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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />CouncIl Minutes of February 14, 1966 continued <br /> <br />Mayor Netharcut stated that he believes that the Hanson Road Vacation <br />matter has made the Council and the Planning Commission anare of the <br />street conditions In that area. <br /> <br />Mayor Netharcut Ihformed tho Council t!'at a JoInt meeting is b,lng <br />planned by the Planning Commission to :Include the Board of Appeals <br />and the Parks and RecreatIon Department. There was discussIon on a <br />date for the me~tlng. It was finally decided that the meeting be held <br />on March 10 pending confirmation by t.he other two committees. . C'lerk <br />Lorraine Stromquist requested to confirm the date with the Board of <br />Appeals. <br /> <br />... REPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> <br />CivIc Center Report <br /> <br />Copies of recommendations by the Public Safety Committee <br />allotment In the proposed Civic Center were dIstributed to members of <br />the Councl I wIth copies to be sent to the Civic Center Commltte~ ~y <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE OLMEN <br /> <br />Public Works Committee <br /> <br />Trustee Olmen reported that this committee has a meetIng planned for <br />next week. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR NETHERCUT <br /> <br />Metropolitan Meetlnq <br /> <br />/freasurer Worth Read and Mrs. T1ssol att.ended this meeting, held .I.n <br />Golden Valley., for Mayor Nethercut. ~rs. Tlssol repon'ed ',-hat she be- <br />lieves that each munlclplLLlty...w111 be requested )'0 pass a rasol utlon <br />pro or con concerning th~roposals recommended. <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut .stated that evidently minutes are not kept of these <br />meetings since he has not received any~ however, he did receive a <br />letter from Mayor Hasselberg, Bloomrngton, \l1hlch stated that the <br />Committee Is considering tax presentations to the legislature If a <br />special session Is held. <br /> <br />UnslqhtlvAreas <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut stated that he toured the area near the Hanson prop- <br />erty and noted the previously reported condition of the old motel <br />cabin and also noted that a house at 1144 Edgewater Is vacant and dil- <br />apidated. Referred to Clerk to request Clay Kelley to Investigate. <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut also reported an old car on ShorelIne Lane which Is <br />not currently licensed. Trustee Crepea~ believes a strict ordinance <br />should be considered. regarding this situation and also night time <br />parking on village streets Including Junked cara Cnot currently <br />A licensed) and also snow birds. Mr's. Tlssol recommended that Trustee <br />~Crepeau check the proposed Zoning Ordinance; she belIeves that this <br />Is possibly cov~red. ~. <br /> <br />Incorrect Zoning Sign <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut Informed the Counclli'hat he noted a sign on property <br />at Hamllne Avenue and Floral Drive stating that this property Is <br />Industrially zoned; this property has recently been rezoned .toresl- <br />dentlal property. Matter referred to Clerk to so Inform Emil Nelson, <br />whose name appears on the sign. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK LORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> <br />1965 Financial Statement <br /> <br />Clerk distributed copies of the 1965 financIal statement and reported <br />that the year end balances of the books of Clerk and Treasurer agree. <br />Trustee Crepeau moved approval of the financial statement as prepared <br />and submitted by the Clerk, authorized Its ~ubllcatlon, and approved <br />-4- <br />