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able to principal buildings other than <br />single family homes, and accordingly <br />the following provisions of this Para- <br />graph' A are applicable directly to prin- <br />cipal buildings other than single fam- <br />ily homes. <br />The application for a building per- <br />mit for a principal building shall be <br />accompanied by plans showing the ex- <br />terior elevations of the proposed build- <br />ing, adequately and accurately indicat- <br />ing thereon the height, size, bulk and <br />design of all elevations. In addition a <br />description shall be furnished of the con- <br />struction and materials proposed to be <br />used therein. A complete site plan show- <br />ing landscaping, off street parking, <br />structure locations, grades, and access <br />drives shall also be furnished. <br />Plans for such principal buildings <br />shall be submitted to the Planning Com- <br />mission for review; a report thereon <br />shall be submitted to the Village Coun- <br />cil within 30 days following receipt of <br />the plans by said Commission; the Coun- <br />cii may grant or deny the issuance of <br />a building permit within 60 days follow- <br />ing receipt of a report from the Plan- <br />ning Commission. <br />It is considered generally undesirable <br />that the following materials should be <br />used on the exterior wall surfaces of <br />such principal buildings when the build- <br />ings are visible from a public street: <br />sheet metal, whether corrugated or plain, <br />unfinished structural clay tile, com- <br />mon concrete masonry units, concrete <br />brick, or similar materials. Such mater- <br />ials, however, may be used in a proper <br />arrangement, or in combination with <br />other materials of a permanent nature <br />with good architectural design and ap- <br />peal, all in conformance with the gen- <br />eral considerations hereinbefore set <br />forth. <br />B. Exterior Storage <br />In residential districts, all materials <br />and equipment shall be stored within a <br />building or fully screened so as not to <br />be visible from adjoining properties, ex- <br />cept for the following: laundry drying <br />and recreational equipment, construction <br />and landscaping materials and equip- <br />ment currently (within period of 12 <br />months) being used on the premises, <br />agricultural equipment and materials if <br />these are used or intended for use on <br />the premises, off-street parking of pass- <br />enger automobiles and pick-up trucks. <br />Boats and unoccupied trailers, less than <br />20. feet in length, are permissible if <br />stored in the rear yard more than ten <br />feet distant from the property line, and <br />inconspicuous. Existing uses shall com- <br />ply with this provision within 12 months <br />after the effective date of this Ordi- <br />nance. <br />C. Refuse <br />In all districts, all waste materials, <br />debris, refuse, or garbage shall be kept <br />in an enclosed building or properly <br />screened and -contained in a closed con- <br />tainer designed for such purposes. The <br />owner of a vacant land shall be respons- <br />ible for keeping such land free of re- <br />fuse and weeds. Existing uses shall com- <br />ply with this provision within sixty (60) <br />days followng the effective dateofthis <br />Ordinance. <br />Passenger vehicles and trucks in an <br />inoperable state shall not be parked out- <br />doors in the Village of Arden Hills for <br />a period exceeding seven (7) days; in- <br />operable shall mean incapable of move- <br />ment under their own power and in need <br />of repairs or junk yard. All exterior <br />storage not included as a permitted ac- <br />cessory use, a permitted use, or included <br />as part of a special use permit, or other- <br />wise permitted by provisions of th+s <br />Ordinance shall be considered as refuse. <br />D. Screening <br />Screening shall be required in reai- <br />dent:al zones where (a) by virtue of <br />special use permit any off-street park. <br />ing area contains more than four park- <br />ing spaces and is within 30 feet of an <br />adjoining residential zone, and (b) <br />where the driveway to a parking area <br />of more than six parking spaces is with- <br />in 15 feet of an adjoining residential use <br />or zone. <br />Where any business or industrial use <br />(structure, parking or storage) is ad- <br />ja-ent to property zoned or devleoped for <br />residential use, that business or indus- <br />try shall provide screening along the <br />boundary of the residential property. <br />Screening shall also be provided where a <br />business, parking lot, or industry is <br />across the street from a residential zone, <br />but not on that side of a business or <br />industry considered to be the front (as <br />determined by the Building Inspector). <br />All exterior storage shall be screened. <br />The exceptions are: (1) merchandise be- <br />ing displayed for sale; (2) materials and <br />equipment being used for construction on <br />the premises; (3) merchandise located <br />on service station pump islands. <br />The screening required in this section <br />shall consist of a fence or wall at least <br />3 0 % open for passage of air and not less <br />than five feet high, but such fence or <br />wall shall not extend within 15 feet of <br />any street or driveway. The screening <br />shall be placed along property lines or, <br />in case of screening along a street, 15 <br />feet from the street right-of-way with <br />landscaping between the screening and <br />the pavement. A fence shall block direct <br />vision of the storage from the street, <br />Planting of a type approved by the Plan- <br />ning Commission may also be required <br />in addition to or