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<br /> Jr <br /> can play. The negative \'oearing and Registration flud Host Coltlmillee Desks: EVENING EVENT <br /> impacts of affordahle defendin,,; the 9 a.m.-J2nOOfJ. - <br /> housing on a comIlllmity's plan' Keynote: 9-10:15 a.m. <br /> e."ie \.iu]m. will "Iso In this session. u COllcurreJJt Sessions: 10:45-11:45 a.m. CLOSING <br /> b resscd. panel of seasoned Awards Luncheon: 12-2:15 p.m. CELEBRATION <br /> Concurrent SessioNs: 2:30-3:30 p.m. <br /> "C-l\l veterans A Texas Gala: 7 p.m.-midtJight <br /> Value and Integrity will explore ways A Texas Gala <br /> Trailzingfor Public in which I11anagers 7 p.111.-midnight. <br /> Servants C~ln organize advocates in Educational Our 76th Annual Confer- <br /> \\'lur mechanisms can their cornmllnit~. to fight Partnerships: Can cnee Closing Celebr8tion <br /> managers lIse to change an ;:loandonment challenge Communities Afford will be a Texas Gala in the <br /> and set organizarional or suPPOrt d change to the Not to Have Them? finest down-home Texas <br /> Ydlues for the~r staff? This council-manager pbn. l'vbny local gm'ernments sryle. The Convention <br /> session looks at how the Discussion \\"i]] also focus have csrablishcd cduca- Center exhibit hall \\'ill he <br /> \-alues of the workplace on the manager's role rional partnerships to uansformed into a Texas <br /> havT changed over time throughoLlt the process. enhance the o\"i.::rall dance hall with Texas- <br /> and how they n1<l'/ con- vitality and bealth of their sized decor: larger rlun <br /> tinue to change in the Surviving the comnjunities. Key focal life longhorns, armadillos, <br /> future. Transition points of this session will hats and boors: and 'lcxas- <br /> Do YOU know 'where vou style desserts: pecan pie, <br /> Neighborhood . . be labor force dcvelop- cherry cobbler, praline <br /> will call home five y'cars mem. the role of IOGll <br /> Groups: Tools of from now? Are you government, and the cheesecake, and chocolate <br /> Progress prepared for the emotional implications of nm having cake, :\Jter the reception, <br /> stress a mo\'e can cause? \\"e will salute Ollr fellow <br /> \\'hat arc neigh borhood Find out how YOll and eJucation~11 partnerships. members and welcome the <br /> groups and \\-hy do they your partner can prepare new IC\lA Executi\T <br /> form? This session will for and ease the "uessflll BO~Hd. The Fon \Yorth <br /> foclls on ho\" managers transition of relocating to l-lost C:on:\lnittee will then <br /> can use neighborhood another community. present counrry-\\'estcrn <br /> groups to affect change in singer! ,ollise \Iandrc!L <br /> a community and support \\'hose sho\\" is rcg<.\rded as <br /> .ommuni!:~' isslles. one of the best in the <br /> . essful neighborhood country. 'T'o top off the <br /> groups will be highlighred. - - - n'ening, seay to listen and <br /> FIELD DEMOS - . <br /> - - - dance ro the \Iason-Dixon <br /> The Community Dead Fish Tell No Lies fbnd. Dress will be dance <br /> Visioning Pm cess hdll clsLlal; deninis accept- <br /> 'I'h is panel discussion will 1O:30a,m,-12 noon. See Monday for description. ~lblc. Price includes <br /> be led b-y local govern- dessercs ,-lIld coffee. Cash <br /> ment managers who have Public-Private Partnership Created to bars. The enrerminmenr <br /> designed and imple- Develop Alliance Airport is '-1 gift to lei'-. [A from the <br /> mented exceptional com- 10:30 a.m.-12 noon. Wide-scale economic growth is Fort \\"ortl1 Host Commit- <br /> munity nSlOnJng proc- on the horizon for the northern Fort Worth area due t'-'e. :-\dults $16, youth $8. <br /> esses. 'l'his session will ro the development of Alliance Airport, The growrh <br /> help "you design a \"ision- began when the city of Fort Worth annexed 5,619 <br /> ing program for your acres into the city. A total of 8,500 acres of propcrty <br /> community, and giyc \'Oll '-1 was zoned for industrial, commercial, and residential <br /> pre\"icw of the results YOll development. Four major projects flourished: the <br /> can ex pecr. industrial Alliance Airport, a spur freeway, and two <br /> Mobilizing Commu- mixed-use developments designed for commercial <br /> and residentialusc. The airport is owned by the city <br /> nity Advocates in of Fort \Vorth and a private group has been contracted <br /> Support of the to manage it. Any activity on airport property is <br /> Council-Manager reviewed and approved by the Fort Worth city <br /> Plan council. <br /> This time YOll rcally do As a result of these developments, regional growth <br /> is predicted to occur along the 1-35W corridor. With <br /> need help. A referendum manufacturing, assembly, and distribution warehouses <br /> .abO]ish the council- located on the property, the airport will be used for <br /> . nager form of govern- receiving raw materials, parts, and partially assembled <br /> ent is gainin~ support in goods, Finished producrs may then be shipped to <br /> your community. \Vho can points of delivery. $8. <br /> you turn to for help in ad- <br /> ~,~--.,.,.... """., O"',~_...~,____,...,.....",_ ..... ,,- .. '\ <br /> , <br />