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<br /> Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting, 8-13-90 <br /> Page 3 <br /> . CASE #90-11 (Cont'd) Council and the Attorney agreed that deferring action <br /> on this matter does not suggest a church cannot be <br /> constructed on this site, merely that the configuration <br /> displayed on this preliminary site plan does not meet code conq:>liance and will <br /> not support the intensity of development proposed. <br /> Council encouraged the applicant to continue negotiations for purchase of the <br /> residential property located northwest of this site. <br /> Oleg Gregoret, representing the church building camrnittee, stated the applicant <br /> will be willing to comply with rem:wal of the tbree housing units fram the site <br /> plan if a stipulation to do so is :inp:>sed by the Council. <br /> Vera Tanasiachuk, parishioner of the church congregation, explained she is one of <br /> the persons donating the land for use as a church. She indicated future plans <br /> included a nursing home facility, however, the site is lllnited and that may be <br /> :i:rrp:>ssible. She stated the main reason for donating the site is to construct the <br /> church and parish hall. <br /> Attorney Filla stated the review process includes the consideration of a specific <br /> site plan to which the City can react, not just the concept of placing a church <br /> on the site. <br /> Council concurred that the applicant should subnit detailed plans for the site <br /> plan, as required by code, and at that time both the SUP and site plan will be <br /> reviewed for action. <br /> I' Malone IDOVed, seconded by GreMe, to table action on Case <br /> #90-11, Special Use Permit and site Plan Review f= a House of worship, Highway <br /> 96 and Snelling Avenue, until the Regular Council meeting held September 24, <br /> 1990, or a written request for an extension is received by the applicant on that <br /> date to extend the time, to alleM the applicant time to address all Council and <br /> Planning Commission concerns relative to site plan code conq:>liance, and to subnit <br /> detailed site plans which address lighting, landscaping and other amenities. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> CASE #90-09; SITE Council was referred to the revised Planner's report <br /> PIAN REVIEW, SPORI'S dated 8-1-90, relative to the site Plan Review for <br /> CLUB, 4155 LEXINGIDN Racquet Sports Courts at 4155 LeXington Avenue North, <br /> AVE., DENNIS FOSTER Dennis and Patricia Foster. <br /> Planner Bergly advised the Chair of the Planning Commission and he met with the <br /> applicant to resolve some of the site and building issues discussed at the July <br /> 11 Planning Commission meeting. He explained most of the issues have been <br /> resolved by the applicant and a 1lIUch linproved site plan was subnitted. <br /> Council was referred to the Planning minutes dated 8-1-90, approval <br /> of the air-supported structures and approval of Phase I of the site Plan, subject <br /> to conditions listed in the Planner's report and Planning Cammission review of <br /> exterior building materials for Phase I and review of all sulJse:!Uent site <br /> development phases as each occurs. <br /> . eounciJ.rnernbers advised they did not receive the revised Planner'S report on this <br /> matter . <br /> eounciJ.rnernber Malone stated he is uncomfortable taking action on this matter, due <br /> to the numerous conditions attached to the Planning Cammission recommendation for <br /> approval of the site plan. <br />