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<br /> - <br />'C .* - <br />~I <br />:::: <br /> - - ~ -. - - - - - <br /> - - - .' <br /> MORNING EVENTS ;==- =-~.,1 AFTERNOON EVENTS - - - <br /> - <br />.~ . - - -- - -~ - - .- - --- - <br /> - -- - <br />c.:: Partners Breakfast to become 1110re cffectj,"c Awards Luncheon Maintaining a - <br />:::s Enjoy breakfast with other in working with neighbor~ This luncheon \"ill Delicate Balance <br /> partners and explore issues hood groups. recognize the winners of HO\\" can partners encour- <br /> of mLltual imeresr. 'Elblcs Guess Who's Coming the 1990 IC~]A Annual <:lge high ethical st8odards? <br />~ \rill be set up by region to Awards. '1'.'"0 nc\\' awards \\'har arc some of the <br />h facilitate networking. to Work? will be given this yeai- edllea] dilemmas facing <br /> Storytelling and other A noted dcrnographer The Assistant Excellence partners? This session \viB := <br />~ acd\"irics ,,"ill be pro\'ided replays his critically in Leadership Award in explore these issues and <br /> for children ages" to 5. acclaimed presentario!1 !\Iemory of Buford \1. the parmers' roles and I <br />~ from the i\Iomreal confcr- Watson and the Workplace respon:sibilities in the <br /> Future Visions enee. sharing his vision of Diversity Professional De- ':'lI' <br /> delicate ethical balance. <br />IJj Update where this cOllntry will be velopmellt Award. Other <br /> This session. to be in the year ZOOO and awards include the Award Gauging Your " <br />. presemed lw F u rure- heyond. Trends covered for Excellence in Honor of Community's <br />;;.., Visions mernbers. ,,-iH will include changing job \lark E. Keanc, the ;; <br /> foclls on some of the major developrnent patterns, the Career Development Changing ! <br />~ findings regaJding the high technology economy Award in Honor of L.P. Demographics <br />~ future of local govern- as well as education and Cookingham, the Aca- So you've been told that <br /> mel1t_ employment fluctuations. demic Award in !\JemOfY your region is experienc- <br />IJj Speaker: Dc Harolrl of Stl:phen B. Sweeney, iog demographic shifts? <br /> 1'l1e Future of the Hodgkinson, Director, the Local Government l'\O\Y what? 'T'his session <br />~ Plan Center for Demographic Education Award. and the \\-ill explore the tech- i1 <br /> Is the council-manager Policy, \\'ashingwn. DC. Awards for Prograrn niques and signals by <br />< Excellence. A video \yhich managers can delcct ,~-~t <br /> plan equipped [0 meet the Keynote presentation will be shown changes in their own COl1l- <br />.~ future needs of communi- Speaker: Palll Pmn'f1//. duringthelllnchcon munities. Several comnHl- <br /> tics? This critical look Jt nities that have experi- <br /> the plan explores \\"arning See p. " for derails_ highlighting the a,,-aru <br />~ sig'1s that the plan ma;; winners, $18.50. enced rapid shifts in <br /> characteristics will help <br />== nor be adequate for the identify \\-ays changing <br /> future, and what adjust- communities can cope. <br /> mellts need to be made to <br /> keep it rcsponsin; to the - '- - .4ffordable Housing: <br /> needs of communities YOUTH PROGRAM <br /> - How to Achieve It <br /> around the country. <br /> ZOO Do This panel discussion <br /> Conflict Resolution \ 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. The Texas Exhibit at the zoo explores the concept of <br /> and Community offers a unique journey back to yesteryear, when affordable housing and the <br /> Problem Solving buffalo ran free and wi]dlife outnumbered small role that local govcrnrnent <br /> How can your local towns and cities. This exhibit recreates a slice of <br /> government l!se consensus Texas in the late 1800s. In addition to animals, this <br /> onc-acre exhibit includes a representation of a - <br /> building \\-ithin the frontier town, a reconstruction of a stone ranch house SPORTS EVENT <br /> community as a rool for and a 12-scall barn, complete with livestock,. Dcmon- <br /> problem solving? This Golf Tournament <br /> seSSIOn can serve JS a strations of horseshoeingl sheep shearing and the like <br /> resource for training local take place in adjacent corrals, After spending the 10:30 a.mA p,m. The <br /> go\"ernment staff on hem morning at the zoo, our youth will move on to the golf tournament will <br /> Museum of Science and History, which includes be held at the scenic <br /> permanent exhibits of Texas history, fossils and and challenging Pecan <br /> geology, human physiology, and the history of medi- Valley Golf Course on <br /> cine. Finally, a special film will be shown in the the banks of the <br /> Omni Theatre, incorporating the most advanced Trinity River. The <br /> super-70mm and multi.image projection and sound tournament format <br /> , system in the world. The screen',t~-~ largest of its will be a F]orida <br />. kind in the world, is 80 feet indialT)eterand tilted at scramble. Price <br /> a 3D-degree angle, resulting,in, a vie\Ving system - inc1lldes 'gree;nsfee, <br /> designed to envelop.1I the senses" < . .. ... . cart_~e~tal~1.unc~, <br /> Events starts at 9 a.m.; yo~th r09rr,\opeIlsfordrop- . beverages, balls, aIld <br /> off.t 8:30 a.m.; youth return at 3:30~,m.andmust be aw~rds. mingyour <br /> picked upby 4 p.m: Includes ]unch.$18. . . O",n equipment. $35; <br />