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<br />, <br /> <br />Face 4 <br />Minutes of Recular Couno11 Meeting <br />September 10 II 19t.i2 <br />, <br /> <br />p81'll11t had been lssued for the construotion of the bowlinE lanes/) <br />eto. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Trustee Kenned7 requested Clay KelleYII Bu1lding Inspeotor II he <br />present at the DElxt Gound). meetlng. <br /> <br />Sewal!e l'robletr1B <br />1300 I~er80D Road <br />Lett8l' rt:am Dt'. J!:l1w. Vlalsh. Vlllar,e Health 01'1'1csr. dated August 19 <br />1962i stated that the facilitles at the' above addrsss wer@ lnadequateg <br />resu tlngln vary unsanitary oondltions. <br /> <br />'J!h1s is rental property ond occupied the entire year9 Sald prl)pel't1 <br />owned by Mrs. Lee Hausers 1199 Ashland Avenueg st. PBt:.lg Minn. <br /> <br />])zoo Walsh IlIAde the 1'0:10'61D8 l'eoomnendatlonu <br />1. That 1mmed1ate sewer .hOokUp be demanded wlth the installa tl0D <br />of an 1nside toileto <br /> <br />2. Tbat the base of the outhouse be substantially co versd with <br />dirt until tne sewer ls usable. <br /> <br />3. !lb8t the p1les or 11tter and debrlli1 be 1uauediate11 cleanllld up. , <br /> <br />40 'rhat the carden adjaoent to the outhouse' should be duS ilJl<' <br />oovered so thnt'ita pl'odl.!Qts w1J,l not be used tor l:l.urilan or <br />an1mal oonsumptioDo <br /> <br />'frustee Crepeau moved aPPi.'oval of the reoommendations of Dr.. Walsh <br />and requested the Clerk to so lotorm the owner tbat aotion be taken <br />wi th1n $0 daJ811 seoonded 1.1"1 Trustee 01lnen "" motiOD oarried" <br /> <br />Blue, Birl! Cate .'" 4'1110 H1dhwal fiB .' ' <br />Lette" from Dr. Walsh. tea Sept.. '1. 19u2. oonoerning, sewage <br />p1"Oblem at the above .cafe owned by Jialph Dnd Kathleen K.l.ef'f'el'1I <br />sallie address. and operated b1 E1.eaDOr Le'.l!o\U'D~au. statedil\1at <br />there WaS evidence "9t oesspool 'failun and spillace' on the 1'lQor <br />of the l'estcllu,'ant and other areaS.. ))).'. '..",lsh recOIWUsnded that the <br />cesspool be pumped immediately and d~e to the fact that SElwsr <br />sel"-vlce is noii ava1lab:Le to this area and the lnadequao1pf the <br />present 87Stem~ ~ Dew cesspool be lnsta~lsdo <br /> <br />Ti'ustee Cr~peaur~~estGd tne Olerk to so inform the OWDers to <br />oorreot the s1tuation.or thelr license will Qot be renewed.. <br /> <br />3330 Lake Job.anDa Blvd.. <br />~rUS1l8e u;&mefl repl)1"tietl that raW sewage 8JClsts from the home of <br />Walte%' J~ at the above address.. Referred to Dr.. Walsh" <br /> <br />~oalth'Offioe1' Rea~i~tmeDt . <br />Letter f1'CIIU JJ1'.. Wia . ClIlteCl ::sept. '1 II 191.12. requested tba 10 he did <br />not wish reappointment ~t.the ezp~atilon of his term and recoIDma~ded <br />that Dt'. John Fal'l;as 'ae aontaated, Dr. ',;alsh thanked the 00UJ1011 <br />~o~ lts' oOOpGration dU1'ing his term aDd stated that he believed <br />the pOBit1o~ should be rotated smopstbe dootors in the village and <br />be wou1d be wll11n~ to serve aCa5,n 5,nthtl fut1U1e.. <br /> <br />COlIIIlle~o1aJ. Sewer Rate Deterw.natloDS <br />o;Le~i: LOJ.l'a1D8 t>>troJllQ,UB1i l'e!ol'1isQ tnElt. determ1natlons hve beeD <br />_de tOI' ccm.raesoo~l obal'ges as followiu <br />Jr!toe. .reaD Clal'k. Z4B2l Glenal'den BoBd = offlce 1D homa = aDnual <br />ate 014.76. . . <br />87-88881"4 OOD8il1"uofl1oD eo.. l2Da CODDo1l1 Ave.. = Contraotor'S shop <br />an~ 01"f1ce,.8naual nile to be' €l8'1024.. . <br />'.\!ruatee . iteDQedJ' molOd ,he :rated be approved. seoonded by ~~stee <br />01men - mo1l1oD. -081'1"184. . . . . . - <br /> <br />Uee1l1n[; adJovae4 a\10160 .P.r4o <br /> <br /> <br />1'0 <br /> <br />~.~ <br />e i 1.o.yg!lie. 0 . <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />.... <br /> <br />.... <br />