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<br />. ., <br /> <br />! ~'"~Inlt';,~~:,; <br /> <br />. <br />:':jn.-t;;; I r;." k 9(.e'(l:':}r,.i~! 111-:(1[': j <br /> <br />V1IIsgG Pub! lcltv <br />""-'''~'----''--~. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut r~qu.5tedthB Councl I to consider 6 replacement for <br />Elaine CBmpbel I as Publiclty Coordinator. Trusts. BJorndahl suggested <br />ImplementIng a procBdure as previously discussed, that onB member from <br />each commlt"h'lEl r9De.rt publicity to the appointed coordinator. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />TWIN CITY TRAILER PARK <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />EngIneer Bruce Patters~n presented a site plan for the enlargement of <br />the Twin CIty Trailer Park ahd Clerk Lorraine Stromquist dIstributed <br />copies of the detaIled plan to members of the CouncIl. Mayor Nethercut <br />(nformgd the Cou~cll that the Planning Commission. In Its letter dated <br />March 7, 1966, to the Council, recommended approval as presented to <br />'rhem on March I, 1966, subject to building perinlt requll'emen)'s and to <br />an annual rGvls~. <br /> <br />Mr. Patterson Infarmed the Council that Mounds Avenue awd View Stre~ts are <br />partially contained In the ~ark and these would have to be vacated. <br />Matter or sanitary facilities and street grade referred to Engineer Lund <br />for a report at the next meeting. <br /> <br />Trustee Hoffmann I nformed the Counc II that Car I Da 10 h~d checl.ed the. <br />plans and appears satisfied. <br /> <br />T.rustee Hoffmann moved that Attorney Courtney be raquested to study and <br />recommend the terms of a public hearing fo~ the vacation of the portions of <br />Mound Avenue and View Street In the Park; motion carried. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK lORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> <br />HIQhwav 8 Cafe Licenses <br /> <br />Clark Lorraine Stromquist Informed the Council thmt ~pp! feetlens for <br />licenses have baen received from the new operator cf the Hrghway 8 Cafe - <br />Ruby J. Wolf. The Clerk stated that the required amount of, fees had <br />been received and the applications were In.order. TrusY~0 Crepeau moved. <br />seconded by Trustee Hoffmann, that the Cafe, soft drinks, juke box and <br />cigarette lIcenses be approved for the HIghway 8 Cafe; subject to Inspec- <br />tions by the Fire Departmen1., Police anf .Health O'Hlcer; motion carried. <br /> <br />In reply to an Inquiry from Trustee Bjorndshl, Clerk Lorraine Stromquist <br />Informed the Council that the Cafe has been operating wlt~out licenses. <br />Trustee BJorndahl expressed. his concern generally about operating without <br />licenses; he believes we s~ould enforce penalttes as provided In the. <br />Ordinance for operating without a license. . <br /> <br />Trustee Hoffmann stated that the Planning Commlsilon had also mentioned <br />the fact that construction. Is often started before a buIlding permit Is <br />granted. He stated that In his opInion this Isa Police Department <br />matter. Trustee Crepeau stated that he wlll.dlscuss the matter with the <br />Public Safety Committee. <br /> <br />1965 Financial Statement <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist distributed prInted 1965 financial statements to <br />members of the Council and stated that copies ~~ll be sent to.the Finance <br />Committee. <br /> <br />Monthlv BudQet <br /> <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist dIstributed to members of the Council the monthly <br />budget report which showed balances through February. <br /> <br />Variance Requests <br /> <br />Copies 01 a letter. dated March 8, 1966, from the Board of Appeals, were <br />distributed to members of the Council. The fol lotllng m2lt~(ars were con- <br />sidered and acted on by the Council: <br />The Board of Appsals recommended removal of the SChmidt's beer sign located <br />on Highway 10, north of Hlgh.ay 96, and owned bV Nsegele Outdoor Advertlslnl <br /> <br />-6- <br />