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<br />.. <br /> <br />"Inuts" of RBg~Oer CDyncli Me.tlng, Jun@ 27, 0966, CQnfinU8~ <br /> <br />Mr. Short Inquired as to fils 1sellng of th9 Council on 0ontlonlng ~ Joint <br />System .Itbout making any commltt..nts cDnslderlng ~n avarBl I picture, Bt <br />his moetlng l1li';' Shoro\fl",,-,,, 6'lem'o' tJG@!; <1<1 II", Is tloi"ld6'lg 'cJI'i>!l SIJDf"Ovl.\'J ';'01' <br />RD$~vl 0 hI. <br /> <br />Mavor Ne'~h('llrcut liInd Tl"us+ee ,Hof flllann agr<llGd that III I 1 ci1!lnn,~! s shot! lei be <br />explored. The m..i"/'of" 1,1il1S referr0d to the Public \'lor!,:;; CCH\Jffil'..'i.e'3 <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /><<reported by Clerk Lorraine Stromquist) <br /> <br />4IrBtln~ with Ramsev County AsssssDr <br /> <br />~Byor N.th0rcut e~plelned th~t this meeting t18S set ~p ~Ith M~. ~elhev@~, <br />Ramse;r COtli'ltV Assessor, 1"0 discuss tal( rlilts IiICrel!lS0S @5\ ill/;lIlY of the IGrid <br />Ol/l10rS at t'1@ COlJn';'Y Rosd E Study Meatlng I8lxpr\1lssecJ d Isp i \!l&SlJre on 't'h I $ <br />matter. <br /> <br />Cler~ lorralns Stromquist reported on this ~0etli'lg which ~IilS eyt01'ldsd bV <br />h0i"1091i', Trus'/'oG3S Cr0pGIliW, M@ffliillnR and Bjoi"niilah I and Tre!llSM~er Worth <br />Read. Msy,or N~th@l"cut raquested t~e Clerk YO sGnd Istters to those who <br />attended the COllnty Road E Meeting giving them the Information racelv0d <br />on this matter and also telling them thst the ~at0r illatt~r Is beIng con- <br />sidered. <br /> <br />Treasurer tlorth G. Read snd Clerk Lorralns Stromquist both commented on <br />the G~callent cooper6tlon from the Assessor's office end agreed a th~n~ <br />you letter be sent; the Council agreed and referred the matter to hSI". <br /> <br />REPORT Of TRUSTEE HOFFMANN <br /> <br />Duro~IIt Bulldln~ PermIt - Case No. 66-17 <br /> <br />-.--' <br /> <br />Trl!stes HoHmanli reported cthat Bu II d I fig I nspsctor 1\<!'J II "'y has I nspsctGd <br />the Ourobllt building located In Bloomington end reported that e building <br />o. tills type of construction ~ould conform to the,Codm; the PI~nnlng <br />Cornm I S5 Ion l"eCOIlli1lCllIUltHlappro11sl of tlla pi SIllS ,fol" the Durol:d It Compeny <br />as presented bV Its owna~. Mr. Harvay Da~son. subject to the landscaping <br />araa amount to 2S~ of the area as required In the proposed Zoning Code. <br /> <br />/..?r. !)!:l\;.!son prlllsliIUI'had his P.IliH1S 'l3hlch the Council discussed. Mr. Oalllsorl <br />II'I1orllteld thi!l COUIlC II that othsr Industry 11095 Ilothsve 25% hH'iclscapecl <br />srsa,'Gnd hIs present plans do Incorporate O~Gr 20$ Isndscepecl area. He" <br />shted ills b@lI",f that hG dOl2ls not 1eel thlll VI! lags Is JustHled In eE1',"Orf'C- <br />lfi~ thIs rcqulr0m@~t slnca the proposed Z@1l1119 Ordinance Is not passed 05 <br />.of, ,tb I s dats. <br /> <br />Thsf'e !:l1as SO!ll0 discussion 011 the sliIal I dHferilllllc@ of landsc1iSpsd are6,., <br />Trustee BJorndebl moved, seconded by Mavor Nstharcut; that tile Durobllt <br />plsl'lsdated JUlie 16, 1966, be approved as submitted since tlls proposed <br />Zoning Ordinance Is not presently In ef1ect end the landscaped area Is to <br />be Inl2lxcess of 20%; motion carried. <br /> <br />Canniff Iflllrlance Reauest- Case of No. 66-14 <br /> <br />~ustee Hof1mann moved, seconded by Trustee Bjorndehl, that the ~Grlance <br />request of Mr. aod Mrs. John Cannl~f to vsry the front yard requirement <br />on theIr proposed home on Lot 16, Block 5. Shor<illwood Hills, bill denlsd as <br />recommendad bV the Planra.Jng Commission and the, Board of ApPGals; motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />V II i aClEl He II Parkl nQ Loi' <br /> <br />T.l"ustel!l Hoffmlilllll repor,ted that tile Planning COilimlsslon suggel!ltsd a plan <br />for study. <br /> <br />Trustee Hof fmann moved, seconded by Trustee BJorMJalll. ""hat Bowlster Engln- <br />sGrlng COIIJ\tHH1V b6 authorized to dl"a\~ up plans Gnd specUlcatlons for 1;) <br />proposed Village parking lot. Mr. r<llcNlesh. Chalrolsn of the Public Worrts <br />Comml,tts<iIl, 1"0CommcrHH!G)(! the to! !O~frl!~: <br /> <br />I. S~ould conform to Village ~egulatlons. <br />2. Recollllllsnds r0mov.a I of the f:enter str I p. <br />3. Should be 8 complete job. not patch Job. <br />4. The Engineer shOUld prepar~ the plans and specifications for <br />competitive bids - $2.000.00_1 Imitation '01' surfacG only. <br />