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<br /> Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting, May 14, 1990 <br /> Page 4 <br /> CASE #90-05 (Cont'd) Malone lOClVed, seconded by Growe, to approve the following . <br /> sign variance request for directional signs at McGuire's <br /> Inn (Howard Johnson), Case #90-05, 1201 W. County Road E, based on the <br /> applicant's removal of the canopy entrance signs, the directional signs being <br /> utilized to assist drivers on a public street with ingress to the site, the <br /> limited area for snow placement on the roadway shoulder during the winter months, <br /> and the necessity to increase the infonnation on the sign for vehicle/driver <br /> recognition and conditioned upon the applicant restructuring parking area near <br /> the westerly driveway entrance to maintain the 20 ft. parking setback <br /> requirement: <br /> 1. A Sign width variance of 3 feet 6 inches. <br /> 2. A Sign area variance of 8.2 square feet. <br /> and, to deny the sign height variance, based on the fact the sign height can be <br /> easily adjusted and the 8 inch variance requested will not affect sign visibility <br /> . Motion carried unan:im::>usly. (4-0) <br /> CASE #90-06; MINOR Council was referred to the Planner's report and Planning <br /> SUBDIVISION, 3947 Corrunission minutes dated 5-2-90, relative to the request <br /> ROLLING HILLS RD., for a lot split, Lot 7, Block 29, Rolling Hills No.6, <br /> JERRY MANSERGH Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Mansergh. <br /> The Planner stated the 80,107 sq. ft. lot is proposed to be divided into Tract A, <br /> with 45,650 sq. ft. and the existing house, and Tract B, which would be a 34,457 <br /> sq. ft. lot. The applicant is proposing to construct a new home for himself on <br /> Tract B and will sell the existing home on Tract A. . <br /> Bergly stated the Planning commission recommended approval of the requested lot <br /> split with six conditions, as listed in the minutes dated 5-2-90. He noted no <br /> variances are necessary to accomplish the lot split and the proposal meets all <br /> Ordinance requirements. <br /> Bergly explained Engineer Maurer reviewed the sewer access and recommended a <br /> sewer lift will have to be constructed by the applicant; the applicant is aware <br /> of this fact and has agreed to provide the lift. <br /> Public Works SUpervisor Winkel stated a check valve should be installed to <br /> protect other residents in this area and the applicant from a sewer back-up. <br /> Attorney Filla suggested Council require the installation of the check valve be <br /> attached as a condition of approval. <br /> Hansen moved, seconded by Malone, to approve case #90-06, <br /> Lot Division 3947 Rolling Hills Road, Lot 7, Block 29, Rolling Hills No.6, Jerry <br /> Mansergh, condition upon the following: <br /> 1. That the city Engineer and Attorney review and approve the division d=uments <br /> prior to filing and that necessary easements are secured. <br /> 2. That the City Engineer establish the minilnum floor elevation to which <br /> sanitary sewer service can be provided. <br /> 3. That the Rice Creek Watershed District approve the proposed development plan . <br /> and related requirements are met by the =er prior to issuance of a building <br /> permit. <br /> 4. That the proposed residence on Tract B be placed west of the point where <br /> Tract B is 95 feet wide. <br /> 5. That park dedication requirements for the additional wilding site be :met <br /> prior to issuance of a wilding permit. <br />