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<br />. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Page Tl1ree ~'i!nui"es of Regular Coune! I 1'1eetlng <br /> <br />SEpt. 2"/, 1965 <br /> <br />Trustee Nethercut moved. seconded by Trustee Bjorndahl, that an Ordlnance'licenslng <br />and regulating the sale and consumption of IntoxIcatIng lIquors. fixing license <br />fees therefor, providing and repealing Ordinances Nos. 32. 68 and 75, be Intro- <br />duced by title and given Its first reading; motion carried. <br /> <br />REPORT OF Am. V I NCENT P. COURTNEY <br /> <br />Uniform Building Code <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromqwlst dIstributed copies of a rough draft of the Uniform Bul !dlng <br />Code as submItted by Atty. Courtney. <br /> <br />Trustee Olmen Introduced by title and g've the fIrst readIng to an Ordinance regulai-Ing <br />the excavation and grading for and the erection. construction. enlargement, arteratlon, <br />repair, removal, movlgg, demolItIon, conversIon. occupancy, equipment, Use, wsight, <br />area. Improvement and maIntenance of air buildings and structures in the Vlilage <br />of Arden HIlls, prmvldlng for the Issuance of permits and the collectIon of fees <br />there)(or and repealing al/ Ordinances In conflict wli-h this ordinance; seconded <br />by Trustee Nethercu'j-; motion carried. <br /> <br />Minnesota Planning Act <br />Atty. Cour1~ey Informed the CouncIl that he has reviewed the MInnesota PlannIng <br />Act and a fetter wIll be forthcoming to Trustee Nethercut and Clerk Lorraine <br />Stromquist wIth his COmments; he stated that It is dIfficult to act on thIs without <br />checking the proposed zoning ordInance. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGR. DONALD LUND <br /> <br />Contro I Data Road <br />Clerk LorraIne StromquIst read a letter, dated Sept. 27, 1965, from Engr. Liebenow, <br />BanIster EngIneering Co.. which stated that the road cOl'lstruci'lon Is completed <br />with the exception of several mInor Itams. However, the drainage construction in <br />conjunction with the road construction has not been satisfactorIly completed. <br />The Council reqauested the Engineer to so Inform Control Data that the VI/lage <br />will not accept the road until It Is satisfactorily completed. Clerk LorraIne <br />StromquIst Informed i-he Council that -j-hls should be accomplished before the flrs'( <br />of the year for road allotment. <br /> <br />County Road F and HwY. DID <br />Clerk LorraIne Stromquist read a letter, dated Sept. 27, 1965, from Engr. Lund <br />concern I ng an entrance to the Cou.nty property adjacent to the playground at Coun',,, <br />Road F and Hwy. 610. The County hlld consented to construct thIs en-rr'l'lnce providing <br />the VIllage would supply the proper culverSs tor dralJlllge purposes. The CQ.u.nty <br />has determined that the entra~~thls area shoul~~ from County RoddF~ther <br />~ from Hwy. DID; the Engln~~~ee. wIth thIs change. This change would ~I' . <br />.....a PossIble traffic hazard. 'the letter further stated that since oj-he County <br />has completed Its proJect at this Intersection. further negotIatIons are necessary <br />to arrive at a satISfactory solutIon for the construction o'F the entrance. Mat'rer <br />referred to Engr. Lund to further negotIate wIth the County and Inform them that <br />the Village would furnIsh the.necessary culvert. Trustee Bjorndahl requested . <br />Engr. Lund to also InquIre as to the County's IntentIon on the property. <br /> <br />TrUSTee Nethercut also Inquired whether the County Intends >(0 seed and/or SOd '~he <br />the area; Mr. Anklan stated that he believes this will be done In the spring. <br /> <br />Siems Court WaSh-out Repair <br />Engr. Lund Informed the Council that Bltlmlnous Roadway has sent a bIll to Banister <br />Engineering Co. In the amount of $/36.00 for the repair of the washout of the curbln g <br />on Siems Court. The Council determined that BanIster Eng. Co. pay this bl II and <br />submIt a bll I to the VIllage for reimbursement. <br /> <br />CummIngs Lane SOdding <br />Engr. Lund Informed the Council that the Sodding on CummIngs Lane wIll be done as <br />SOOn as the ground has settled. He stated that he belIeves the contract price Is <br />high and believes the VIllage could do the SOsdlng for about one-harf of the <br />contractor's price. The Council decIded that the VI/lage will do the SOddIng. <br />Fred Nixon Informed the COuncil that this Sodding could be done this fall If the <br />weather permits. <br /> <br />-3- <br />