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<br /> FEB-05-'90 TUE 09:23 ID:11ETRClPClLITAI'1 COUNCIL TEL ~ICI:512 291 6550 t45S1 F'12 <br /> r=rr~' <br /> , . <br /> 'd ".. . ~..4 <br /> 'l: <br /> " <br /> . <br /> EMPLOYMENT SITE/eOMMUNITY E~~IRO~NT ~~~IGN TO PROMOTE BUSES AND POOLS <br /> E=plQy~nt ~ite an~ community environment~ could be ~esigned to be more <br /> supportive or ridesharlng and bus use, Community development and site design <br /> pr&otlce~, particularly in suburban areas, are Often not sensitive to bUS user <br /> needS nor to pedestrian needs. Problems with employment site and community <br /> environments inol~de isolated buildings, inadequate accommodations for transit <br /> vehicles and a laok of: attraotive pedestrian oiroulaHon systems. <br /> These fsotore disoourage walking and make driving to services commonly used at <br /> midday a neoessity. Site design measures enceura6ing walking and transit use, <br /> inoluding ridesharing, should be inoorporated into developments, probably at <br /> the site plan review stage. Retrofit of exi$ting employment sitn is also <br /> reo ollllllllnded . Site design standards oan be ~pplied by developers and looal <br /> !love l"llIllen ts. <br /> Prinoiple s fOr designing enV iropmen ts conducive to all forms of transi~, thUS <br /> enoouraging people to travel in modes other than single~ocoupant vehicles, <br /> inoludel <br /> 1. DeYftlop~nt looation: <br /> . - Mediuw- and high-den~ity developments should be located on straots <br /> capable of: beinS served by regular route transit. <br /> - New dsvelopment! IlhQuld be looated a raascnable walking distanoe from <br /> a reiular route bus stop. <br /> - MUltiple dev.lopmente 8hould b~ clustered to enoourage pedeBtri~n <br /> movement between the~. <br /> - A oommunity $hould have a reoognizable oentral Core that serves as a <br /> fOCUS or people-orientild activitiea. and contains shops, restaurants, <br /> dry cleaners, health clubs, day care centers, pharmacies, banks and <br /> other developments that are highly demanded midday and pre- and post- <br /> worll. Itop.. <br /> 2. 3ite planl <br /> - Buildings and their entrances ahoU~d be oriented to streets. <br /> - Setbaoks between roadWays, sidewalks and building entrances should be <br /> -Shortened, rather than separating the building tram the streets and <br /> sidewalks with a large parking or landlloaped area. <br /> - On-site roadways and sidewalks should link surrounding developmenta. <br /> - At least two site aocess points should be prOVided. <br /> - Pa.rking and nrvice ar8a~ shO\lld be looated farthe~t from the <br /> street. <br /> - ThO number of parking spacee should be minimi~ed. <br /> - Parking for oar pools ano van poels should be previoed cle~Bet to <br /> . Duilding entranoe~ and in the moet desirab le looation!. <br /> - Paeeenger loading and ~iting areae for oar pool~, van pools and <br /> ahould be provided. <br /> - Aaequate overhead olearanoe for vans should be provided in ramps. <br /> Source: Metropolitan Counci 1, Handbook on Trafflc.Mitigation: Guidelines <br /> for Local ~~~~rnmAnt5, F:mtjl()vp.r~ OPIIPioo"rs Bnd Multitenant aul ldinq <br />