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<br /> -~ --...----------- <br /> Sec. 10.03 Administration of Budget <br /> A. Ramsey County shall pay for obligations in accordance with <br /> appropria tions duly made and payment shall be made in <br /> accordance with methods and procedures that the county board <br /> establishes and approves. <br /> B. Appropriation and Certification of Unencumbered Funds <br /> 1. No payment shall be made or obligation incurred against an <br /> allotment or appropriation except in accordance with <br /> appropriations duly made and unless the county manager <br /> first certifies that there is a sufficient unencumbered <br /> balance in the allotment or appropriation and that <br /> sufficient funds therefrom are or will be available to <br /> cover the claim or meet the obligation when it becomes due <br /> and payable. <br /> 2. An authorization of payment or incurring of obligation in <br /> violation of the provisions of this article is void and a <br /> payment so made illegal. <br /> Sec. 10.04 Amendments After Adoption <br /> A. Supplemental Appropriations <br /> The county board may make a supplemental appropriation of funds <br /> to a county departmental budget during the courSe of a budget <br /> year. This appropriation shall authorize the use and <br /> expenditure of funds accruing to the county which were not <br /> deri ved from taxation by the county board and not anticipated <br /> in the budget as estimated receipts. <br /> B. Transfer of Appropriation <br /> The county board may, by resolution, transfer part of all of <br /> any unencumbered appropriation balance or unappropriated funds <br /> from one depar tmen t, office or fund to another department, <br /> office or fund. <br /> C. Emergency Appropriations <br /> Declaration of Emergency: the county board may pass an <br /> emergency ordinance which declares a public emergency to exist. <br /> A public emergency is a sudden or unforeseen circumstance in <br /> the county affecting life, health, property, public peace, or <br /> public welfare that requires immediate county board action. <br /> D. Emergency Revenues <br /> Once an emergency has been declared, the following sourCeS of <br /> revenue may be used to meet the emergency. <br /> 22 <br />