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<br />~ . . . <br /> <br />.(":'/"1:;0 - <br /> <br />....,.... <br /> <br />.'-'1 <br /> <br />~ '_~ Sf':' <br /> <br />:-~ ,-! :' <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Company; H,G '9)~illnrlc.".J211"s c:d i"hh; ,',Ign Is 111 1976, T:.,," Council <br />~0con~~de~0d Att6ril2! .~~~rtf!~V'S opInion 65 sta~8~ !n h!s ~~tt6r of <br />October Octcjb,~r ..j. t . 965 ~~gfjrd J ng t',~'~' ~ s i SI... 1 hs Counc i i dafer-red <br />ac.~lon p~ndfng 1urot~10r rscomBI0!.~~ti0~S from Att0ri1ay Courtney. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau moved the approval of two sIgns 3dvertisi~9 Schutta's <br />Nursery. 4460 No~fh Hamllne Avenue; one sign Is located in front of <br />his business - the second Is located at. Hamline Avenue 8>1G t'96. Mr. <br />c.(:~.,,,1,'.-1.: "\~~"'H1' 1"0 construct a sign st f,lnother corrM~r ",4" H".mllne' :;;1::1 <br />96 was also approved subject to 1"heremoval of the old sign; seconded <br />bV Trusto~ Olmen; motion cartled. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Trusts0 B.Jornoahl moved approval of the Hamm's sign 'on Old Hlgh\'la,y 10 <br />ownad by Outdoor Advertising Compariy. subj3ct to its ramo~al <br />by :t3 cDntract expiratIon data of November 9; 1967; secorded by Trustee <br />Ho....fmcHlil; fj-tGtlon carrl\9d. <br /> <br />Trustee Olmen moved approval of th~ Sheli siqn on O:d Highway 10, which <br />cxp I res on April I.. .1968: seconded by Trmd.AA n Inril.h.h I,' .....';'1..." .....,~~"J.... ~ <br />Ho~ever, Trustee Crepeau moved denial of the request to relocate this Shall <br />sign; seconded by Trustee Bjorndahl; motion carrIed. <br /> <br />Trustee moved )'h8 approval of the Presbyt8rian Hom,~s sign, <br />seconded by Trustee Bjorndahl; motion carried. <br /> <br />Trustea o I flIS n' 1i10v~,d th'at .the Flint Top Sign be reol1lovad; 'I.hls sign located <br />on Old Hlgh~ay 10, south of 696 and had e~plred on Augu~t I, 1965; <br />seconded by Trustee .BJor~dahl, motion carried. <br /> <br />Trustee 0 I men OlOVCi:l sp.llrova I of the C I olfer I eaf Creamery s.l gn at 4-160 <br />Nortft Highway e, wlllch expires In November 1967; seconded by Trustca <br />BJorndaht; Motion carrIed. <br /> <br />TruiteG Olffi3n moved approval of the KIngdom H811 ~. J8h~~~~'r W!t~~Esea <br />sign; seconded bV Trustee BJorndshl; motion carri~d. <br /> <br />Trustee Olmen moved approval of the Farmers Group Insuranc~ sIgn. iocated <br />on HfghwaylO, north of Highway '96. which expires March I. 1967; 5~conded <br />by Trustee Bjrondah!; motIon carrIed. <br /> <br />Trustee Olman moved removaL of the Mutual Service Insurance sIgn located <br />on Lexington Avenue:, south of County Road E, \:Ihich expIres April I, 1966; <br />s~conded by Trustee Bjrondahl; motion carried. <br /> <br />Trustee Bjrondahl moved approval 01 a conditional use permit for a period <br />of three years to allol1lMrs. Gol.( Al1der~n..t6 Eontln'ue operating a <br />beauty shop from her home at 1905 Glsnpaul ~oad; seconded by Trustee <br />DImeo; motion cartled. <br /> <br />~~uncll Table Addition <br /> <br />trustee Hoffmann moved the 'approval of the granting of ~g amount not to <br />exceed $50.00 for the consttuctlon of hinged curva.d' addi"j"lcn to the <br />Council table; seconded by Trustee Crepea:.:; moti.on card-led. Referred <br />to Trustee. Hoffmann. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Adjournment <br />Meeting adjourned at 11:20'p.m. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br />~r:~ <br /> <br />Mayor ' <br />Robart E. Nethercut <br /> <br />~dmlntstratlve Cler <br />Lorraine Stromquist <br /> <br />-7- <br />