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<br /> "",,^''''''''''_'__'. FEB-06-'90 TUE 09:24 ID:11ETRDPCILlTRH CCU-ICIL TEL HO:612 291 6550 11561 F'i] <br /> . <br /> 3. Pedestrian aoeommodationsl . <br /> ~ Direct pedeatri~n aooe$S 5ho~lct be provided between buildings and bUS <br /> stope and through adj~oent dev~lopmants, l"l!. ther than a long ! 1 te <br /> p. rillle to ra, <br /> - Weather-proteoted passenger waiting faoilities.and bus stope should be <br /> located near b\.lilding entrances and oonvenient to eOlployee::$ .or ..:lenDo <br /> davelopmen ta. <br /> - Walkways between wnd within developments should have ade~uat" <br /> lighting and attraotive landeoaping, oontain benches and publio art <br /> and be weather- and traffio-proteoted. <br /> ~ Snow removal shoulct be adequate. <br /> 4. Roadway aooommodations! <br /> - Roadway systems that accommOdate transit vehiole~ with <br /> adequate street width, pavement thiokne~s, turning and interseotion <br /> radii and bUS turn-arounds ;,hould be provided. <br /> - Opportunitie, tor pool and bu~ lanes and bypa~ses ehould be included. <br /> - eircuito\.ls roadways that require, particularly busee, to <br /> , <br /> retraoe their p~the should be avo~ded, <br /> Some aO\.lrces for other ideas addre;,;,ing effeotive site and oommunity design <br /> praotioes are; <br /> "Publio TI'OI.nSpol.t.i.don COOlpatit~lity Worksheets," published by Tri-Met of' . <br /> Portland, Ore., in Planning with Transit -- Land Use and Trans~ortation <br /> Planning COordination, (See AppendiX c.) <br /> GraphiCs depicting preferred site design to support the use of transit were <br /> publi$h~ in GUidelines for Public Transit in Small Communities by the Britieh <br /> Ccl\.lmbia, Canada, Urban Transit Authority and Mini;,try or Hvnioipal Affairs and <br /> Houlling. (Seo Appendix 0.) <br /> "Alternative Road Layouts Within an Offioe !l<!velopmentlt ill ll.n exoerpt from <br /> eharles Anderson's Site Design :and Traffic Generation in SUburban orfice Park <br /> DeveloPlIlOnts. (See Appendix E.) <br /> ~or roadway improvement ideas to aooornmodate transit, oontaot the MetropOlitan <br /> Tran;,it Commission to obtain a oopY of Guidelines for the DesiRn of Tran~it <br /> Rilla ted Roadlm' I\llProvetcen ts. <br /> . <br /> 13 <br />