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<br />. c: .~, ~_: i-; ,-. <br /> <br />I. " <br /> <br />-'-',A :",~.:\ <br /> <br />I "'~ ;, <br /> <br />! '~~!:! l~' <br /> <br />. .. <br />'\ ,~-, \: ~,-)";"; ',;~:" <br /> <br /> Luna submitted to th~ Counel I copIes of C03t .st!~a~es compar- <br />Ing the cast of resldaotlnl to !ndustr!~1 str88t constr~ction for <br />consideration of the financing. <br /> <br />EnglnoaF Lund Informed the Council that thB. rBsldehts felt they did <br />naect sanitary sower fBcl1 (ties as proposed as they can be serviced <br />from tha Industrial Park plans. <br /> <br />not <br /> <br />,.;,-. McNlesh bel i'elves tha'j- It is premature 1'.0 conslder~lnec'i-Ing~'1 <br />Fox Ro~d to Hlghw.y 5\ at this time. <br /> <br />Vllla~e Insur~nce <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />W!II 'a~ Hlte, Village Insurance Agent, appeared and submitted figures <br />showing the costs of public employees honesty bonds and also faithful <br />performance bondS - stating that the honesty bond covers matj~lal <br />things while the faithful performance bond also covers non-feasance <br />g{ ~m~ia,Bes. Mr. Hlte offered to send coplas of nls cost ta~le ta <br />members of the Council. Matter referred to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br />REPORT OF HEALTH OFFICER - DR. FARKAs <br /> <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist read a letter, dated March 7, 1966, from Dr.~ <br />Farkas, which stated that he and a police officer had Inspected the <br />residence at 1467 West-County Road E and In ~Is opinIon no he~lth . <br />hazerd exists, The matter will be reconsld~red after Building Inspector <br />'Clay Kelley submits a report of his Inspection. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINEER OQNALO LUND <br /> <br />Industrial Park Roads <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut requested the status of Dunlap Street and Gray Fox Road. <br />:lerk Lorraine Stromquist Informed the Council that Rob~rt~ Develop[~ent <br />Company Is anxious to have both roads dedicated to the Village, but to <br />date has not submitted verl~lcatlon that the roads meet Village standBrds. <br />Engineer Lund recommended that a report from a testing laboratory be <br />submitted by Roberts. <br /> <br />Matter referred to Clerk lorralne Stromquist to inform Mr. Roberts of <br />thls.requlrement. <br /> <br />Se~er Rates - St. Paul <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut requested Engineer Lund to check with Roger Short on the <br />St. Paul sewer rate progress. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE HOFFMANN <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Joint Maetln!! <br /> <br />Trustee Hoffmann reported on the Joint meetIng held by the Planning <br />Commission, the Board of Appeals and fhe Parks and Recreation Committee. <br />He Informed the Council that the Planning Commission feels responsible <br />for official village plans, and recommended that the Board of Appeals <br />report to the Planning Commission for theIr recommendations before re- <br />porting to the Council. <br /> <br />~ayor Nethercut read a -letter, dated March 14, 1166, from Thomas Horty, <br />Chairman of the Board of Appeals. which recommended abolishing the Board <br />of Appeals and future variance matters be referred directly to the <br />Planning Commission. <br /> <br />Trustee Hoffmann Informed the Council the l' the Planning Commls~lon does <br />not recommend thlS; their reason for recommendIng the above mentioned proce- <br />dure was for knowledge only and If the Council feels It is feasible to <br />abolish the Board of Appeals, then possIbly the same people would serv.e <br />In the same cupaclty as a sub~commltta6 of the Planning Cc.:mlsslon. ThG <br />Commission suggested a 6 month trial period as per their recommenda'i"lon. <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut referred the letter and the matter to Trustee Hoffmann <br />for further study. <br /> <br />-4- <br />