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<br /> Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Cormeil Meeting, 2-10-92 <br /> Page 6 <br /> TILLER (Cont'd) Circle suggested Tiller may not have received routine . <br /> maintainence; asked if the city was negligent in <br /> maintaining the street, would the Council consider amending the assessment policy <br /> to a 60/40 split. <br /> Acting Mayor Malone explained the percentage is established in the assessment <br /> policy and would not be amended. He advised the road is approxiInately 38 years <br /> old and norrral life span of a street is 20 years. <br /> Public Works SUperintendent Winkel advised the road has been sealcoated over the <br /> years. <br /> Bob Emery, 1138 Tiller Lane, explained he has lived on this street since 1954 and <br /> he favored a decent roadway. He questioned what the cost per front foot is for <br /> =b and gutter installation. Emery =rrnented the other end of the street may <br /> request bituminous surface. <br /> 'Ihe Engineer stated it is approxllnately $5.00 per front foot. <br /> Ray York, 1151 Tiller Lane, stated his preference would be for a professional job <br /> of street reconstruction for future residents. He explained the street has been <br /> patched on several occasions and indicated it should be "done right". <br /> Wayne Vaughn, 1326 Tiller Lane, stated the residents may not have a problem with <br /> the reconstruction if they had not seen hew good Carlton Drive looks with only <br /> bitmninous overlay; agreed the upper portion of Tiller Lane may need <br /> reconstruction, rot not the the lewer portion of the street. . <br /> Acting Mayor Malone asked for further =rrnents from the floor and hearing no <br /> response, closed the public hearing at 8:30 p.m. <br /> Engineer Maurer attempted to answer all citizen questions: <br /> - 'Ihe installation of concrete =b and gutters was discussed in conjunction <br /> with the adoption of the assessment manual. Council detennined the standard <br /> for a typical City street should include curb and gutter, whether it is new <br /> street construction or reconstruction of an existing street. He advised the <br /> rationale for such installation was that curb and gutter is an important part <br /> of the drainage system and protects the edge of the roadway. <br /> Maurer advised the soils belew the existing roadway on Tiller Lane absorb <br /> moisture and holds it; lack of curb and gutter provides more opportunity for <br /> erosion of the roadway edge. <br /> - 'Ihere are no "shortcuts" for street reconstruction. Deterioration of the <br /> street accelerates if the street is not property constructed. <br /> - 'Ihe soil engineer advised that 18 inches of co=ective material should <br /> be sufficient to support existing traffic on Tiller Lane. A porous material <br /> will be placed over the existing soil. 'Ihe material will allow pass water, <br /> remain dry and provide necessary support f= the roadway. <br /> - 'Ihere was no significant difference in the subsurface material along the . <br /> length of Tiller Lane. 'Ihe soils report does not address the existing roadway <br /> conditions; those were identified during the Pavement Management review <br /> program. <br />