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<br /> Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting, May 14, 1990 <br /> Page 5 <br /> . Case #90-06 (Cont'd) 6. That a Registered Land survey be filed prior to <br /> construction of a new home on Tract B. <br /> 7. That the applicant install a check valve as part of the Sl.lll1p pump system to <br /> protect against sanitary sewer back-up problems. <br /> Motion carried unan:im::>usly. (4-0) <br /> REQUFSr AMENIMENT; Council was referred to a report from Clerk Administrator <br /> CHAR. GAMBLING ORD. Berger, dated 5-11-90, relative to a request from the <br /> INCREASE CIASS B Light Brigade to increase the number of Class B <br /> LICS., LT. BRIGADE Charitable gambling licenses issued by the city. <br /> Berger explained the City =ently limits the number of charitable gambling <br /> licenses to 9, seven of which are Class A and the remainder Class B. At a <br /> previous Council meeting, two Class A licenses were approved which brought the <br /> total number of licenses approved in the city to nine. He noted the Light Brigade <br /> is now eligible to reapply for the license the organization previously held at <br /> the Blue Fox; due to a gambling violation by the Blue Fox Inn, the Light Brigade <br /> was restricted from operations at that location until June 1990 (the violation <br /> was charged to the Blue Fox Inn). <br /> Berger noted the Light Brigade is a local organization has made substantial <br /> contributions to the carnmunity through the city and school district. <br /> The Clerk Administrator and Deputy Clerk Iago con=ed to recommend the number <br /> . of Class B licenses be increased either to three or five; it was noted that Class <br /> B licenses are restricted to operate only at On-Sale liquor establishments in the <br /> city and since there are five establishments it would seem fair to allow each to <br /> the option to conduct charitable gambling. <br /> Mayor Sather questioned when the next Class B license will expire. <br /> Deputy Clerk Iago advised the state Gaming Board does not notify the City when <br /> the license is issued; the city records only indicate the date of Council <br /> approval. <br /> Councilmernber Malone stated the Council deliberated on this matter and determined <br /> the City would be best served by a maximum of nine charitable gambling licenses; <br /> did not favor an increasing the number of licenses. <br /> Councilmernber Growe questioned the type of contributions the Light Brigade has <br /> made to the carnmuni ty . <br /> Herb King, representing the Light Brigade, was present and reviewed the <br /> contriwtions the organization has made to the carnmunity. He =mnented it is <br /> unfair that the Bingo Hall is one wilding and can have seven licenses operating <br /> in the facility, while there are five On-Sale liquor establishments and only two <br /> of those facilities can have charitable gambling activities. King also pointed <br /> out there are Class A licenses issued f= operation at the Bingo Hall which are <br /> no being utilized. <br /> . There was discussion relative to use of the licenses at the Bingo Hall and the <br /> possibility of setting a time-frame for use of a license, if not utilized within <br /> the time period the license would be revoked. It was also suggested a provision <br /> be included in the ordinance which allows only carnmunity based charities to <br /> conduct charitable gambling activities. <br />