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<br />, <br /> MINUl'FS OF THE ARDEN HILlS RErnllAR COUNCIL MEEI'ING <br /> MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1990, 7:30 P.M. - CITY HALL <br /> CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, Mayor Sather <br />. called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. <br /> ROLL CALL '!he roll being called the following members were present: <br /> Mayor '!hornas Sather, Councilmembers Nancy Hansen, Paul <br /> Malone and JaAnn Growe. Absent: Councillllember 'Thomas Mahowald. Also present: Park <br /> Director JoIm Buckley, Public Works SUpervisor Dan Winkel, Clerk Administrator <br /> Gal:y Berger and Deputy Clerk Catherine Iago. <br /> AOOPI' REVISED Clerk Administrat= Berger requested an additional item <br /> AGENDA 10/29/90 be placed on the 10/29/90 Agen::la, under 8 (d): Request to <br /> Lease Mailing system fram Pitney Bowes. <br /> Malone moved, seconded by Hansen, to adopt the October 29 <br /> Revised Council Agen::la, with an additional item; 8 (d) Request to Lease Mailing <br /> system from pitney Bowes. Motion carried unan.llrously. (4-0) <br /> CERI'IFICATES ; Mayor Sather and Park Director Buckley presented <br /> YARD BFAUITFICA.TION Certificates of Appreciation to the following residents <br /> PROGRAM for their participation in the Yard Beautification <br /> Prcgram: <br /> Melva Pierce, 3316 New Brighton Road; Mark and Ravone Peterson, 4468 North <br /> Hamline Avenue; Mr. and Mrs. James Schloner and Kari, 1478 Iametti lane; '!homas <br /> and Kathy Goserud, 4350 North Hamline; and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilbertson, 3308 New <br /> Brighton Road. <br />. Mayor Sather and Park Director Buckley thanked all residents participating in the <br /> yard beautification prcgram and encouraged continued participation next year. <br /> FlAG PRESENTATION; Mayor Sather introduced JoEllen Johnson, vice Chair of <br /> SCHCOL nrsr. #621 the School Board for District #621. <br /> JoEllen stated the schools in District 621 are encouraging a spirit of <br /> cooperation between the schools, cities and various goverrnnent entities to <br /> promote learning. She explained 800 students entered the Contest to design a <br /> flag. '!he design suhnitted by Anna Pletscher, a student fram Valentine Hills <br /> Elementary School, was chosen as the symbol for the flag. Johnson conunended <br /> Valentine Hills School Art Teacher, Diane Erickson, for promotion of the design <br /> ccnrpetition and encouraging students to suhnit entries. <br /> Johnson requested the "Celebrate Learning" flag be displayed by the city during <br /> National Etlucation Week, November 11-17, and at other appropriate times of the <br /> year. She advised all cities within the school district were presented a flag. <br /> Mayor Sather thanked Ms. Johnson on J:ehalf of the Council, city staff and <br /> residents of Arden Hills and encouraged city cooperation to promote prcgrarns of <br /> learning for children. <br /> APPROVE MINUl'FS Growe moved, seconded by Hansen, to approve the October 9 <br /> Regular Council Minutes and October 22 Council <br />. Worksession Minutes, as suhnitted. Motion carried unanilnously. (4-0) <br />