in lieu of fencing. <br />E. Landscaping <br />In all districts all developed uses shall <br />provide a landscaped yard along all <br />streets. This yard shall be kept clear of <br />all structures, storage, and off-street <br />parking. Except for driveways, the yard <br />shall extend along the entire frontage <br />of the lot, and along both streets in the <br />case of a corner lot. Such yard shall <br />have a depth of at least 20 feet from <br />the street line. <br />F. Maintenance <br />In all districts, all structures, requir- <br />ed landscaping and fences shall be main- <br />tained so as not to be unsightly or pre- <br />sent harmful health or safety conditions. <br />G. Glare <br />In all districts any lighting used to <br />illuminate an off-street parking area, <br />sign, or other structure shall be so ar- <br />ranged as to deflect light away from <br />any adjoining residential zone or from <br />the public streets. Direct or sky -reflected <br />glare, where from floodlights or from <br />high temperature processes such as <br />combustion or welding, shall not be dir- <br />ected into any adjoining property. The <br />source of lights shall be hooded or con- <br />trolled in such manner so as not to light <br />adjacent property. <br />H. Signs <br />Signs shall be regulated in accord- <br />ance with Ordinance No. 76 and amend- <br />ments thereto. <br />I. Parking (Minimum Requirements) <br />Surfacing and Drainage <br />Off-street parking areas shall be im- <br />proved with a durable and dustless sur- <br />face. Such areas shall be so graded and <br />drained as to dispose of all surface water <br />accumulation within the area. These re- <br />quirements shall also apply to open sales <br />lots. Durable and dustless surface may <br />include crushed rock and similar treat- <br />ment for parking accessory to one, two, <br />three, and four -unit residential struc- <br />tures; all other uses shall utilize as- <br />phalt, concrete, or other surface (water <br />sealed) as approved by the Village En- <br />gineer or Building Inspector. <br />Location <br />All accessory off-street parking fa- <br />cilities required herein shall be located <br />as follows: <br />I. Spaces accessory to one and two- <br />family dwellings on the same lot as <br />the 'principal use served. <br />2. Spaces accessory to multiple -family <br />dwellings on the same lot as the prin- <br />cipal use served or within 200 feet <br />of the main entrance to the principal <br />building served. <br />8 Spaces accessory to uses located in a <br />Business or Industrial District: with- <br />in 800 feet of a main entrance to the <br />principal building served. <br />4. There shall be no off-street parking <br />space within five feet of any street <br />right-of-way. <br />5 No off-street open parking area con- <br />taining more than four (4) parking <br />spaces shall be locat-d closer than <br />fix-e (5) feet from an adjacent lot <br />zoned or used for residential purposes. <br />Acerss <br />All off-street parking spaces shall <br />have access off driveways and not dir- <br />ectly off the public street. Curb cuts <br />shall be limited to one per single family <br />home. Curb cuts for all other land uses <br />shall be as approved by the Village <br />Council. Curb cuts along thoroughfares <br />and expressways shall be prohibited <br />where feasible and practicable. <br />Determination Areas <br />A parking space shall be not less than <br />800 square feet per vehicle of standing <br />and maneuvering area. <br />Track Parking in Residential Areas <br />No motor vehicle over one ton capac- <br />ity bearing a commercial license and no <br />commercially licensed trailer or cab shall <br />be parked or stored in a platted resi- <br />dential district except when loading, un- <br />loading, or rendering a service. <br />Other Parking in Residential Areas <br />Parking in residential areas (off- <br />street and on -street) shall be limited to <br />the use of the residents of those homes. <br />Except for short-term parking (six hours <br />or less) and guest parking, the number <br />of vehicles parked on or in front of a <br />residential lot shall not exceed double <br />the number of persons residing on the <br />premises and having automobile driver's <br />licenses. On -street parking in residential <br />areas -shall not exceed six hours during <br />any 12 hour period. <br />Reduction of Parking Areas <br />Off-street parking spaces shall not be <br />reduced in number unless said number <br />exceeds the requirement set forth here- <br />in. _ <br />Off -Street Spaces Required (One space equals 300 square feet) <br />One and Two Family Residences One space per vehicle utilized by occupants. <br />Multiple Dwellings One and one-half space per dwelling unit. <br />Churches, Theaters, Auditoriums, One space for each three seats or for <br />Mortuaries, and other places of each five feet of new pew length. Based <br />assembly upon maximum design capacity. <br />Business and Professional Offices One space for each 400 square feet of <br />gross floor space. <br />Four spaces per doctor or dentist plus <br />one for each employee but in no event <br />shall there be a total of less than <br />five spaces. <br />One space for each 150 square feet of <br />gross retail sales floor space. <br />One space for each unit and for each <br />employee. <br />One space for each three seats. <br />Three spaces for each enclosed bay <br />and one space for each full-time <br />employee during any one work shift. <br />Five spaces per lane plus spaces as <br />required for related uses. <br />One space for every one and one-half <br />employees (based upon maximum planned <br />employment during any work period) or <br />one space for each 1,000 square feet <br />of floor