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<br />"'I-'*~ -- .. <br />~ . <br /> <br /> <br />. C::: -MORNING EVENTS -- - - - - ---=:; -AFTERNOON EVENTS - - - _ - >=- _~ <br /> <br />~ Prayer Breakfast iog in state and local . ~4ssistants Luncheon to l1.clp p<-Hticipa,nrs c'~alLlate <br />~ 7-8:30 a.m. Join \'our government theme> He lS 12-1:15 p.m. The Ass{s- t~lClr O\n1 ~oachIng skills. <br />, IIe-Jullc" t tl .,'. ~ J.- also a co-founder of the rants Srccrinrr Commicrce Speaker: l\o!k'11.r;, A"dtlJ(JIl, <br />~ co, h sallS Intere c , . !. h P .d 'I' d <br />~ nominational service. The ~\{/tfOi!{l! Joan/a, to \\,:h1Ch invites all conference ~rcs] ent. he f:11 erson <br />speaker. Charles Colson, he C() con~flbute, attendees ((J join them in (Jroup, :\spcn. CO. <br />~, former \Yhite House srafT Spc~lker: i.\~11 R',Pnrce. this popular annllal event. <br />h member. is founder anJ ~a(]:).nall~~ S~~ndlCat~~1 The l~tnchcon speaker, a ~~tegrated ., <br />Chairman of the Board of l\.C\\ spaper ColumnIst. long-time adnlcate of local 1l1anagenzent fot Local <br />~ Prison Fellowship \finis- "ashmgron, DC. govern~1Cm assist;J.nts, \\'ill Govern111ent 111anagers <br />tries. .\fr. Colson visits share hiS thoughts on the Back by ropular dcm;]l1d, <br />~ prisons regularly and works An Introspective important role of the this session will focus on the <br />with the staff to guide the Look at the Local assistant from his perspec- theory and practice of <br />C;I'j program and priorities of Govenunent tivc of having r~~endy integrated m:anagemcnr and <br />the ministry. $14. Professional made the tr~nsltlon fron~ its effectiveness during an <br />'" deputy ro dlrecror. $18,,)0, cI11ergency situation. Case <br />. Pt. B k'" t A IXlnel of dlstmalLlshcd Speak'er' DOlla'-I! Br"l.llt d. .']1 I <br />ar nel'S rea Jas h . I"~ .. ~, stu Ies W] s 1O\V rnanaacrs <br />"- . . " . local uovernmcnr profes- F: .. [).. . I . hi <br />)ol"""o! Start the day bv JOInIng . h . . ,xecurp< c ]recrol, how co successful \' 1mp e- <br />. . slonalswdldlscussrhe J\.~.. -]1 .af(v',." . . <br />othcr partners at hreakfast . . . " hatlona ..IcaMuc 0 ---,ltles, ment ]oteO-fated manage- <br />'l!'""'I"'I. qualities and skdls requIred \\.'. "h. DC . ~. ~ <br />~ ro dlscuss matters of, . as mgron, '. mem Imo thur dav-to-uav <br />. for a sllccessiLll _" ". <br />L'I mutual lI1terest. Tables . I I operatIOns. <br />~. ." career In 0<..'<1 gO\-- <br />WIll be set up bv regIOn tor Rer.ristrati(m and Host Commillee Desks- <br />. "-- crnment manao-e- ~... . O. " V I <br />~ easlernetworkll1u, Star\"- I d....,. 8a.m.-5p.I!l.lganlzlng 0 unteer <br />~ . Co . . .. ment wc av an In .. . . - <br />telling and other aC[]\"1[]CS _. ~. F;ducallOnal ExhrqJls. 10 a.rJ1.-j p.m. Programs for Conl1nu- <br />'III .ct. d f the f1J[llfc. KeYNote: 9-10:10 a,m, , B <br />o WI. Je pron c or COllcurretJtSessioJls: 10:45-11:45 a.1I1. 1uly ettennent <br />c,hddrcn a~es 3 th.rough 5. Building Better Assistants L~llc~eoll: 12-!:15 p.m. In recent years, many local <br />. ~ See p. 14 tor detmls. })artnerships COl1C1IrrentJeSSrOllS: 1:4:J-4p"m" gmernmems hu\'e found <br />K A. d . '" [ ], volunteer p. rograms co be an <br />pynote . u re~ .""e SOIl- . y ., II ~ .,' ,f' <br />S k L . f' " Schneider will folio\\' up her ASSlslants as Coaches exee ent resource or l.n~- <br />'- pea er: f'fL'/S lJnggs. ," .. nrovino- rheir communmcs <br />S'e ) "f, d ..1 very