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<br /> MINUITS OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS - SATURDAY, MARO! 24, 1990 - 10:00 A.M. <br />. CALL 'ill ORDER The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Chair <br /> Barbara piotrowski. <br /> ROLL CALL The roll J::eing called the following members were present: <br /> Chair Barbara Piotrowski, Meml:ers Jean Lemberg, Ward <br /> Sessing, and Terry Schutten. Also present: Applicant James Field, will Wocxi and <br /> Vata Vickers, 3470 siems court, and Steve Nelson, 3475 siems Court. <br /> CASE #90-03; VAR. The Board recognizes and encourages the ur:grading of <br /> FRONT SEI'BACK, property in the city. In this particular case, the Board <br /> 3436 SIEMS COURT, could not fird cause to justify a recamrnendation for <br /> JAMES FIEID approval of the proposed variance. The Board voted <br /> unan:i1nously (4-0) to recormnend denial of the proposed <br /> front yard setback variance for the following reasons: <br /> l. It was the determination of the Board that the shape of this parcel does not <br /> constitute a hardship. The Board suggested the applicant consider adding fill <br /> to the front yard of the lot, allowing for a basement or tuck-under garage at <br /> the south end of the property. <br /> 2. The statement on the variance request prepared by Mr. Field and Ms. Kudak, <br /> Item #6, does not appear to J::e true; the view from the neighboring home to <br /> the north of this parcel would J::e obstructed in the winter months. <br />. 3. The Board agreed that the general appearance of "continuous open space" in <br /> the front yards of this neighborhcxxl would J::e corrpromised by the proposed <br /> garage setback variance as the garage will appear to J::e "jutting out" from <br /> the residence. <br /> 4. The applicants irdicated the plan to add a second story to the existing home <br /> which would allow for the ]X>ssible use of existing living space on the first <br /> floor as garage space. <br /> 5. The Board questioned if the the applicant has considered other alternatives <br /> for placement of the garage. <br /> The Board heard conunents from the adjacent property owners in attendance. <br /> APPROVE MINUITS The Board voted unan:i1nously (4-0) to approve the Minutes <br /> of the Septeml:er 26, 1989 Board of Appeals meeting. <br /> ADJUST MEETING Chair Barbara piotrowski reminded members the next <br /> DATE & TIME meeting, pending variance applications, will J::e held on <br /> the 4th Tuesday, April 24, at 5:30 p.m., at the site; the <br /> schedule change is due to daylight savings time. <br /> ADJOURN The meeting was adjoUTIled at 10:55 a.m. <br />. Respectfully sulxni tted, <br /> Chair Barlx,ya piotrowski <br />