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<br /> CHAPTER 12 <br /> TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS <br /> Sec. 12.01 Effective Date <br /> This charter shall take effect two years after adoption of the <br /> charter form of government by the voters of Ramsey County. <br /> The effective date shall be November 6, 1992 if adopted at the <br /> November 6, 1990 election. <br /> Sec. 12.02 Continuity <br /> A. The taking effec t of this charter causes no break in the <br /> existence or legal status of the county. <br /> B. All rights, c.laims, causes of action, contrac.ts, and legal and <br /> administrative proceedings of the county that exist just <br /> before the charter takes effect continue unimpaired by the <br /> charter after it takes effect. <br /> C. All county ordinances, resolutions, orders, rules and <br /> regulations that are in force just before this charter takes <br /> effec t remain in force after that time, insofar as consistent <br /> with the charter, without change until amended or repealed. <br /> D. All elected officials of the county who are in office when <br /> this charter takes effec t shall continue in office for the <br /> term for which they were elected, consistent with provisions <br /> of this charter and state law. <br /> E. The status of county employees shall not be affected by the <br /> taking effect of this charter. Personnel matters relating to <br /> county employees shall continue to be governed by Minnesota <br /> Statutes Sections 383A.281 to 383A.301 and Sections 197.455 to <br /> 197.48 as amended. <br /> F. All appointed department heads who are incumbents as of the <br /> effective date of this charter may be removed by the county <br /> manager only with the approval of the county board. <br /> Sec. 12.03 Special Laws Superseded <br /> A. The following special laws have been superseded by charter <br /> provisions: <br /> Minn. Stat. Sec. 383A.04, relating to tax anticipation <br /> warrants, is superseded in its entirety by Charter Sec tion <br /> 9.04. <br /> B. In Minn. Stat. Sec. 383A.06, Subd. 2, the following language <br /> is superseded in its entirety by Charter Section 9.05: <br /> If the board of commissioners of Ramsey county decides to <br /> issue bonds for the relief of the poor, the board shall first <br /> 27 <br />