popular sessIOn on ef- ASSistants can lInproye '. M. . I <br />'- e 1'..) >r etal s. . . '. or ]mpronng sernces. n <br />fcctJ\'e commUnlCatlOn, theIr management effec- h"" "~"". '" 'I f <br />h. h I J.D. I. I . t IS seSSIOn, a pane 0 <br />Get Ready to Go W Ie s le presentee Il) es tIveness w uSIng coac lIng .11. f <br />. ~ . .. ex pens w] renew. some 0 <br />'1' t \ [OllleS, Intended for technIques to empower I f 1 I <br />iYj e YO . . t lC more success II YO un- <br />. managers and partncrs others. The srcakcr \VIll . <br />Is there a metropoltral1 ].k' .. .. .. teer proarams In COll"lI1lUnl- <br />. ,a] -e, rhls IIltcract!\"e ses- LIse l11teractlye slInulanon "d ~ d fe <br />p"overnmenr 111 vaur future~ . . h .. tiCS to a\' an 0 Icr sugl1es- <br />b. "' .' s]on promises to e techmques focusll1g on the ..l .M <br />The unper'UlyeS of reO"]{ln- " t' - " ([ons on 110\\. local offiCtals <br />.' .': M provocative and ]ll onnatlve. effcctl\"C usc of language, <br />ahsm-aJr ~Iuahry, land use, Speakcr: Audre\' iYelWt/- - <br />transportatlon, human re- Srlrlleider Com~unications <br />source planning-are rising Specialis~, I'\clson & _ __ <br />fast across thc country. Associates, Boulder, CO. YOUTH PROGRAM _ __ " , <br />How \\'lllloca! gO\"ern- - <br />ments cope? 11 If. Peirce is Preparing Yourself for Bits and Bytes (ages 6 and over) <br />the author of several books A Role as Emergenc)' 8:45 a,m,-3:15 p,m, Welcome to rhe wonderful world of <br />on ~meflcan h~e and]s a Mana er . Tandy Computers where ouryourh will receive two <br />natlonally syndICated news- , g. _.7 hours of computer instruction, with plenrv of hands-on <br />paper c(llllmn.lst It a Hurncane lIugo, \ aldcz .' . .' IT' I I' . ...... . '. f h <br />. -- .. " '- expenence. J.op- eve computer cxeCUClves 0 te <br />011 sp1l1. or chemIcal 'r d C . 'II 'd. , .,., d <br />.d I j " .Ian v ---,orporatIon WI pravl e lOStruCtlOn on .Ian y <br />aeCl em 1arpcnce III vour . . .."'.... ....::_...'.. m "_ .... <br />. ]d' 1000s m the Tandy TrammgCenrer, Parenrs may sign <br />cornmunlry, wall your ~ . h.... . , "f. h 'dl'km ...... 'k h'f '] <br />ff b' d' A.'J! up ior t IS actIVity I t eY_.1 e to ma e r IS a ami y <br />sea e rea y: " s a oca affair and become familiarwi[h the computer t~ch- <br />government rnanager, are '. '-'h'ld'" . .... "1-' '.' Th' '.' <br />d I d mques elf C I renafe earnmg. .... 15 IS not. 'nece. s- <br />vou a equate v prepare to .... _-, ,..; '_; . ...... . <br />. d d' k sary, however...Everyone WIll also .be treated to a tour <br />respon to an [3'e steps . . .' . '. <br />. ] d. ofrheTandylOOOplanr, Tocompletetheday,ther.e <br />ea mgcoa rccover\" co an .. ." ...... .. . . . . .' <br />, w"l be broomballon Ice at the Tandy Mall, for yourh <br />emergency III \'our eommu- . ".' .......... ..' ."' <br />. "I']. '. .1] . only, (Pa. renrs.are onrh. elf own. to browse rheMall,) <br />rutv; llSSeSSlOnWI '.. -,..... ....'.\, '. ". . .... '. ..... <br />, .d .fi Event srarrs ar 9:15 :.:m,; youth room opens for drope <br />proYI esomcspCC11C'" ,:..- :....-:.. '.'." '.' ..... ....."..... ....., . <br />h. . k d offar 8:45 a,m,; YO\!fh rewrn at 3:15p,m, and milsr be <br />tec mgues ro 'eep vou an. k d . b ....4 ..'- L" .' d 50 " <br />ff d ' .plC e upy... .p,m: lm"e to.. pamclpanrs, <br />vourStd prepare ........... -....,; .......... .'- ":...' .' ...... .. <br />, . Includeslunc!!, $17 (for. youth orparenr), <br />