area, whichever requirement <br />is the greater. <br />Parking space requirements shall be <br />determined by the Council upon advice <br />from the Planning Commission. <br />Joint Facilities <br />Required parking facilities serving two <br />or more uses may be located on the same <br />lot or in the same structure provided <br />that the total number of parking spaces <br />furnished shall be not less than the sum <br />of the separate requirements for each <br />use during any peak hour parking period <br />when the barking facility is utilized at <br />the same time by two or more uses. <br />Conditions required for joint use: <br />1. The proposed joint parking space <br />is within 400 feet of the use it will serve. <br />2. The applicant shall show that there <br />is no substantial conflict in the principal <br />operating hours of the two buildings or <br />uses for which joint use of off-street <br />parking facilities is proposed. <br />3.- A properly drawn legal instrument <br />approved by Village Council, executed <br />by the parties concerned, for joint use <br />of off-street parking facilities shall be <br />filed with the Village Clerk and with the <br />proper county office and shall contain a <br />provision that such mutual parking <br />agreement shall not be terminated with- <br />out approval of the Village Council. <br />Any change in ownership or leasing shall <br />be subject to review by the Village <br />Council. <br />J. Off -Street Loading <br />Off-street loading space shall be pro- <br />vided in connection with any structure <br />which requires the receipt or distribution <br />of materials or merchandise by trucks <br />or similar vehicles. <br />Where noise from loading or unload- <br />ing activity is audible in a residential <br />district, the activity shall terminate be- <br />tween the hours of 7:00 p, in. and 7:00 <br />a M. <br />K. Traffic Control <br />The traffic generated by any use shall <br />be channelized and controlled in a man- <br />ner that will avoid: (a) congestion on <br />the public streets, (b) traffic hazards, <br />and (c) excessive traffic through resi- <br />dential areas, particularly truck traffic. <br />Medical and Dental Clinics <br />Retail Shopping <br />Motels, Hotels, Mobile Home <br />Parks, Tourist Homes <br />Restaurants, Taverns, Bars <br />Service Stations <br />Bowling Alleys <br />Other Business and Industry <br />Uses not specifically noted above <br />including public uses <br />Internal traffic shall be so regulated as <br />to ensure its safe and orderly flow. <br />Traffic into and out of business and in- <br />dustrial areas shall in all cases be for- <br />ward moving with no backing into <br />streets. <br />On corner lots, nothing shall be placed <br />or allowed to grow in such a mariner as <br />materially to impede vision between a <br />height of two and one-half and ten feet <br />above the centerline grades of the in- <br />tersecting streets or within fifteen feet <br />of the intersecting street right-of-way <br />lines. This restriction shall also apply to <br />Yard grades that result in elevations <br />that impede vision within fifteen feet <br />of any intersecting street right-of-way <br />lines. <br />L. Drainage <br />No land shall be developed and no use <br />shall be permitted that results in water <br />run-off causing flooding, or erosion on <br />adjacent properties. Such run-off shall be <br />properly channeled into a storm drain, <br />water course, ponding area, or other <br />public facility. <br />M. Radiation and Electrical Emmissions <br />No activities shall be permitted that <br />emit dangerous radioactivity beyond en- <br />closed areas. There shall be no electrical <br />disturbance (except from domestic house- <br />hold appliances) adversely affecting the <br />operation at any point of any equipment <br />other than that of the creator of such <br />disturbances. <br />N. Other Nuisance Characteristics <br />No noise, odors, vibration, smoke, air <br />pollution, liquid or solid wastes, heat, <br />glare, dust, or other such adverse influ- <br />ences shall be permitted in any district <br />that will in any way have an unreason- <br />ably objectionable effect upon adjacent <br />or nearby property. All wastes in all <br />districts shall be disposed of in a man- <br />ner that is not dangerous to public <br />health and safety and will not damage <br />public waste transmission or disposal <br />facilities. The standards set forth below <br />and in the documents to which reference <br />is made are intended to guide develop- <br />ers and residents im the Village, and de- <br />velopers or applicants for building per- <br />mits on commercial or industrial prop- <br />erty will be expected to satisfy the Vill- <br />age Council and the Planning Commis- <br />sion that these standards will not be vi- <br />olated. <br />Noise: (This table is intended to set forth the maximum noise that will be per- <br />mitted in the districts described). <br />Period Within <br />Which Existing <br />Uses Must Comply <br />37.5 to 75 <br />75 to 150 <br />150 to 300 <br />300 to 600 <br />600 to 1200 <br />1200 to 2400 <br />2400 to 4800 <br />Over 4800 <br />Odors: <br />Table III (Odor Thresholds) in Chap- <br />ter 5, "Air Pollution Manual" copyright <br />1951 by Manufacturing Chemists Asso- <br />ciation, Incorporated, Washington, Dis- <br />trict of Columbia. <br />Vibration: <br />The following vibrations are prohib- <br />ited in the Village of Arden Hills and <br />are considered to be a public nuisance, <br />Sound Level in Decibels <br />Measured at property line <br />Residential Non -Residential <br />Districts Districts <br />58 73 <br />54 69 <br />50 65 <br />46 61 <br />40 55 <br />38 48 <br />•26 41 <br />20 85 <br />5 yearn <br />5 years <br />