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<br /> All ordinances, other than emergency ordinances, shall become <br /> effective thirty (30) days after passage, unless a later date is <br /> specified therein. <br /> Sec. 5.03 Emergency Ordinances <br /> A public emergency is a sudden or unforeseen situation in the <br /> county affec t ing li fe, health, property, or the public peace or <br /> public welfare that requires immediate county board action. The <br /> county board may adopt one or more emergency ordinances. An <br /> emergency ordinance may not levy taxes; authorize the issuance <br /> of bonds; or gran t, renew, or extend a franchise; provided <br /> however, that nothing in this section is intended to prevent the <br /> county from making an emergency appropria t i on or raising <br /> emergency revenues as authorized in this charter. An emergency <br /> ordinance shall be introduced in the form and manner prescribed <br /> for ordinances generally except that it shall plainly be <br /> designated as an emergency ordinance and shall contain, after <br /> the enacting clause, a declaration stating that an emergency <br /> exists, and describing it in clear and specific terms. An <br /> emergency ordinance may be passed with or without amendment or <br /> it may be rejected at the meeting in which it is introduced. <br /> The unanimous vote of the members present shall be required for <br /> the passage of an emergency ordinance. Emergency ordinances <br /> shall be effective upon passage and approval, unless a later <br /> date is specified in the ordinance, and shall be published once <br /> in any legal newspaper. <br /> Sec. 5.04 Resolutions <br /> A. All other acts of the county board shall be by resolution, <br /> including but not limi ted to, the following: <br /> 1. Adoption and revision of the budget, except as otherwise <br /> provided in Chapter 10 of this charter. <br /> 2. Adoption of a tax levy. <br /> 3. The issuance and sale of notes, warrants, certificates, or <br /> other evidenc.e of indebtedness of Ramsey County in <br /> anticipation of tax revenue from taxes levied but not <br /> collected. <br /> 4. Authorization of emergency funding as defined in this <br /> charter. <br /> 5. Adoption or amendment of the Administrative Code. <br /> 6. Approval of collective bargaining agreements, setting <br /> wages, salaries, and other terms and conditions of <br /> employmen t, except setting the salaries of county board <br /> members. <br /> 7. Approval or amendment of the Personnel Rules provided that <br /> such approval or amendment by resolution shall receive two <br /> 11 <br />