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<br /> ~- ~ <br /> iI <br /> * E <br /> ~ <br /> ~ <br /> .. <br /> = <br />can organize similar vo]uo- multitude of issues that Retraining Employees Achieving a <br />. programs in their own local officials must consider for a More Effective Representative <br />muniries. Panelists once a \'olumeer prograrn Workforce Workforce <br />WIll also discuss the has been implemented. Public employees need Attracting and retaining a <br /> "" continual rmining to rc- \vorkforce that is rcpresen- <br /> -- spond effccti\'ely to new cHive of the community is <br />FIELD DEMOS - office technologies, the an important issue in <br />- - changing functions of coday's local government. <br />Using A Special Improvement District in public servants, ,'arying This session will look at <br /> demographic patterns, and creative programs being <br />Downtown Redevelopment differing community used around the country to <br />10:30 a.m,-12 noon. The renaissance of Fort Worth's needs. Specialized training bring in employees that are <br />downtown has been helped by the joint public and pri- such as bilingual education more ref1eCtLye of the <br />vate partnership of the city of Fort ,,vorth and Down- and understanding elderly community. AI] areas of <br />town Fort Worth, Inc, Through this private, nonprofit and handicapped necds are the public workforce will <br />organization, which acts 3S a liaison betw'ecn the pri- essential to effective be discussed, with special <br />vate business sector and the public seccor, the central management. Come ex- emphasis on police and fire <br />business district has become a vibrant and attractive plOTe the latcst trends and personneL <br />center. Through the special improvement district, innovations in training pro- <br />Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. has a contract with the city grams for your organization" The Joys of Being a <br />to provide and manage all of the district's services. Building SUfJportfor Partner <br />Participants will learn how tax incentives were llsed There is joy in public <br />for residential development~ for the preservation of Environmental service--Dr is there? Corne <br />historic structures, for restoration of the historic Sinclair Protection Initiatives explore public sen'ice from <br />Office Building and the Blackstonc Hotel, and for H(m" can you effectively the partners' point of vic\\" <br />expansion of the Tandy Center. $8. communicate environ- and reaffirm the impor- <br />Dead Fish Tell No Lies mental necessities and risks tance and fun of public life. <br /> to residents of your COrll- <br />0-3 p.m. Explore a creative alternative to tradi- munity? How can YOLl use lVlanaging Stress: It <br />nal chemical testing, Thc city of Fort Worth Health increased public concern May Be Killing You <br />Department has developed a moniwring device for the environment [() your This session examines the <br />costing $.50that can detect water systems pollution. benefit? This session will suess that managers expe- <br />The monitoring device, made of a plastic two-liter soft explore how a number of rience carrying om their <br />drink container~ contains minnows. The device is communities have built day-to-dd~' responsibilities. <br />placed in a storm drain-if the minnows in the an- support for local enyiron- Experts find that one's <br />chored bottle die, the water is contaminated. mental protection managelTlent style can <br />The program recently received a $100,000 award initiatives. creatc or reduce stressful <br />from the Ford Foundation for Innovations in State and situations. Find out how <br />Local Government and the US Fish and Wild]ife Minority Business YOll c<ln recognize the <br />Directors' Award. Development: A New danger signals of burnout <br />You will be bused to a storm drain fallout area for a <br />demonstration, and you will have the option of being Perspective and reduce the impact of <br />lowered into the storm drain system. $8. Efforts to support and stress. <br /> foster the growth of female Wind Down <br />Multi-Purpose Water Treatment Plant and minority-owned <br />1:30-3:30 p,m, The city of Arlington's state-of-the-art businesses are traditionally 4-5 p,m, Rc]ax and <br /> viewed as falling within the continue the day's discus- <br />southwest water treatment plant is one of the first in realm of civil rights. A ne\\" sions over a glass of \-vine or <br />the United States with the capability to treat water in <br />several ways. \Vith a trearment capacity of 25 mgd) it perspective on minority beer or a soft drink. <br />can be expanded to a maximum of 100 mgd in 2S mgd business development re- <br /> quires that this function be <br />increments. A hydro-power generation station was regarded as critical to local <br />constructed within the facility and it uses the excess government economic de- <br />heat of the raw water line to produce enough electricity velopmenr, with programs <br />to power the majoriryof the plant's process equipment: to enhance and strengthen <br />The process is controlled entirely by mini-computers these businesses located in <br />~rijUnetion with programmable logic controllers. the economic development <br />. he Arlington Water Utility received the Environ- department. Don't miss <br />ental Protection Agency's Regional Administrator's this discussion of small and <br />Environment Excellence Award for public water . minority business devclop- <br />supplYforRegion VI. mcnt strategies, <br />The bus trip is about 30 minutes. $8. <br />.. <br />