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<br /> lr:> * <br /> o:'\j <br /> C< - - - that \v'ill determine the international firms, <br /> . MORNING EVENTS I <br /> - - . - - types of managers whd methods used to anracr <br />. ~ Partners Breakfast the Conference Planning will be most effective in these firms, the perceived <br /> leading (o111orrO\\"5 organi- benefits and problems, <br /> ~ and Program Committee again this year, zations. Dr. Howard \\-ill and hO\\' these firms arc <br /> Following a continemal this event will be held as a focus on helping managers changing the traditional <br /> ~ meeting only. <br /> breakfast, a presenter \vilJ to develop the skills and role of business in the <br /> ~ lead the group in a Annual Business strategies needed to cope community. Facw[s that <br /> discussion examining and with issues of the future, local goycrnrnents should <br /> E--.. validating the stresses of Meeting including global compcri- consider before embarking <br /> public Iifc and exploring Last year's informal rion, ne\y technology, mul- upon campaigns to attract <br /> Q... ahcrnacive yva':/s of coping meeting was such a hit, ticulwralism, and higher foreign firms \vill also be <br /> that suit individual needs \ve're doing it again this job skil]s, examined. <br /> ~ and family lifestyles. Sw- vcar! IC\lA Prcsident Bill Speakcr: DI' AllII }fom'ard, <br /> V) rytelling will be provided Baldridge and Executive President, L,eadcrship Stopping Drugs In the <br /> for children agcs 3 to S. Director Bill Hansell lead Research Institute, Community: What <br /> you through an Tenafly, N]. Works, What Doesn't <br /> . open forum of ideas <br /> ;;.., Registration aJid Host Committee Desks: focused on the Drug Testing: The The drug problem has <br /> 9 a.m,-S p.m. "futures'l issues infiltrated virtually every <br /> Regionalllfeetings: 9-10 a.IlI. Humanistic segment of American <br /> ~ Educational Exhibits: 10 a.nJ.- 41),m, that will have an Approach <br /> Annual Business JUte/iug: 10:15-11 a.m, impact on local go\'- societ')'. How do we recap- <br /> Q KeYHotes: J 1:15 a.m.-12:/5 p,m. and ernments everv- This panel discussion will ture our commuriities? A <br /> 1:45-2:45 p.m. where. Then focus on the legal and di\"Crse panel will examine <br /> '~ Sand'lil1ich Swaps: 12:30-1:30 p.m. personnel administration strategies that haven't <br /> Concurre11f Sessions: 3-5 p.m. partici pate In a implications of drug \\-orked, stnnegies that are <br /> ~ stimulating <br /> Q & A visual pres- testing, and the manager's \\.orking, and how to get <br /> '" Regional ,111 eetings entation and discussion role in implementing this the community invoh'Cd <br /> >-: ]C\ IA membcrs from the guaranteed to challenge program. The primary in solving the problem. <br /> E--.. five regions and other the way you look at the emphasis of this discussion The role of law enforce- <br />. countries meet separately future of local govcrn- \vill be on \\.ays to help the menc and the court system <br /> with their rcspeeti\'e vice- ment. employee find and follow \\-ill also be discussed. <br /> presidents, These meet- a path toward recovery. <br /> ings ser\"e as a forum for Keynote Making Environ- <br /> discussing key organiza- Speaker: Ji/mes Crupi. Communities in the mental Public- <br /> tional issues and initia- Scc p. 3 for details. Global Economy Private Partnerships <br /> rives. At the request of Helping local husincss and Work for You <br /> -- ~ industry become more This session vi.'iIl present <br /> - - internationally competitive <br /> AFTERNOON EVENTS - .- ';real \vorld" examples of <br /> - -- - - - is critical in today's global how local government <br /> Sandwich Swaps Service With A Smile economy. This session officials have successfully <br /> \vill examine how local used innovative ap- <br /> 12:30-1:30 p.m. Pick up a Customer relations has governments are facititat- proaehes to finance and <br /> sandwich and join a become important in all ing the recruitment of <br /> roundtable discussion of sectors of society today. manage their environ~ <br /> mutual interests. Corporations and govern- <br /> ments alike are establish- - --- ~ - -- <br /> Keynote FIELD DEMO -- <br /> ing programs to train - - -- -- - - - -----= - . -=- - <br /> Speaker: Roger Rosm/;/au. employees in the area of <br /> See p. 3 for detai Is. customer service. In this Law Enforcement Center is a "'For-Profit" <br /> session, a panel of experts Facility <br /> will discuss successful cus- 8-10 a.m. and 10 a.m.-12 noon. Discover an inno~a~ <br /> tomer relations prograrns tive approach to solving the problem of jail bed short- <br /> in both the public and ages in the county and surrounding counties due to <br /> private sectors and how the closing of the Tartant County facilicy, Mansfield <br /> local officials can imple- ,., <br /> (population 16,000) undertook a "for-profit" facility l <br /> mcnt an effective program after feasibilicy studies indicated that the cicy could ~ <br />. in rheir ovm community. actually generate revenues by building a facilicy and i <br /> leasing space back teacher agencies. Realizing the l <br /> Developing Managers public issues related to the location of a jail faci]icy in <br /> for the 21st Century a communicy, the dcy developed a public relations <br /> Radical changes arc program that has been proven highly successful. <br /> s\veeping the \\'orkplace The bus trip is about 40 minutes, $8. <br />