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<br />~~."'~~'. 1~1 !9hr) '."~'n.~in'o-!13c) <br /> <br />pub!ic hearIng are Gppossd~ <br /> <br />Mayor Nr,d-hsrcw-r !:,-fof"r:1eel the, reslde.,-,-s thid infon1atlon villi be compi led <br />and distributed to the residents. <br /> <br />Leaque of Womon Consensus - Metropolitan GOYBrnmB~t <br /> <br />Mrs. Carol. Kinports, representing the Arden Hills League of Women <br />Vaters, re~d the results of a consensus taken by the LB~gu. from its <br />members concerning met,opolltan government. CopIes of the consensus <br />_Brs given to the Council and a copy placed on fIle. Mayer Nethercut <br />thanked Mrs. ~lnpDrts. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Q~PORT OF ATTORNEY VINCENT P. COURTNEY <br /> <br />Hazardous Buildings <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney raported that he has sent letters to porsonshe be.! lcves <br />are the owners regarding conditions of property at the olel Edgewater Motel <br />site and a!so property located south of McClung's property on Snelling . <br />Avenue. <br /> <br />Proposed llc~nslnq & Platting Ordinances <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney In~ormed the Council that these proposed Ordinances <br />are stili being STudied. He stated that It has been ruled that no <br />municipality has the right to license when already licensed by the <br />Stat.. but this will require further study. H~ stated that he will no <br />doubt omit from the proposed Village Licensing Ordinance any duplications. <br />~He stated that he has mailed CarlDale'~ report to Clerk Lorraine Strom- <br />q.ulst. <br /> <br />Trustee Hoffmann, owner of Hoffmann Electrl.c Co., In~or;r;ecl the Council <br />that It I. becoming very diffIcult ~or electrical contractors to know <br />where to obtain licenses; he stated that in his opinion -lohe requl...c.....ani. <br />. of municipal licensIng restrIcts competltlo-n-oliiriend-a company ols not <br />licensed In a village. .. ._ <br /> <br />Police Radio Contract <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney stated that he has rev I el.ed end .d I scussed the proposed <br />tnter-munlclpallty radio communication matter with Attorney Copel~nd <br />of New Brighton and requested more time forst~dy before recommenQlng <br />to the Council. Trustee Crepeau stated that It.should be acted qn balore <br />oMay09, 1966, or a new application 111111 have to li~.'s\lbmltted. <br /> <br />Speciul Meetlnq <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Muyor Nethercut. remi nded Attorney Courtney and the Counc II of the 0 <br />SpecIal Council Meeting to. be held on March 21, to study the propcfsed <br />~~il.6Ioee and possibly the UI}.te'r~18)R~ CeEle. . <br /> <br />Cumminqs Lane Road Improvement - Trustee .Olmen mOiled the adoption ;01' a <br />resolution approving plans end specifications and ordering advertIsement <br />for bIds regarding Street Improvement 17, Cummings Lane; seconded by <br />Trustee BJorndahl; motion carried. Matter referred to Clerk StromquIst. <br />PUBLIC WORKS COMMITT~E REPORT <br /> <br />Red Fox Road <br /> <br />Bob McNlesh, chairman of the Public Works Commtttee, re~orted on the <br />meeting between the appointed committee and. the residents on March 9. <br />1966. He stated that the. residents ~ere well represented and appeared <br />WIlling to defer a decision pending Ramsey County's consideration of <br />the Metter; the residents believed prlorlty.s.hould be given to the east <br />end of Red Fox Road by 'rhe V III age and comp tet I cin by the County. The <br />residents requested anothero meeTing when. more Information Is available <br />from the County. <br /> <br />Mr. McNlesh Informed the Council thetcontrary to his previous report, <br />he has now been Informed that Lexington Avenue Is already a County Road <br />and the County does Intend to Improve It - partlcutarlly the portion In <br />froot of Control Data CorporatIon without c~st to the Vil!age. M.ttsr <br />referred to Engineer Lund liIgaln cl!ln"tact the Count., on the matter. <br />