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<br /> SP90-296 - 2 - November 2, 1990 <br /> Maier stewart & Associates <br /> have an outlet to regulate such fluctuations, there is <br />. concern that the residences may be subject to flooding in <br /> the future. Consideration has been given to either <br /> enlarging the pond or providing an outlet for excess water. <br /> To help evaluate the feasibility of these options, Maier <br /> stewart & Associates (hereafter referred to as MSA) desired <br /> to evaluate the hydraulic characteristics, or permeabilities <br /> of the soils beneath the pond. <br /> SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> BRAUN drilled a single penetration test boring at the <br /> approximate location shown on the attached sketch. <br /> Dimensions used by our crew chief to locate the boring are <br /> also shown. Some of the features shown on the sketch were <br /> reproduced from a September 1990 Utility Easement Plan <br /> provided by MSA. <br /> The boring was drilled to a depth of 25.5 feet beneath the <br /> ground surface, using a truck-mounted core and auger drill. <br /> This machine was equipped with hollow-stem augers. <br /> The boring was performed in accordance with ASTM D1586 <br /> procedures. Using this method, the bore hole was advanced <br /> with the hollow-stem auger to the desired test depth. Then, <br /> a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches was used to drive a <br />. standard, 2-inch OD, split barrel sampler a total <br /> penetration of 1-1/2 feet below the bottom of the bore hole. <br /> The blows for the last foot of penetration (BPF) , which are <br /> an index of soil strength characteristics, were recorded and <br /> are shown on the attached log. Soil samples were taken at <br /> 2-1/2-foot intervals to the IS-foot depth, and then again at <br /> the 20 and 25-foot depths in the boring. The use of hollow- <br /> stem auger eliminated the driving of casing and the need for <br /> jetting water. <br /> RESULTS <br /> A Log of Boring sheet indicating the depth and <br /> identification of the various soil strata, penetration <br /> resistances, and water level information is attached. The <br /> depths shown as boundaries between the strata are only <br /> approximate. The actual change may be more of a transition <br /> and the depth of change likely varies horizontally. <br /> The boring encountered about 6 feet of fill. The fill <br /> consisted of silty clayey sand, which was mottled brown and <br /> gray, and was wet. Native silty and clayey sands were <br />. <br /> l BRIIOn'l <br />