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<br /> determination by the city Council, a written <br /> response shall be provided to the employee within <br /> twenty (20) work days of receipt of the written <br /> grievance or of the hearing. The written response <br />. of the city Council shall constitute the city's <br /> final response to the employee's grievance. <br /> SECTION 19-24 LAY-OFF AND DEMOTION. An employee may be laid off <br /> at the discretion of the City Administrator. Job relevant <br /> qualification factors shall be the primary basis for <br /> determining lay-offs. Length of continuous service within a <br /> given job classification and total length of continuous <br /> service will be considered when jOb-relevant qualifications <br /> of employees are equal. The city Administrator shall give a <br /> minimum of fourteen (14) calendar days advance written notice <br /> to any employee to be laid off. <br /> At the discretion of the City Administrator an employee may <br /> be demoted from one position to another in a lower <br /> classification at a lower level of pay. <br /> SECTION 19-25 DISCIPLINE FOR JUST CAUSE AND DISCHARGE. <br /> Discipline and discharge will be for just cause. Evidence of <br /> just cause will provide the basis for all disciplinary <br /> action. Cause for discipline and discharge includes, but is <br /> not limited to: <br /> 1. Incompetence or inefficiency in performance of duties. <br />. 2. Conviction of a criminal offense. <br /> 3. violation of any lawful or official work rule, <br /> regulation or city ordinance. <br /> 4. Reporting for work and/or working while under the <br /> influence of alcohol, drugs or other controlled <br /> substances. <br /> 5. The use of offensive conduct or language toward the <br /> public, municipal officers or employees. <br /> 6. Carelessness and/or negligence in the handling or <br /> control of municipal property or property entrusted to <br /> the employee by the city. <br /> 7. Inducing or attempting to induce a person, officer or <br /> employee of the city to commit an unlawful act or to act <br /> in violation of any lawful and reasonable official <br /> regulation or order. <br /> 8. Dishonesty in the performance of duties. <br /> 9. Violation of or fraud regarding the provisions of this <br />. chapter. <br /> -16- <br />