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<br /> CHAPTER 5 <br /> ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION PROCEDURES <br /> Sec. 5.01 Ordinance: Definitions and Vote Required <br /> A. In addition to such other acts as this charter or any other <br /> provisions of law required to be by ordinance, those acts of the <br /> county board which shall be by ordinance include the following: <br /> 1. Establish, structure, merge, or abolish any county <br /> department, office, agency, board or commission, except as <br /> provided for in this charter. <br /> 2. Establish the annual salary for county board members. <br /> 3. Authorize the bonding and borrowing of money. <br /> 4. Au thorize emergency appropria t ions as defined in this <br /> charter. <br /> 5. Provide for a fine or other penalty or establish a rule or <br /> regulation for violation of which a fine or other penalty <br /> is imposed. <br /> 6. Grant, renew or extend a franchise. <br /> 7. Convey or lease, or authorize the conveyance or lease of <br /> any park lands of the county. <br /> 8. Adopt, with or without amend men t, ordinances proposed <br /> under the initiative power. <br /> 9. Amend or repeal any ordinance previously adopted, except <br /> as otherwise provided in Chapter 8 of this charter with <br /> res pec t to repeal of ordinances reconsidered under the <br /> referendum power. <br /> 10. Propose amendments to this charter. <br /> B. Except as otherwise provided in this charter, ordinances shall <br /> require an affirmative vote of at least four members. <br /> Sec. 5.02 Ordinance Procedures <br /> Every proposed ordinance shall receive two readings: first, at <br /> the time it is presented, and second, at the time of the public <br /> hearing as required by law. Every proposed ordinance shall be <br /> read in full at the meeting at which it is presented; provided <br /> that full reading may be waived if a copy of the ordinance is <br /> supplied to each member of the county board prior to its <br /> introduction. At the first reading, a date will be set for the <br /> public hearing which shall be held no sooner than 10 days after <br /> the firs treading. The second reading shall be at the public <br /> hearing and the ordinance may be passed at this meeting. <br /> 10 <br />