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<br /> submit the question of the issuance of the bonds to a <br /> referendum of the voters of the county at a s pedal election <br /> called for that purpose, or at a general election. No bonds <br /> of this type may be issued unless a majority voting on the <br /> question at the election vote in favor thereof. <br /> C. Minn. Stat. Sec. 383A.06, Subd. 3, relating to the services <br /> of the S t. Paul Corporation Counsel, is superseded in its <br /> entirety as unnecessary and inapplicable. <br /> D. Minn. Stat. Sec. 383A.07, Subd. 6, relating to sale or <br /> disposal of surplus tracts of park property, is superseded in <br /> its entirety by Charter Section 2.02 K. <br /> E. Minn. Stat. Sec. 383A.07, Subd. 15, relating to a negative <br /> referendum for park resolutions is superseded in its entirety <br /> by Chapter 8 of the charter. <br /> F. Minn. Stat. Sec. 383A.07, Subd. 20 relating to fish hatcheries <br /> is superseded in its entirety as unnecessary and inapplicable. <br /> G. Minn. Stat. Sec. 383A.16, Subd. 4 (b) which places a $2,500 <br /> limi t on county road construction projects performed for a <br /> municipality is superseded in its entirety. <br /> H. Minn. Stat. Sec. 383A.16, Subd. 5 relating to Lexington Avenue <br /> is superseded in its entirety. <br /> I. Minn. Stat. Sec. 383A.20, Subd. 1 relating to internal county <br /> reorganization is superseded by Charter Section 2.02 B. <br /> J. Minn. Stat. Sec. 383A.20, Subd. 6, 7, 8 and 9, all relating to <br /> surety bonds, are superseded by Charter Section 4.01 E. <br /> K. Minn. S ta t. Sec. 383A.20, Subd. 10, relating to automobile <br /> allowances, is superseded to the extent it is inc.onsistent <br /> with Charter Section 2.01 D.4. <br /> L. Minn. Stat. Sec. 383A.20, Subd. 11 relating to office space is <br /> superseded in its entirety. <br /> M. Minn. S ta t. Sec. 383A.23, Subd. 1 relating to the composition <br /> of the county board is superseded by Charter Section 2.01 A. <br /> N. Minn. S ta t. Sec. 383A.24 which establishes the terms for <br /> county commissioners is superseded in its entirety by Charter <br /> Section 2.01 B. <br /> O. Minn. S ta t. Sec. 383A.25 relating to compensation for county <br /> commissioners is superseded in its entirety by Charter Section <br /> 2.01 D. <br /> P. Minn. Stat. Sec. 383A. 32, Subd. 1 is superseded by Charter <br /> Section 4.02 A., in the event that Ramsey County chooses to <br /> have its own purchasing officer. <br /> 28 <br />