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<br /> D. SEPARATION. An employee who leaves the municipal service <br /> after a minimum of one (1) complete year of continuous <br /> service shall be compensated for vacation accrued to the date <br /> of separation. <br />. E. VACATION ACCRUAL. Commencing with the date on which he first <br /> became employed by the City and continuing through the fifth <br /> year of his employment, a regular full-time employee shall <br /> accrue paid vacation leave benefits at the rate of three and <br /> five tenths (3.5) hours for each bi-weekly pay period he has <br /> been an employee of the city; provided, however, no <br /> probationary employee shall be entitled to avail himself of <br /> such benefits. Temporary employees are not eligible for <br /> vacation leave. <br /> Commencing with the sixth year of employment and continuing <br /> through the eleventh year, a regular employee shall accrue <br /> paid vacation leave benefits at the rate of five (5.0) hours <br /> for each bi-weekly pay period he has been employed by the <br /> City. <br /> commencing in the 12th year and continuing through the 15th <br /> year, a regular employee shall accrue paid vacation leave <br /> benefits at the rate of six (6.0) hours for each bi-weekly <br /> pay period he has been employed by the city. <br /> commencing in the 16th and continuing through the 19th year, <br /> a regular employee shall accrue vacation leave benefits at <br /> the rate of six and five tenths (6.5) hours for each <br /> bi-weekly pay period he has been employed. <br />. Commencing in the 20th year of employment and thereafter, a <br /> regular employee shall accrue vacation leave benefits at the <br /> rate of seven (7.0) hours for each bi-weekly period he has <br /> been employed by the city. <br /> When an official holiday as provided herein falls on a <br /> working day during an employee's vacation, the day of the <br /> holiday will not be counted as a day of vacation. <br /> similarily, official holidays as provided herein falling on <br /> Saturday or Sunday, when they have the effect of converting a <br /> Friday or Monday to a holiday, shall not be counted as a day <br /> of vacation. <br /> SECTION 19-13 SICK LEAVE <br /> A. PURPOSE. Paid sick leave may be granted by the city when an <br /> employee is unable to perform work duties due to: illness, <br /> disability, including temporary disability due to pregnancy <br /> and childbirth, legal quarantine, serious illness of a <br /> spouse, child, parent or legal guardian residing in the same <br /> household as the employee; the necessity of obtaining medical <br /> or dental care, or other emergencies. Paid sick leave shall <br /> not be granted unless it has been requested by an employee <br /> for the purposes previously stated; previously earned by the <br />. employee in accordance with the accrual schedule and approved <br /> by the employee's immediate supervisor. <br /> -10- <br />