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<br /> Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting, 2-10-92 <br /> Page 7 <br /> TILLER (Contld) - Core samples were not taken on Carlton Drive; the <br /> . success of an overlay is dependent upon the =ndition <br /> of the existing roadway surface. Ramsey County studies <br /> indicate the life span of an overlay is 8 years. <br /> Maurer explained that Tiller Lane is in extremely px>r =ndition arrl the existing <br /> surface will not support bituminous overlay. <br /> - The cost differential between con=ete versus blacktop curbing is approxiInately <br /> $1.00 per front foot; =n=ete is $5.00, arrl blacktop is $4.00. <br /> - The city Forester or the University of Minnesota woudl be =ntacted regarding <br /> precautions arrl protection of the Oak trees, prior to begirming the project. <br /> Specifications will be included in the =ntract arrl the homeowner will be <br /> contacted with information regarding the trees. <br /> Acting Mayor Malone questioned if any portion of Tiller Lane is in reasonable <br /> =ndition to support bituminous overlay. <br /> Engineer Maurer stated the western portion of the street nay support overlay, <br /> however, since overlay is a "short-tenn" solution, it would not be the most cost <br /> effective method of improvement. <br /> council1nember Hicks questioned the difference in rating the east arrl west <br /> portions of Tiller Lane. <br /> . Maurer explained he does not have the rating information at this time. He <br /> indicated an overlay is not feasible on the east portion of the street and the <br /> cost effectiveness is questionable on the west portion Tiller Lane. <br /> There was discussion relating to assessments of the corner lots. Engineer Maurer <br /> explained the how the footage is calculated. <br /> There was discussion relating to the method utilized by Ramsey County in <br /> reviewing market values based on street ,i1l1provements. Attorney Filla outlined <br /> possibly procedures for reevaluation of property values. <br /> CoWlCil discussed possible methods of financing the in=eased costs for the <br /> project, due to the additional costs for soil ==ections. <br /> CoWlCil1nember Mahowald arrived at 8:50 p.m. <br /> COWlCil1nember Hicks asked the Engineer to provide an opinion on the feasibility <br /> of reconstructing the street without =ncrete curb arrl gutter. <br /> Engineer Maurer discussed the cost differential for con=ete curb arrl gutter arrl <br /> strongly en=uraged the installation, based on in=eased protection of the street <br /> surface, extending the life span of the roadway arrl assisting with drainage. <br /> It was suggested by members of the audience that Council consider obtaining a <br /> second opinion on the street design, reconstruction of only the east portion of <br /> . the street arrl bituminous overlay on the west portion, arrl bidding the project <br /> with optional con=ete curb arrl gutter. <br /> Hicks moved, seconded by Growe, to adopt Resolution No. <br /> 92-10, ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENr IN THE MA'ITER OF THE 1992 TILLER Il\NE STREEI' <br /> RECONSIRUCI'ION IMPROVEMENTS. Motion carried unanimously. (4-0) <br />