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<br />" <br /> <br />Minutes of Ran"I~~ Cou~cil ~~~tl~g. J 2~ 1~~6 AI 1 <br />aM g. .. n~g.. una D. ~o, con. nuat <br /> <br />5. Recommends construction by private contractor. <br /> <br />These recommendations wsre agre~able to the Council SilO Incorporated <br />In t~G motion; motion carried. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE OLMEN <br />(reported by Robert McNies~) <br /> <br />~. McMles~ reported that the Public Works Committee recommends a <br />of acquiring or leasing Village equipment sp~clfyln9 coordination <br />the Parks and Playgrounds Committee, such as the consideration of <br />a '/4-ton truck to be maintained the seme as the pollee cars. If <br />this Is accompllshad, Fred Nixon's wages should be reconsidered. <br /> <br />OOr. McNlesh reported that one committoe or group be doslgnat~d to eoordlnmt~ <br />procurement of ell Village maintenance equipment. regardless of majorltv <br />of use, to avoId duplication and to assure optimum rnultlpl~ use and suita- <br />bility. He also roported that a report on employee's time cards and <br />aqulpmont rental records ~III be submitted ~Ithln a few ~eohs. Mayor <br />Netharcut enpressed his appreciation for the amount of study dons by this <br />Committee and agreed that the main consideration would be the cooperetlon <br />of oqu I pillC>lnt between th& Pub I I c Works and Parks and Reeres'H 01'1 DepartIll0n1's. <br /> <br />progrsm <br />wltb <br />pYrch~slng <br />and \Jhel1 <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE BJORNDAHL <br /> <br />Equipment Purchase <br /> <br />Trustee Bjornd~hl Informed the Council he had talkod ~Ith Trustee O!mon <br />concerning the purchase of e pick-up truck and a small riding mower i;o~ <br />the Parks and Recreation Depsrtment at 8 co~tof approxlrnatGly $2,000.00. <br />Since then he took advantage of an epportunlty and purchased 5 farm tractor <br />with appropriate equipment for less than $900.00. This eqMlprnent Is <br />needed Immediately endwlll bill delivered Wednesday. <br /> <br />ParkS and Recreation Employee <br /> <br />Trustee H01fmann moved, seconded bV Trustee Bjorndahl. that Stephen Zehm. <br />4028 North Falrvls. Avenue, be employed on e pro~atlonarv part time basis <br />~t an hOllrly wage of $2.50 per hour; to Maintain p~rks and recreatlo~ areas, <br />pOSllibly other VI I iage propertYI motion cerrled. ' Tl"ustse Bjorndllh\ In- <br />fo~ed ths Council that h& had fntsrvlellllsd St!llphen Zehm end believes he I;}li! <br />be ver,v satisfactory. Clerk Lorralnlll Stromquist, !fOIlS requas';-Gd to check <br />Insurance ~overega as Stephen Is only 17 years old. He Is e high school <br />graduate and ~III be going to college this fall. <br /> <br />Pedestrle~ Trail Complaint <br /> <br />Trustee Bjorndehl Informed the Council of a complaInt from 8 resident <br />which stated her objection to the trail beIng placed between har house <br />and the ~dj8cent one. Trustee Bjornoahl checked this end found that the <br />.oposed trail ~III not be any closer then four blocks from her resldenc~; <br />wl.I so Inform har. <br /> <br />REPORT I)F MAYOR NETHERCUT <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut reported that the official Ch~an-Up parlod is now com- <br />pleted and believes much has been accomplished; he requested Clerk <br />Lorra I riG Stromqu I st to send off (c lal thank you I etters to the members. <br /> <br />United Nations Dav Proclamation <br /> <br />As rec')mmended by the General Assembly of the, United Nations, Mayor Nethar- <br />cut proclaimed October 24, 1966, as United Nations Day. as par the attached <br />proclamation. <br /> <br />Trust".e Hoffmann moved the proclamation be referred to the Arden Hills <br />LeagulI of Women Voters for p I ens of obGervanCel seconded by Trus'~ee <br />Bjorn,jahl; motion carried. <br /> <br />-6- <br />