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<br />STATE OF :\IIN:\'"EgOTA <br />COL'KTY OF HJl31:-;EY <br />VILLALE OF ,\ R.DZK H~LI$ <br />NOTICE OT-' prELIL' .iEARli\G <br />0:-0 REzu::-nNG <br />TO WHOM IT 1'.'1:.\ Y I~OXCE"RN; <br />-:-iOTlCE IS HE'In:BY GlVE.i.'I thllt <br />(On Monrlay, SE'pt~mhP_l' HI:, lD62 ut <br />fI :011 P .;o.r, a~ the Ard""n Hill!! Villa!.>", <br />HBIl. 1450 WC'~j, Highwa~' ~6, St. Puul <br />J2, Mlnm,'iotfl, the Vi(ID.Jl;(! Coull<.:!l f}f <br />Arden Hilhl will m(>l't to con~id"I' it.." <br />own motion fOl' rCZQninl_~ fr':Jm fl-l <br />Re~iclcnt-bl to Li,~bl lurluBr.rinl th~ <br />fo1]owinrr dC~c'riberl prol1er1:~'. to-wit: <br />.~ '1'111" b:l1t't on('-half Ib:J.~1 of Ih(; <br />Southcac.t, Quu.rl<,r !SE1,i) of Sec_ <br />11{)~ 'fw<'nty_Two 122), Tnwn~blJl <br />Tnll't.v 1:\0). Rlln::;e Twent.. 'T'lucp <br />423).' cxccpt tbat part he!'et()Io]'~ <br />f'"nv('vcr! Co tilt' St. CI'oi:; Falla <br />I :i\Iinnoc:-ola Improvement Company <br />nnel ^,xcept or lIulJ,icet to road" un:l <br />ril;ht of "ru.vH ,lc;i(.':nntcd as CL\Un_ <br />t.~. Rr!Rtl F. Lexington AvellTle on.! <br />, Hignwn:; Ii!. and ('x{'('Tlt. a Ill]UllfC <br />ten (11)1 ilCl'l' tr~rt In the> 80111h_ <br />f'1!~l e:Ol'nr]' Lhet.('o'f beins:- ~b: <br />}]um11'erl ~ixty {li601 fcrot by Si.K <br />}l11nar('u Sixty (il61)) feet hnving <br />f)'lual frontng-e on COllnty Ronfl <br />Ii' and Le~;iTln:tnn i\venue. <br />Anyo,'le lntcrC'StJ!d in this pr'Jl'(j~cd <br />r('~onjn~ will be: hca!'d at the ahove <br />timl! and pInce. <br />Dntrd Augl.l>>t 27, 1%~ <br />J,Ilrt"aloe E. SLromQlIbt, <br />CIeri..: of the ViUag", of <br />Arden Hills <br /> <br />~ .u ~it=sofa <br />County of Rams.,. <br /> <br />~S& <br /> <br />N <br /> <br />Tht3nnnY"P T.; 11; A <br /> <br />betDa d.a1y sworD.. on oath sap I <br /> <br />that he Is, and durblg aD the tlmos herein stated has '- <br /> <br />th.. ___________publlaher of the newspapar known as New Brlgbton Bulletin. <br />and baa fall knowledge of the tufa here1naft;er stated, tbaf: for more than one year vrlor to the publica- <br />tion therein of''''' Notice of Hearing on Rezoning <br /> <br />ltera1naftar desaribed. <br />[said newspaper was printed and published In the vmage of New Brighton. In the Oounty of R.amsey, <br />State of Minnesota. on Thursday of each weeki_that duidn~ all aald time asld newspaper has been print-- <br />Ed In the English language from Its kl1o-wn omce of pub1fcat1on wIthtn the V1lIage from which It pur- <br />>>oris to be Issued as above stated and In newupa:per format and In column and sheet form equivalent <br />in space to at least 4150 rtl1U'dng Inches of single eo1umn. two Inehea wide; haS been lasued once <br />each week from a kl1o-wn office establlahed in aa1d plaea of publicatlon and emploJing skDled workmen <br />and equfpped with the neaessary mate.rla1 for preparing and printing the same. and the presswork on that <br />part of the newspaper devoted to IoeaJ 1leWB of interest to the COJI]lD1IDity whfoh it purports to serve bas <br />been done in Ita known office of pnlt1f............ ; that during aU said time In ita makeup not less than twenty- <br />:five per cent of its newa eo111D1DS have been devoted to loea1 news of Interest to the comnnm1ty It pnr- <br />porI;s to serve: that daring aU safd tfme It baa not whoUy dupUcated any other pubIlcatlo~ and has nm <br />been ent!rely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been cIreu1ated in and nea1' Ita <br />asld place of pubUeatlon to the exteDt of at least two hundred and fOl'ty (240) copies reKl;1larly delivered <br />to paying aubscnibera and has entry as sceond class matter in Its local post office; and that B COPJ' of each <br />Isaue bas boon filed with the State lIlstorfeal Soeiety. Sf;. Paul; and that there has been on fJ1e in the <br />offlee of the County Auditor of Ramsey County. Minnesota,. the affIdavit of a parson having knowledge <br />of the ~ showfng the name and 1ocatton of aaJd newspaper and the exJatence of tlt.e condJtloIlB <br />r~ ita qttATtf1_tt...ns as a legal newBPaPGr. <br />I Thet tI>- 1\Totil'A Of' He..r~ horelo attached _ cut from tho <br />eoI1mIDS of said newspaper. and was printed thareJn tn the EngI1sh lar1guage, once each <br />week. for_--1-_CQ.n.eJ______.....sueeeasIve weeks; that It was firat so publlabed on 'l'hursdn.y <br />;,. 30th day oL Aug:ust 1.62; and _ 00 Thursday <br />01 each week to and InclttdJns tb... A~ ~ 1Q ; and <br />that the fo1Iowins: fa a printed copy of the 1awer case alPhabet from A to Z, both Inc1ttsIve. and Is hereby <br /> <br />::= .._::._ and kind of ~:~ln the _......~lIon _ ............ of said _ce. <br />~ltl~..2._ <br />/"~ /t~u./? .... e-C <br /> <br />Sal:lsmbed and 6W01'2l to bef01'El me <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />,. 6 L-. <br /> <br />NC>ta>7 <br /> <br />_. l\UoD. <br />~ VERNGN 3. PTA""" 19.-- <br />. .NDlary Pub"c. Ramsey County, Mlnn <br />My,commlsslon Explrea Sept. 10, 191>1> <br /> <br />My -'-'.nn <br />