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<br />. . <br /> <br />C'~";!lcl r 1'C,lnu';'es - Apri I 25, 1966 - ("o.,t'I1';<9.:1 <br /> <br />REPORT Or- TRUSTEE BJORNDAHL <br /> <br />P3rks and Recreation <br /> <br />Truste~ BJorndshl reported that this Committee is cDnsldB~lng a part- <br />'j'lme employee 'to maintain recreational areas and the ball \'Ield (VI! 1<190 <br />o~nad property generally); this employee would be carried aver to skatlnq <br />rink malntenenCG. The Council agreed. The committee wll I continue the <br />sti!dy. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />County Road F PlavGround <br /> <br />Trustae BJorndahl stated that an attempt Is baIng m~de 'ro set up a ffi0etlng <br />with Ramsey County, EngIneer Lund, representation from the Police Dept., <br />Fred Nixon and himself, regarding the placement of the entrance on the <br />east side of the parking area and the finishing of the parking area 01 tbe <br />County Ro~d F playground. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE OLMEN <br /> <br />Public Works Committee <br /> <br />Minutes of the Public Works Committee meeting had baen sent to memb0rs <br />of the Council. Trustee Olmen Informed the Council that the Commlttse <br />has deferred the study of street lighting. The Committee believes <br />the lighting needs should be based on safety needs and they would IlkG <br />a list of the people requestIng street lights. The level of Lake Joh0nna <br />~as discussed. Ramsey County Engineer's Office has offered to sand a <br />representative to talk with the people on this matter. Mayor Neth0rcut <br />e~pressed his belief that It should be a Lake Johanna Araa meeting with <br />the Public Works Committee In charge of the meeting and possibly It <br />could be held at the Village Hall. Trustee Olman stated that tha Committee <br />had discussed the posslbl~lty of holding twomG6tl~gs with Ramsey County _ <br />on,e \1lth the committee ,and one with the Pub'Uc. <br /> <br />I'Ifte,r Trustes Olmelt hllscontacted Public \'Io'rlts Chcdrman Bob McNeish, <br />mattElr to be referred to tile Clerk to contact Ramsey County Englnelilr 1Cil' <br />I.Neillabla dllhs; It "'lIs.determlned to hold;: the m'e'etlng(s) at the \III I:::gs <br />Hal I. <br /> <br />,M,,'lntenance StUdy <br /> <br />. ~ <br /> <br />': .' ~} <br />("J:"I)~.Publlc Works COmmltt~l'l; recommended thatffr',edNlxoll, malntenanceGI1I<"':;; <br />j"S';'p'l.oyee. be paid on l.!,mCinthly rather than an<hplIi';ly basis; "here ~loutd,'be <br />'.;:'1' overtime pay. except 1ri casas of emergen,9,Y:. F,l"ed Nixon Is sgl'eEl1?lble to <br />'j:,:,thls"change as thls,)!()'uldglve him a flxed'l~c;o.m~. Clerk was reques-~El~ <br />;,to ...~VI9W Fred NllCon~s pav;rol I records for !t.I1'~,las.'1' three yeers for <br />'(R9"cs:lderatlon of settlng~a.monthly salary. \,'.~ ' <br />/,_.',. - -:_::< '-" ~ " .. ,",: ,'" ,-' - . <br />:i,;;;r,h,e<,commlthle \fIll a)(plol"~,', possible revlsl~'j!s),:l'Q, r,ecords relating to, <br />\h,~;m:8:ln'tenance time an~ eq'II,lplJlent. It Is tel1('.tha'l' this llIould help dehr <br />m:l.n,e, costs on separate JUt stations and tlie;"type of repair and maln';',en"- <br />anc~. " ". <br /> <br />'ro~dRestrlctlons \ <br /> <br />(- /Tf'Jstee BJorndah I moved the Clerk be author I ze~ to request the COUi)ty <br />tg:;:remoye road restriction, sIgns Immediately: seconded by Trustee Crepeau; <br />'moil.on carried. " . <br />\. <br />REPORT OF MAYOR NETHERCt.ii~ <br /> <br />Urban DeslQn Study - County Road E <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut suggested.a meeting of tbe Planning Commission, tbo Caullcll. <br />and the owners of property Included In the County Road E plan. <br /> <br />As suggested by Trustee BJorndahl, the CouncIl requested the Clerk to <br />,', send rough dratt copies of the plans to thlB CHillers by 'the first week In <br />may. The CouncIl decIded to meet with the Council, Planning Commission, <br />and t~o land owners on Monday, May 16, 1966. <br /> <br />-6- <br /> <br />--- <br /> <br />.... <br />