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<br />COIJOcl! ~1i nu"res - Aprf i 25, 1966 - cont I fiued <br /> <br />DOlJbl~ 8ung;;10\1 ~nd Presbyi".rliJn HomeS' Chapel <br /> <br />Mr. Kelley In~ormed ths'Councl1 that many people have commGnt@d fav~r- <br />ably that the double bungalow being constructed on Count~ "oad E and <br />the chapel at the Presbyterian Homes have added much to the appearance of <br />the area. <br /> <br />FROM THE FLOOR <br /> <br />\1S<Elcl Prob I am <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />A Cummings Lana resident requested that the ~eeds In the triangle <br />formed by Highway 51 and Snelling Avenue be burnad. He stated that <br />the .eeds on the hlgh~ay rlght-of-~ay do get cut but are not removed. <br />Trustee Cr.peau stated that he will check wIth the Flr@ Oepsrtment, <br />bMY he knows they ~re e~tremely busy this time of the year. Mrs. Tlssol <br />stated that she personally felt that It Is not good conservation to bur~ <br />the weeds as they eventually furnish toad for the trees" <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE HOFFMANN (absent) <br /> <br />PI~nnlng Commission <br /> <br />The Planning Commission Informed the Council of the Annual Meeting to <br />be held In Rochester. Ma, 6 and 7. and they would like to Bend two reprs- <br />sel1~"<d'l \fes. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau moved. seconded by Trustee ~Jorndahl. that Carolyn Tlssol <br />and Ruth Cad~ell represent Arden HIlls at the meeting with expenses to <br />be paId; motion carried. <br /> <br />Schlfsky Matter <br /> <br />Mrs. rlssol requested the Council to consider the Schlfsky case as setting <br />'Ii precedent on re I axl ng setback requ I rementsanda I so "to cons I der the <br />possibility of new o~nersln the future. (See page 2 also) <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> <br />Sp 1.<: snd SDsn Campa I !:In <br /> <br />. .....:::,., --. .: ';',::.' <br />.;MllIyor Nethercut read: a proclamation daclarPhg:tlle:mcnth or ~1ay as "opi:J6a- <br />"tlcn Crean Up" month and,'feque.sted that the. (pro;c I 'alllat I on be pub II shad;";'::- <br />. '. ".:' <br />,-," "'"':-'-,, ': Y',' <br />Trustee Crepeau moved "seconded by Trustee~~Jpri1d8h I. thai" Don Gada ._~;- <br />35,38 Glenarden Road,; Mrs. Roy Anderson, H11IRSti~n"s. Avenue) Don Glel>lJif'n~1 <br />4014Falrvle~ AI/anue, be'ilppolnted to thlscommtttee, with Offlc,,!rMal:flsh <br />:_.t,q, ,set as liaIson with ,the Police Department;motJcn carried. Clerk :ra<~ <br />JY;(juested to contact tile :al!ove res I dents and ;..;e,cl,uest the I I' sa.\! I CEl '''', <br /> <br />i"'- <br />"The Arden Assoc I et Ion YO I, liilteeeed to ",ork 0!1-fhT:scamp61 gr.. Mayor,: <br />-', Ne,thercut suggutedthe Arden Association sUblii,!till few nElmS5 to be i!lcl~_ia(d <br />- "to"~lie comml1"tee. C.lerk -Lorraine Stromquls,ts,!gg'ested publ !clty on ,Jh(i;> <br />.u.bJect. <br /> <br />" fn response to Mr. <br />~- ~uth~rlty. Trustee <br />~onCernad .ould be <br /> <br />Lagerstrom' s I nqu I ry whether i'he COnlm I 1'1'6e will IHl,v-~,~,ny <br />Orepeau' rap lied that en',OrC(ilment of V III ageord I nan~!1l's <br />through the Pollee Department and officer FIsh. <br /> <br />POlice Department <br /> <br />Tr,ustee Crepeau reported that the Arden <br />,duct a safety lecture llndmovle program <br />the students. <br /> <br />Hills Pollee OepS\"""/"1ijent tllll COll- <br />at Moun, d~ -VIew High School for <br />"- .- . <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau Informed the Council that the Pollee Department has re~ <br />celved 6 letter of commendation from e parent regarding the rna~ner !n <br />~blch a traffic vlelai'lon against his son was handled. <br /> <br />-5 <br /> <br />--- <br /> <br />... <br />