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<br /> ~1;~;.~'. FEB-06-' 90 TUE 09: 20 I D: 1"IETROPOLl TAl< CCiUi'IC I L TEL 1,0: 612 291 6550 1:+.561 P06 <br /> Ai MlnnelOtI Department of Trln'Port.tlon <br /> Metropolitan Dlatrlct <br /> Tral'l8portatlon Building <br /> Sl. Paul, Mlnn..ota 55155 <br /> Oakdale Office, 3485 Hadley Avenue North, Oakdale, Minnesota 55128 <br /> Golden Valley Office, 2055 North Lilac Drive, Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422 <br /> Reply to Oakdab Offioe <br /> Telephone No, 779 -1:2Jt'\ <br /> January 2e, 1990 <br /> Karen tqOIl!l <br /> Tr&n8portation Planner <br /> Metropolitan Counoil <br /> 230 East Pifth Stre~t <br /> Bt. Paul, Minneaot~ 55101 <br /> Karen: <br /> As you requested, I have reviewed tbe proposed Arden Hil16 Comprehenaive Plan <br /> ~n~ent for tba GatewaY Busineas Dietriot. <br /> From the text of the plan amendmant and accompanyini documents, it appears all <br /> that the pr1mal'Y ueee of the parcel are propoBed ae follows; <br /> . -- 86 acrea office and offioe/warehouae <br /> -- 22 acres office warehouae <br /> -- 6.a aores ourrently industrial rezoned to retail <br /> Vsing the ITK 4th Edition Trlp Generation Manual and the information provided <br /> by the traffic oonsultant, SIlH, it al?P"ar~ a8 though Land Vae Code 770, Busin8l5/l <br /> Park, moat cloaaly resembles' the type of uses within this propO(lal. The <br /> deac~iption of thialand use i~ ae follows: <br /> "A business park oonllillte of a group of fl(lx-type or <br /> inoubator buildings served by a oommon roadway sYlltem <br /> similar to an oUiM or industrial park. These <br /> buildings generally are single level but occassiona1ly <br /> are two levele. The tenant spaoe is flexible to house <br /> a variety of usee. Generally, about 20 to 30 pel"oent <br /> of the space is offioes and the remainder is warehouse <br /> or light industrial, The backBide of the epaoe i8 <br /> generally served with a garage door. Tenants may be <br /> start-up oompaniell or fully matured relatively smell <br /> companies that require a variety of spaoe." <br /> From the 19B2,Arden Hills ComDrehensive Develonment Plan (p.15); <br /> . "Undeveloped industrial land exiats in three general <br /> areall of the City. The largest portion, approxi=ately <br /> a~r' <br /> '> MlNNESOTA ~ <br /> 19110 <br /> - . ~ - <br />