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<br /> 1. The Board may, by resolution, transfer part or all of any <br /> unencumbered appropriation balance or unappropriated from <br /> any departmen t, office, or fund to respond to the <br /> emergency. <br /> 2. The county board may, by a unanimous vote of those <br /> presen t , pass a resolution authorizing the issuance of <br /> emergency notes. These notes may be renewed from time to <br /> time but the emergency notes and renewals in a fiscal <br /> year shall be paid no later than the last day of the <br /> fiscal year following that in which the emergency <br /> appropriation was made. <br /> 3. The county board may, by a unanimous vote of those <br /> presen t, pass a resolution authorizing the issuance of <br /> bonds or other evidences of indebtedness without an <br /> election consistent with the legal au thori ty Ramsey <br /> County has been given to issue bonds and other evidences <br /> of indebtedness. <br /> These bonds or evidences of indebtedness shall become due <br /> and payable in not more than five years from the date of <br /> issue. <br /> 4. The county board may, by resolution and a unanimous vote <br /> of those present, borrow funds and pledge the credit of <br /> the county. The county may borrow either from the State <br /> of Minnesota, federal governmental sources, or from <br /> private sources. These borrowed funds may be renewed <br /> from time to time but the emergency borrowed funds and <br /> renewals in a fiscal year shall be paid no later than the <br /> last day of the fiscal year following that in which the <br /> emergency appropriation was made. <br /> Sec. 10.05 Capital Improvements Plan <br /> A. The county board shall prepare a five.year capital improvements <br /> plan to include: <br /> l. A clear, general summary of its contents; <br /> 2. A list of all capital improvements costing over a <br /> specified dollar amount designated by the county board <br /> which are proposed to be undertaken during the next five <br /> ensuing fiscal years with appropria te information to <br /> show the necessity for these improvements; <br /> 3. Cost estimates, method of financing, and recommended time <br /> schedules for each of these improvements; <br /> 4. The estimated cost of operating and maintaining the <br /> facili ties to be constructed or acquired; and <br /> 5. The estimated cost for debt service for capital <br /> 23 <br />