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<br /> Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting, 2-10-92 <br /> Page 9 <br /> CASE #92-01 (Oontld) Hicks moved, seconded by Malone, to approve Case #92-01, <br /> . based on the fact that the tank complies to Uniform <br /> Building Code requirements, it will be inspected annually by the insurance <br /> company and the applicant will provide a copy of the Certificate of Inspection to <br /> the City, and conditioned upon the staff review and approval of a lighting plan, <br /> if deemed necessary by the applicant. Motion carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> PUBLIC CXM1ENTS Dick Foster stated he wished to discuss the Keitbson <br /> Pond issue. <br /> Acting Mayor Mahowald suggested discussion be held until that portion of the <br /> agenda where the item is listed. <br /> Jack Tumy, 1755 County Road F West, expressed his displeasure at the type of <br /> houses which were recently constructed across from his property; stated his <br /> property values will decrease. <br /> CASE #92-02; Council was referred to the Planner's report and <br /> FINAL PIAT, Planning Connnission minutes dated 2-5-92, relative to <br /> HAZEINUI' PK. #2 the application for Final Plat approval of Hazelnut Park <br /> ADDN, O'MEI\RA #2 addition, North Katie Lane, Barry O'Meara. <br /> Planner Bergly advised the preliminary plat was approved in 1983; some revisions <br /> were recormnended and the applicant suJ::mitted a revised final plat for the first <br /> phase of the development within three ronths, as required by the application <br /> guidelines in the Zoning Code, which was also approved. <br /> . Bergly indicated the developer is interested in completing the second phase of <br /> the Hazelnut Park development and has suhnitted a final plat which includes those <br /> recommendations attached to the preliminary plat approval in 1983. <br /> The Planner stated the preliminary plat approval included a 30 foot front yard <br /> setback variance for the entire suh:livision and indicated there may be some <br /> variances required on some lots on Katie Court. <br /> Bergly advised the staff has researched the park dedication for this development <br /> and found d=umentation which confirms the park dedication requirements were <br /> fulfilled. <br /> The Planner reviewed the variances required as part of the final plat approval <br /> for phase two of this development. He also discussed the possibility of extending <br /> the cul-de-sac street and el:i1ninating the need for the variances as outlined. <br /> Bergly explained the developer preferred roving the building areas further from <br /> Cleveland Avenue, for these lots, and providing deeper rear yards. He stated the <br /> Planning Cormnission agreed that the variances were appropriate. <br /> Planner Bergly explained the Fire Chief suggested a hammerhead turnaround at the <br /> end of Katie Lane, to allow sufficient area to maneuver emergency vehicles. <br /> Bergly stated the Park Director indicated it would be preferable for the <br /> developer to dedicate the trail access easement to the city. <br /> . Acting Mayor Mahowald questioned if the variances required are based on the shape <br /> of the lots, rather than lot area. <br />