torney Courtney' 5 op InJon; seconded by Trustee <br /> Olmen; carried. <br /> . Acting Sergeant FIsh wIll arrange schedules of polIcemen to Insure <br /> VIllage polIce protectIon. <br /> Mayor Nethercut stated tha.t. John Rysgaard and other donors \!lere to be <br /> commended for. the I r efforts In acquIrIng a replacement '01" Cooper. <br /> Trustee Olmen Informed the Council that he had been contacted by several <br /> people offerIng theIr dogs to the Police Department. Tru5~-ee Crepeau <br /> stated that the Publl.c Safety CommIttee sIncerely apprecla-~ed the offers, <br /> but trainIng 0' the dogs was a hIghly specialized procedure for which <br /> the Village was not equIpped. <br /> Trustee Hoffmann suggested that sInce thra Federal Government was currently <br /> solIcItIng offers for dogs to be traIned for military service, perhaps <br /> these potentIal donors could be referred to the armed forces.. <br /> Street LIQhts end SIQns <br /> Trustee Crepeau reported that a survey of the VIllage Indicated the <br /> foHowlng locatIons requIred lIghtIng for publIc safety: <br /> I . County Road E and HIghway 51 at e)(ltto south bound TraHlc. <br /> :,.' i 2. HIgh lIghts requIred at Hlgh~ays 10 .and 96. (8 fatalities <br /> have occurred at thIs Intersection) <br /> 3. End of & HIghway 96. <br /> 4. Old Snalllng & Hamllne Avenue, left Turn lane coming from the <br /> south. <br /> 5. Street sign at Sl.ems Court and Johanna Blvd. <br /> Clerk StromquIst was requeSTed to write proper aui"horli'les for an early <br /> :completlon on th9 above matters. <br /> REPORT OF TRUSTEE OlMEN <br /> . MInutes of the PublIc Works CommIttee meetIng of October 5 were dIstrI- <br /> buted to the CouncIl. Trustee Olmen revIewed aci"lon oj' the CommIttee <br /> ,:es out II ned In the mInutes. <br /> Street Names <br /> On recommendation of the .Publlc Works CommIttee, the matter of namIng <br /> streets and coordInating seme wIth surroundIng VIllages was referred to <br /> the PlannIng CommIssIon. <br /> Water Study CommIttee <br /> The. Public Works CommIttee recommends that thG scope of a study on <br /> present Village water needs requIres a SpecIal CommIttee to survey <br /> thIs. matter. Mayor~ethercut requested CouncIl members TO submIt sugges- <br /> .1'10"5 for personne I 'to se.rV8 on th I s commltts.e. The Counc II members <br /> f.eJt.representatl ves. .of .bus I nessmen In the commercial and Industrial <br /> area, Bethel College, etc. should be Included sInce these groups have <br /> ....expressed a need for munIcIpal water. <br /> -3- <br /> A <br />